Dating East Asian Beauties: The Price Of Yellow Fever 约会东亚美女

in #culture6 years ago (edited)

Often known as "Yellow Fever" (黄热病) to typical Westerners, the allure of the typical Oriental woman seems as addictive as any potent drugs. Not surprisingly though there is a price to pay for every relationship and there is no such thing as a free ride.



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Talk to most males expats in Asia and you will find many a man who have been burnt by Yellow Fever, recover and then come back for more. The obvious attraction of Oriental women are their attributes; slim-petite build, demure, slim and know how to make a man feel like a king.


However, most foreign men do not read these ladies correctly, due to cultural differences. Though every person does have their own unique character, let us examine some commonalities of East Asian women:

  1. They are generally friendly and receptive to foreign men especially because it is a novelty to find a man who thinks and acts differently from the billion other East Asian men. Being friendly though is not equal to an automatic commitment.
    A man may be lucky enough to score a number, kiss, or one night stand but that is far from a done deal if one is considering a committed relationship.

  2. The are generally more family oriented than women of many other cultures.
    e.g. In Western nations, leaving the family as quickly as possible is seen as a common fact. In East Asian, it is more common for women to stay on with their families, often until they are married.
    Whether or not a man gets a committed relationship / marriage with an East Asian women can often mean getting the approval from her family.

  3. The society will constantly remind them of their biological clock that is constantly ticking.
    It is not uncommon for friends and even casual acquaintances to ask her if she's married and how many children she has.
    In China, women who are not married well into their 30s are known as "left over women".
    Because of such societal pressures, it is not uncommon for an East Asian women to think of marriage potential very early on in a relationship.

  4. Thanks to globalization, the Asian culture is rapidly changing but yet East Asian culture has a strong grip.
    It is not uncommon for immigrants from East Asia to live in the West for years yet hold to their culture for decades if not generations.
    So even if your American born Japanese girl speaks perfect English with a local accent, she might well be very Japanese at heart.

  5. When it comes to long term decisions, they are quite pragmatic and less dreamy.
    A East Asian women will think of matters such as financial and geographical practicalities of having a family with any man she considers for long term commitment and will constantly measure you up to her ideals.
    This is not to say that they are all as materialistic as in the above music video. However, this is not uncommon either.
    Men just have to work harder in Asia to figure out which is which.


  1. 她们通常友好和善于接纳外国男性,特别是当她新奇的发现他的想法和行为异于其他十亿东亚男性。友好并不等于一种自动的承诺。一个男人可能足够幸运,能得到一个电话号码,香吻,或一夜情,但如果她正在考虑给这段关系加个承诺的话,那还离得远咧。

  2. 与许多其他文化背景的妇女相比,东亚妇女更倾向于家庭。

  3. 社会不断提醒她们,她们的生物钟在不停地滴答作响。朋友甚至是普通的熟人都会问她是否结婚了,有多少个孩子。在中国,30多岁还没有结婚的女性被称为“剩女”。由于这种社会压力,很多东亚妇女很早就开始相亲。

  4. 由于全球化,亚洲文化正在迅速变化,但东亚文化有着强烈的控制力。

  5. 当要做一个长期的决定时,她们是相当务实接地气的。一位东亚女性会考虑,譬如经济上和地理上的实用性,并且会不断地衡量你是否符合她的理想。并不是说她们如上述视频里所说都很物质。然而,这种情况也并不少见。在亚洲,男人们需更加努力地工作,才能弄清楚哪个是哪个。

In short, when dating in East Asia, what you see is certainly not what you get. As if understanding women itself is not challenging enough for men. Perhaps the largest price of dating Oriental women is the time and effort of learning and adapting to this foreign dating culture.

Bon courage! (Good luck!)




It just takes times to get to know each another. Of course, being rich always have the advantage.

Absolutely true though most won't openly admit to financial incentives part. ;)

Nice to know the view coming from the men's side. Hahaha everybody have their own companion preferences. So this is a very subjective matter. But i enjoyed reading it. I'm looking forward for more post from you 🙂

Thanks. Indeed everybody has their own preferences.

Great breakdown on the common traits of East Asian women when it comes to socializing! These points are doubly important if a western man fancies himself an Asian fling.

Any tips for Asian men looking to date a western lady? hahaha

Very generally Western women place much more importance on confidence than Asian women and less importance on other factors such as ability to provide. They take a more short term approach. There are many more nuances as well of course.
All in all, if you are looking to date one, just get out there and speak to them. All the tips in the world without any first hand experience is not of much use.

The best response!! nothing beats real hands on experience.

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Not to generalize too much, because I think Malaysian women and culture are slowly becoming more relaxed and less like a death grip, but wow did your points hit home! The typical "have to get married before a certain age or it's all over" and the fact that the men they date have to be a rockstar when it comes to providing for her and potential future family is real. I thank god that my wife doesn't put that kind of expectation and pressure on me.

As a man who has dated many women from all over the globe, is it easy for you to adjust to their type and culture?

Malaysia is interesting in that it has a very heterogeneous society and a lot more difficult to generalize. In the major cities/towns however, many women tend to be more and more Americanized, not actually Westernized (since there are many other Western cultures). This Anglo-Saxon cultural-creep means that there is a mix, and often conflict of cultures. For example, traditional Malaysian cultures dictate that there should be no sex before marriage. In reality though, random sex hook-ups, infidelity, and generally any kind of per-marital sex is the norm these days.
This is highly likely due to the growth of American media influence and cheap/free related digital services/apps like Tinder. The end result is that it is considerably easier to find sex than it is to find a committed companionship. This is not just a Malaysian phenomenon but quite common across East Asia.

The difference between what you find in East Asia and the US though is that most do not talk openly and honestly about it in Asia. All activities are kept behind closed doors and away from the knowledge of family.

Adjusting to any culture is relatively easy once you have understood the rules of the game. Generally going through a book on the culture, learning a bit of the language and communicating with the people gives one a big advantage. Note though that when it comes to relationships, you cannot simply trust everything that is said with absolute certainty. Often what is said and what is done are 2 very different things, especially in societies which value "saving face" more than brutal honesty.

Haha, thanks for this post! Reading "dating" I thought it was some eye candy or otherwise superficial, so I clicked (:P).

Very pleasantly surprised to find it is instead a very well written, enjoyable, and informative entry :D (I speak only for the English version)

I seldom think of these nuances, with the lenses different cultural perspectives, and this is a post I'd like to return to review/compare etc.

Thanks :)

Oh yes, the cutesy music video. Here's the story. Someone actually sent it to me as a joke to help me with learning Chinese while I was there. Was cute with nice ladies and so I shared it with my Chinese friends. The lads nodded about it truth while the ladies appeared somewhat bothered. In a softer voice though they reluctantly admitted that there was much truth to it. :D

Many thanks. I would be interested to know how you review/compare it.

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