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RE: Is Crypto Culture the Counterculture of OUR Generation?

in #culture6 years ago

"...Hippies might not understand the technology...we’re going to need their support when the time comes."

That seems impossible. For their pensions to survive they need us to buy into the bottom of their ponzi scheme. Crypto threatens the entire double entry book keeping system, the last thing these boomers are going to do is help take down their security. Muh pension!

If this happens, it will likely be without the support of everyone older than me.


This is a good point. I guess it will come down to whether the older generation are still in touch with their anti-establishment ideals or whether they became mainstream boomers. I don't think it is really the cryptos that are going to take down their pensions, those pension funds could always invest in cryptos and keep pace. It's the social security spending and unsustainable government debt that is the bigger risk to them.

I just cut the volume of a normal blog entry and should prolly post it on my own page instead.

I'll leave the punch line though: It so much safer to vote for no change than real change.

Great post. I think your writing style is super accessible.

Thanks. I really appreciate your support and encouragement :)

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