ADSactly Folklore: Traditional dances of Venezuela-II

in #culture5 years ago

ADSactly Folklore:Traditional dances of Venezuela-II


In this second installment of the traditional dances of Venezuela, reference will be made to some very particular dances, outstanding for their extraordinary dress, for being picturesque and cheerful. Their staging is quite a party. Here are some of them:

"The Burriquita"

When I was a little girl I was part of this dance, the "Burriquita" considered as one of the most important cultural manifestations of the country and its patrimony. A tradition adopted from the indigenous and African cultures when they came to our territory through colonization. Men, women and children participate in this dance. Every September 30th traditionally the burriquita and its dancers go out into the streets, a tradition that has remained since approximately 1928, in the same way it is celebrated at the end of December after Christmas Easter and it is also a tradition to celebrate the days of Carnival in several states of the country.

Some specialists in culture point out that this dance has influences of the "Dance of the heifers and the horses", practiced from the Middle Ages in Spain and that it was known in Venezuela in the beginnings of the colonization, it is necessary to emphasize that the first one in presenting this manifestation was the Zone of the East of the country and later it spreads to all Venezuela.

In October 2016, the official declaration of the Traditional Burras and Burriquitas of Venezuela as Cultural Heritage of the Nation was celebrated. Here is a sample of this dance performed by children and their teacher:


"The dance of the burriquita combines three genres: music, dance and theatre, because it is a pantomime. In addition to that, it has an eye-catching, unparalleled color, and each dancer gives it his or her grace.". Popular Cultors

In the dance of the burriquita the protagonist is usually a man dressed as a woman, with a blouse and a colorful skirt, long braids and a hat, the man seems to be sitting in the burriquita and as the dance develops the character is making various movements imitating the jumps of a donkey while interacting with the audience, the staging and creativity of the dancer is fundamental.It is important to clarify that the music and choreography will depend on the region where the dance is performed.

"The Yare Dancing Devils"

This is another well-known dance in Venezuela and declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 2012. This religious festivity originates from San Francisco de Yare, Miranda state (Venezuela), where the Corpus Christi day carried out by the Catholic Church is faithfully celebrated.

In this Dance the Devils dance as they walk through the town in procession to the door of the church, prior to this act there was a vigil the night before accompanied by various songs and prayers.

Then the devils go to the cemetery where they perform a dance in honor of the deceased and ask permission to start the celebration. On their way to the church, once outside, the devils are prostrate on their knees while the parish priest of the shrine conducts the Corpus Christi Mass.
At the end of the Mass, the ecclesiastical commission comes out in procession, the devils present there retreat and then fall in surrender. In this act it is intended to represent the triumph of good over evil.

"The fraternity of devils is divided into a hierarchical order, represented in their masks, where the number of horns of each mask represents a hierarchical order: the mask that has four horns represents the Great Devil, the mask that has three symbolizes the Second Foreman, Third Foreman and, finally, the mask with two horns represents the Rasos or Promesero Devils.
Félix Piñerúa Monasterio
It is important to note that the clothing used for this dance consists of colorful costumes mostly completely red, large masks, striking and grotesque appearance, likewise carry various decorations such as scapulars, rosaries, crosses, among others everything for them to keep away from evil spirits.


"The Zaragozas"

In the town of Sanare state Lara, Venezuela one of the most representative dances of the area, held every December 28th is the dance of "Zaragozas", a colorful festivity that commemorates the Day of the Innocent Saints and evokes mothers going mad due to the pain of losing their children after the massacre ordered by King Herod. The origin of this tradition is not known with exactitude although there are investigators who say that it dates from 200 years approximately, they also express that this custom originates from an indigenous agricultural tradition, but that after the evangelization, it was transformed into devotion to the Holy Innocents.

Without a doubt every December 28th is a date for the celebration or as many of its inhabitants call it the "collective madness", but in the same way a day to renew religiosity. Masks, loud bells, striking costumes are the protagonists and invade the streets of the town from early morning hours where all attendees go in procession to an altar decorated with lots of flowers, where is the Picture of the Holy Innocents whom they will worship, Afterwards, with the image in their hands, they go to the Church to celebrate the mass in the village of Sanare, which gives a formal start to the festival.

"Many of the people disguised as zaragozas fulfill promises granted in favor of children, nephews and grandchildren"
This is how Bernabé Alvarado, one of the Major Captains of this religious celebration in Sanare, expresses it. He also states that this celebration is characterized by paying promises, making heavy jokes such as false news, serving salty coffee, changing the time of the clock, among many others. I invite you to enjoy it:


"The Tamunague"

Many of these cultural manifestations revolve around devotion to a saint, which indicates that popular religiosity prevails, the dance "The Tamunangue", is no exception, considered the main manifestation of culture and folkloric tradition of Lara state, held every June 13 in several towns, dedicating its dance to San Antonio de Padua.

This cultural manifestation consists of several dances known as "Batalla", "the Bella", "Yiyivamos", "Juruminga", "Poco a poco", "Perrendenga", "Galerón" and "Seis figureao". It should be noted that the Tamunangue is considered the union of several cultures such as the indigenous, the Spanish as well as the African, and the Chibcha culture.

Although there is no precise historical reference to the origin of Tamunangue according to some research, it is said that it dates back 400 years, supported by the writings of Ermila Troconis de Veracoechea in his book "History of El Tocuyo Colonial":

"In 1609 was conformed the creation of the brotherhood of San Antonio de Padua, by the Reverend Fray Antonio de Alceza, this brotherhood had its headquarters in the Convent of San Francisco and was established as a brotherhood for morenos and slaves ..."
This indicates that the blacks who were brought to the American continent from Africa brought with them devotion to St. Anthony of Padua through his songs, rituals and dance. Already in the state Lara this devotion begins in the populations of Tocuyo and Curarigua through the Tamunangue or Sones in black, as it is also called.

It is important to note that the clothing used for the execution consists of a white blouse, colorful skirt and espadrilles for women, while men must wear light brown pants, white t-shirts, espadrilles and hat. In the staging of the dance, the grace, coquetry and gallantry of the dancers are the center of attention according to the song to be executed.
Here is a sample of this dance:


See you in the third and last installment of the traditional dances of Venezuela.
By: luces

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Traditional dances are an expression of our culture, idiosyncrasy, and our indigenous and African origins. As a child I danced many of these dances at the school's cultural events. I participated on many occasions in La Burriquita, also in El Tamunangue. I remember once dancing El Chiriguare and I had about a month of nightmares. In my nightmares there were big birds that ate me. I even got scared of birds. My parents couldn't find what to do to remove my nightmares and make me forget my phobia. When my parents went to the cultural event, they discovered where the problem came from: I had internalized the letter of Chiriguare. LOL. Although after that I continued participating in other dances, now my parents were aware of the type of dance in which I participated. Thank you for this post, @luces.

jajaja thank you for commenting on your anecdote, I actually liked talking about this subject, I moved to my childhood and brought back many memories of those great events that were organized and those I attended with my parents. Today, although in some towns they try to maintain this type of tradition, in others they have ceased to do so, as for schools they still try to show students the origin of these manifestations.

Great post @luces. So many rich cultural manifestations in our country. Of all the dances I was less familiarized with the Zaragozas and golpes de Tocuyo. I guess geaographical distance plays a role here. We tend to be more involved with thing that are closer to us. Although the Gaitas may be an exception having influeced the whole country despite its "remote" origin.
We have ben slowly forgeting how beautiful our culture is, amid so many issues that become priorities.
Let's hope we can soon afford the luxury of dances and cheer enjoyment of traditions

That's right, my friend, we must not forget our roots, just as you say our culture is beautiful, rich and full of history, it would be unforgivable to leave it behind or stop spreading it.

This second installment of the work on the traditional dances of Venezuela is very good, @luces. You make a precise presentation and the incorporation of the videos makes it much more illustrative.
Although I am from the eastern part of Venezuela (Sucre State), I have a great appreciation for the folklore of Lara State, from where they are Zaragoza and Tamunangue. In addition to their dance (particularly the latter, in which dance and theatre merge), I especially like their music (most of all that of Zaragoza), where the Spanish and African components are clearly mixed. My visits to Sanare and Tocuyo have allowed me to enjoy them up close.

Thank you Jose for your comment, definitely these dances are very beautiful, I as a native of the state Lara I am a lover of tamunangue, as a child I danced in my school. The zaragozas are quite a spectacle and what is most surprising is the fidelity of the people of Sanare to this tradition.

What a powerful culture.

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Thank you for your comment, that's right...

A simply wonderful post! Here several Venezuelan dances from different regions were represented but they are danced in school events. I am fans of "The Dancing Devils of Yare". There are other "Diabladas" in the country but these are the ones I like best. A contribution for this publication. In Yare they are organized by blocks. Each block has its dancing group and its captain. The captain lists his group; if a dancer is missing, the Devil took him, but if there is one more, it is that the Devil got into the group. I hope you like this contribution. Thank you for this second part because it is very good! Kind regards @luces. Thanks @adsactly for this post

Excellent, that's right, your contribution is very accurate and well received.
I'm very happy that you liked it, talking about these topics undoubtedly enriches and makes us feel proud of who we are and our origins and as I always say, we should not stop spreading it.

I repeat, excellent post. Congratulations and continue to promote culture

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Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

The beauty of traditional dance is not just because of motion and music alone.
There are values to be presented, both historical and moral values in traditional dance. This is because traditional dances are born more because of the desire of the creator of the dance to be seen more than just movements accompanied by music. the dance is love and it can be used to symbolize love. Someone's dreams for others, as well as love for the nation and country. With traditional dance we can see many aspects. We need to introduce it to the younger generation so that they can also enjoy and preserve it

Very accurate what you say, traditional music and dance is part of history and through it we can show it to the youngest and thus prevent these traditions are lost in time. It is a great struggle in schools, although young people sometimes show little interest in these dances and prefer other types of dances, it is the task of the teacher in the case of schools as socializing agents and training, instill those values by the culture that is part of our history. Thank you for your comment

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