
Do you write exceptionally fine content? Do our selections here suggest you write on topics that would interest us? Do you write original and quality posts? (No plagiarism. No "minimal effort" posts. Are they a decent length, well-illustrated and well-formatted?) If you feel you can assure us of an enjoyable experience if we investigate your blog, then by all means ... ask us to visit. (Sometimes I think if I have to look at one more sh*tpost I am going to hang myself!!)

We have thought about setting up a Discord server where people can make this request ... but we've seen some of the crap we're apt to have to wade through and that keeps us ... from acting on the idea. If, in fact, we like your content there are other things we can suggest and help with that would definitely support your work and boost your progress on Steemit. We are always ready to look closely at undervalued writers / artists and help them rise faster. Just don't waste our time and don't piss us off.

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