Too Many Passions, Frustrated, and Lost

in #ctp5 years ago

This is just a short post and might not make any sense at all to some...….

I'm frustrated right now and have been for a couple of days. I feel like I'm working so hard to get things going and I keep running into roadblocks that keeps me from doing other things I need to be doing.

Like I need to be writing and posting which is a bit tough for me. I like to write but have little to say. 'Write what your passionate about" is what I'm told but I have so many interest I don't know where to start. Today may be my business and tomorrow may be my jigsaw collection or the games I play when I have time or even all the apps I have on my various devices. And this is just a few of the things I do on a daily basis. If I wrote about all of my passions my blog would be all over the place and have no basis.

However, right now I am spending a lot of time on my business but it feels like I'm getting nowhere because of the roadblocks I keep running into.

My email marketing transition is not going as planned and it seems every time I try a new app on Steem's blockchain, I have sign in/up issues. Kinda makes me want to just stick to CTP and forget the rest.

just another statistic!

You know...… the one that gets stuck in their affiliate venture and say forget it, this is too much work.

Well that's not me and I won't quit cause I've come too far to turn around now. After more then 20 yrs. of on & off and in & out, I've finally found a platform that's taking me in the right direction and actually teaching me how to do affiliate marketing.

Teaching me has been way better then someone telling me to do something and then leave me clueless with a bunch of broken promises. CTP & Me, like a marriage, it's a relationship of forever!

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Another Post From 'The Forgotten Affiliate Marketer'.....

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Nice rant @successchar, most of us feel like that every now and then, maybe do what I do, take a deep breath, turn on Actifit and go for a walk, here on Steem you are paid for that by posting a report, so it's like you get paid to take a break, the best kind.

Thanks flaxz, I actually just downloaded Actifit yesterday, I take a 4mile walk every morning and have several apps that reward me so I figured what's one more except this one fits in with my steem accout which is a plus.

That's nice, just make sure you have enough battery for all of them.

Want the truth....You are WAY ahead of 99% of the people that join CTP right now. The fact that you are taking action is SO huge, I can't even stress to you how important that is...

And believe me, it takes time to find your voice. I started trying to make money online in like 1999, and didn't have the courage to write my first blog post until 2003. That's 4 years of being in a cocoon.

You are are doing great....Just keep creating and you'll find your voice. And once you do, you'll have a track record of content that'll help you develop an authority in anything you want!

Thanks ctp, I've been at internet marketing since 2009 and have tried so many things and wasted so much time and money. Now I am so much more serious about my online success that I know I have something great with ctp and blogging ……. I've thought about but never thought I would actually do it but here I am and I'm here to stay!

I love your attitude! Never quit... you're on the right path... stick with it. I've been in it for most of the last 5 years... had some success, but ready for the consistency.

We'll both get there with a little elbow grease... success is never promised, its earned.

I loved your post and can see that you'll have a loyal following soon because you can write and let your personality shine. Dont stop being you, do whatever you think is right.

You've got this!

Enjoy your day!!


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