Cultural divergence in fast food acquisition: Or damn, its hard to get a burger in Tokyo!

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

While interning at a Japanese law firm during a very chilly winter in Tokyo I dashed out to meet a colleague for lunch at Macca’s (Australian for McDonald’s) but before setting off I undertook my standard pre lunch prep (so I may be a little OCD).

I considered local cultural norms, specifically the vigorous marketing of the 30 minute lunch break. While only really enforced on the Japanese staff, non complying expats did get a very disapproving but knowing look, that made it clear only Japanese staff could really be expected to do lunch in 30 minutes. This may be true, but damn it by the end of my internship I was gonna give it a go.



Then I considered the environmental conditions, the forecast noted the possibility of sleet and snow. OMG I’m a Queenslander I can’t function in temperatures below 20C! Trying to remain calm I take evasive action and put on every piece of clothing I have in the office and any clothing I can borrow. While this severely affects mobility and style, I deem it essential to avoiding hypothermia.

Moving to socio political considerations, style is not really an issue being a ‘gainjin’ (Japanese for foreigner) everyone will be staring at me anyway, (I’m tall and blond, clearly not Japanese)so what the hell, I may as well be warm and I'm going to lunch not competing in the Olympics, how mobile do I need to be...

Economic considerations, a Macca’s meal will cost an arm and a leg compared to a fantastic healthy Japanese meal, but sometimes you just gotta eat overpriced crap to feel at home. So what the heck sometimes you just have to spoil yourself!


The Macca’s off SL Plaza in Shimbashi, Tokyo was always crowded, but on a freezing cold winter’s day like today it would be teeming with cold, hungry, harried people. So with ninja like skills honed by biting cold and over whelming hunger during the past few weeks my colleague and I had developed a highly sophisticated system for maximizing a potentially favorable outcome during the 30 minute lunch.

So on arriving at Macca’s our plan swung into action. I sprinted to the counter (well waddled really due to multiple layers of clothing) to place our order. Meanwhile my colleague stalked the dinners in the seating area, searching for any tell tale signs of imminent departure. These signs include but were not limited to mouth wiping, stacking of trash on trays, loudly slurping the dregs of beverages, buttoning of overcoats, wrapping of scarves, or any other activity that may indicate an impeding exit.

Should she detect even the hint of a buttock rising from a seat, it was her mission to ensure that her buttocks were the prime contenders to fill that pending vacancy, (she was small, dark haired and inconspicuous, perfect for undercover work) thus better suited to securing us the grand prize, a seat at which we could hastily enjoy our 'fast food' (pun intended).

So after weeks of practice, planning, coordination and research and having used 15 minutes of our 30 minute lunch break our long hard struggle finally paid off. Two women, armed with only four bachelor’s degrees and three languages had successfully secured the essentials of 21st century life; burgers, fries, beverages and yes the piece de resistance, a seat and table. Woohoo! Our parents would be so proud.

To be continued…


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, not getting ready to leave, but full of anticipation for the continuation. Will they be able to throw down the food fast enough? Will weather play a factor on the return? Will they find out about a little know Japanese ritual where on this particular day, everyone crowds the streets at the exact time they are ready to leave? How long will the hastily ingested simulated food stay down?
I can't wait!

Thanks so much for your comments they are really greatly appreciated. I was very nervous about my first post on Steemit and you have significantly lowered my anxiety levels. Now, without giving away too much there is quite a bit more drama yet to unfold before too many tantilisingly warm french fries can be nibbled... stay tuned!

Great first post. Welcome to Steemit :)
Followed to hear the end of the story.

Thanks so much, will try not to disappoint...

Wow. Great writing. I will be following with eager anticipation! Welcome @aussiesteem

Thanks so much, stick with it there's more drama to unfold...

You can make it back in time! I can feel it!

Thanks for the comment and the vote of confidence, but I won't spoil the ending by confirming or denying the outcome. However I can make a reference to current pop culture that is relevant 'winter is coming'!

Been in the food industry all my life. I have always wondered what the biggest differences are in other countries compared to the current cultures in the USA.
~ @Timbo

Stay with me then Timbo because there are so many differences yet to be revealed. Thanks for commenting.

For sure, can't wait to see more!

Welcome! I think you will do great on Steemit. Can't wait to see what happens.

Thanks! I think you'll be surprised, I was...

You are off to a great start. I have had many interactions with your family already & I am sure you are just as wonderful as they are. Happy steeming!

Thanks for that, I will try to live up to expectations.

Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks richman!

Congrats on your first post mum!


Your doing awesome, I just did a post and made you the beneficiary - you should head over and get a vote in before too long, to get the best curation rewards as well.

Hopefully it will send some more people over to welcome you as well, I knew people would love your writing style - I'm super stoked for you right now :D

Thanks bub... I think I voted on your post I'm really not sure, still have my training wheels on lol. Let me know if I stuffed it up and I'll have another crack at it. Still looking for the chat window...

It should show up blue now if you have, check quick it's already at $120+ I want you to get the most out of this :D

Yahooo! Found the chat button...

Highly entertaining writing. I thought you were a man up until the last paragraph. lol

Thanks so much for your comments. Well it wasn't planned but I guess the final paragraph reveal does add some suspense lol. Actually I just haven't been organised enough to do an intro post, its still a work in progress.

When you do the introduction post, go big. Have nice pictures and tell everyone what you want to accomplish. Don't skimp. With your writing style, I bet the post will be worth $1K.

Thanks I'll give it a go. Really do appreciate the support I was quite nervous about people reading my work.

I hope you've seen what others do on the @introduceyourself tag. Take a headshot, holding up a cue card with the date on it, generally does best.

Glad you reminded me about that I'd completely forgotten. Thanks...

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