Do you want to increase the chance of a whale voting your post? Try to not selfvote nor use bidbots in the first 30 minutes!

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

I know, I know, that first half hour is key if you want your post to get into the hot section but let´s analyse the pros and cons of this issue together.

Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Steemian, I´m sure you´ve heard of Curation rewards but do you know how they really work?


A lot of people like @abh12345 all over his blog or @themarkymark here have done curation analysis way better than what I could do regarding numbers, so I´m not going to focus in the analysis of curation, I am just going to tell how to increase the chance of getting voted by knowing how curation works.

Ok ok but I have to dig a bit into how Curation Rewards work, right? I´m going to put it as simple as I can and without numbers so every newbie understands:

When you post, there is a 15 minute window where every upvote given to your post, goes directly to you. Then between the 15-30 minute window, every vote you get will be shared between the person who voted you (a small percentage) and yourself (a very big percentage). When the post reaches the 30 minute mark, every vote you get will be shared with the person who votes you ( a slightly bigger percentage of what it was in the 15-30 minute window) and your post. But this number depends on how many previous votes and money your post already has...

This means, if a whale sees your post when it has already been 35 minutes after you posted, and it has 30 cents and 3 votes and it is a good post, made with effort and quality chances are this big user will vote on it.


If you upvote your post in the first minute and then use several bidbots to get that same post to, let´s say a number, 6 dollars and 20 votes, even if the whale thinks the post deserves a big vote, the curation rewards will be lower than in the first scenario, so chances are this full of Steem user might not vote on it or if it does, it probably won´t be with the same percentage.

I am not saying you shouldn´t vote on your posts... by all means, do it! If you like using bidbots to boost some of your posts, be my guest! This is just a friendly advice from someone who takes curation rewards as something important for the platform.

I am still voting for the posts I like or think they have amazing quality regardless of the pending payout, and writing about this subject might bring replies like I only care about getting curation rewards but no, my friend, if you look closely to my voting behaviour for the past 4 days (using steemd or steemdb), you´ll see I vote on posts even if they have 20 cents or 8 dollars of pending rewards. I´m just telling you this because now that I am on the "voting" side, I understand how much of a difference (Curation reward wise) it can be voting an already big post, or voting for an underrated post.

I´m bringing this topic to the table just for one reason, probably, probably the strategy of voting on your post in the first minute and the use of bidbots in first minutes of your posts is working against your success instead of in favor of getting those precious rewards we all want.

I would like to read your thoughts about this, perhaps I am seeing this issue from a perspective not so accurate or you have another angle I should consider.

Oh by the way! I do selfvote, but I do it hours after I post, that way you can get some rewards out of your vote ^^


There's strategies to upvoting? XD

I probably should care about curation rewards but I thoroughly don't, I'm just a 1-3c spatter cannon ;D


Hey!I just went to your profile to see what was new and see what i could vote but there is nothing new :( perhaps you want to join the contest I started and have an excuse to post :P Voted this comment as there was nothing in your blog.
Yeah its crazy hug? Strategies everywhere about everything!

This time of year gets crazy! So my blogs and my AER project tend to get sorely neglected :< I've just done a homeschooling post though, have recently made accounts for my kids so whatever sbd I get from it will be split between them :)

The end of year stuff is over now, just have some Christmas presents to finish making (which will hopefully be done today or tomorrow because I need to order them and then post one of them on after checking to make sure it's okay!) so hopefully I'll have a bit more time to work on things that I want to post about :)


I use steemit to assign school work for my son, it is 10% of his English Grade. I give him the freedom to post what he wants to post about. He recently cashed out for the first time and got something he has been wanting for a while but Mom wouldn't buy it because of the cost.

I don't do grades. They are kind of motivated by the wallet for similar reasons though :) Only problem is once they get on the computer to write a post Youtube and games are much more enticing and interesting, sigh :)


Money hasn't never motivated my son, well at least till recently. I think him seeing a good amount has changed his view, but I knew it would be a good way to him to save and I knew the only way he would post regularly is if I made it apart of his grade. I told him it was 10% but I am only grading on participation if he makes a post daily he gets the points. We didn't do grades till High School. We started doing grades for transcripts purposes. He might need transcripts for a job or if he decides to go the traditional University route to further his education.

This is good advice. I should un check the upvote box when I post and just upvote myself later ;)
I haven't thought to try this.

Thanks for the tips brother man!!

Hey brotha! I mean, It is not a general rule or something, I just found out that Curation rewards are heavily affected by the first votes, so it is just trying to get more help while not autovoting very soon! Hahaha

Thanks Nomad Soul-- I appreciate the advice! I am still learning and so I appreciate it. It's hard to know how this works and why it works when we're starting out, so a lot of "mistakes" can be made early on if we are just emulating what other's do without understanding why. 100% upvote, followed and resteemed.

We were all new mate, I don´t do this kind of posts a lot because there is a lot of better Steemians doing better posts, but I thought a very simple and without numbers explanation would be useful for the newcomer :) Thanks for the upvote and resteem, I´ll make sure to go through your profile soon.

Much appreciated! TY!

Thank you for the information. I did not know.

I will try how it works on my next posts.

Have a great day,

Thank you for sharing great post with us also specially thank you for your kind vote which you give me thank you have good day,

Don´t thank me man, I´m happy to vote on amazing content like yours! I started a contest in case you want to participate, it is my last post.

Wow i'll be damned, i nevr knew how these process work i use to think buying of votes are very essential in the first minutes, well it seems you pay more on every pay out, im glad for these mindblowing information, very useful post.

Well it is kind of tricky to find out especially if you don´t read the long as bible white paper and also I don´t even know if it is updated... so I thought about making this post! In case you want to participate in a contest, I just started one, it is my last post my friend.

Oy yeah i will check it out now

Thanks so much on this, omg I had kinda upvoted my own on a new post I just posted and then I saw this and went back and un upvoted if that makes sense hahaha.

It is so easy to not know this if you don´t read it in a post! We are all learning step by step :) Hahahaha it makes sense lol... If you want to participate in a contest, I just started one about the year that´s ending, it is my last post!

Good to know! Thanks :)

Thank you for teaching me this Eric, I started voting on myself with buildawhale because I would only get forty cents in hours on my posts so I did it like last week and been doing it everytime but I think I'll quit I think it looks desperate, I do like to use bots for other people tho, thank you for explaining about the curating and what time to self vote cheers my brother!! Its snowing hard here I'm watching it from my recliner lol

Hola Eric , Gusto de saludarte! soy nueva en Steemit y estoy haciendo nuevos amigos y veo que ya tu tienes experiencia, me gustaría que vieras mi ultimo post en mi perfil, tiene un enlace para unirse a un grupo de Whatsapp donde puedes compartir tus publicaciones mis amig@s y yo te vamos a votar, asi puedes mejorar tus resultados con votos orgánicos y puedes conocer mas personas, por cierto muy buen post! no sabia nada de eso!

Hola tocaya, te recomiendo que revises la publicación de @lince en la que se habla de spam, esto que estas haciendo, dejando el mismo comentario una y otra vez en el perfil de todo mundo, no es bien visto, es molesto y genera spam innecesario. Te recomiendo que mejor dejes comentarios de calidad y personalizados, de esa manera ganaras muchos más seguidores y además, más votos.

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