I Am Who I Am

in #ctp5 years ago

God said to Moses, “I am who I am...This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation." Exodus 3:14-15 edited (NIV).

A simple statement of who He is, intended to convey the truth that God is just God, nothing else. Take Him as He is, or perhaps not at all; that choice is yours to take, freely.

I am who I am, the result of a union between my father and my mother. I am, simply because they were. Having no choice where I was born, nor into what financial or emotional circumstance, I am.

How to convey that simple message across the ether, where people cannot see me or hear me as a living being? I am has a name. Use that name. You were given that name at or soon after you were born. Respect the decision of your parent/s.

I am has a history, a reason for being who I am. A story to be told, just not in this article; perhaps in a future post about my namesake and my whakapapa (genealogy).


Use your own name when you want to engage with people online. Your name has power and importance, your own story to be told, an interest or question, an ice-breaker and a reason for engagement, a prospect of future ventures together, a force to be reckoned with.

Very rarely will I sign up to an upline or seller that uses a pseudonym or fake name. You want to get me to sign up under you, or to sell me something? Then tell me whom you are, I need to know I can trust you.

If I like what I got from you, I'll want more. Repeat sales are so much easier once that first sale has been brokered, so always sell your wares in the hope of future sales and build your relationships around that future activity.

There was a very interesting article written by @horpey a few days ago, encouraging fellow steemians to promote Steem and the associated tribes on Twitter. Here's the link to that article: https://www.ctptalk.com/steem/@horpey/share-steem-post-to-twitter-with-hashtags-automatically-for-good-steem-impression-on-twitter

Yep, works a treat. I've got my RSS feed set up so now I post and tweet, or resteem and tweet.

Got me thinking, I've noticed over the past few weeks that a lot of steemians have commented about "what is Twitter?". OK, I get that, not everyone is into social media. Facebook perhaps, the other two core apps Twitter and LinkedIn, maybe not so much.

Right, where to start. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. I am, that is a bold statement. Make that statement yours, and use your real name when setting up social media accounts. Why stop there, why not set up all your accounts under your own name? I do that, just Dr Google my handle and you'll see me, everywhere!

Of course, you have the right to choose. Just bear in mind, serious internet entrepreneurs do business with people they know, trust, and respect. Please, tell me who you are.

I am who I am.

Ian Ballantine
Wellington, New Zealand
November 28, 2019.

Lyrics: https://www.letssingit.com/lara-fabian-lyrics-i-am-who-i-am-73cctnl



Yes ; I am who I am, very uniquely made of God to occupy a niche ,from where to impact humanity positively!!

None, but @whyaskwhy can and certified by Heaven to so do.

I am unique. There has never been any like me! There will never be any like me!!

I am not a duplicate of anything, of any man!!

As unique as @ianballantine!!

Yes @whyaskwhy, we are created in His image, each distinctly different one from the other, until our life is complete and we come together once more. Diversity is what makes us the same, each a different part of His whole.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Thank you @followforupvotes, you are most kind. May you too have a great day!

This was a good one Ian, deep respect for your post! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the kind words Sig, I love your posts too. Interestingly, the ones leaving comments on this post use their real names. Just goes to show, you want to get the best rewards for commentary on the Steem platform, use your own name!

Nice post Ian, it's always best to just be yourself, regardless of everything else I imagine it would be quite tiresome to keep up some alteregos and keep them consistent, and trying to be someone else is just vanity either way, stay awesome.

Thanks Erik, fear drives people into thinking they can hide behind falsehoods. We need to encourage people to just be themselves, not because we want to judge them, rather so we can get to know and like them. Most of the websites I have joined over the years I have done so because the referrer is known somehow; I can search their online activity to lessen the likelihood that I will be spammed, scammed, or slammed.

A good piece, I say. But why should a great personality hide his identity? My name is my name, any time.

Exactly Ubani, a great personality is one whom is known by name. Too many people online and offline want to hide themselves from the public gaze, too scared of having their comfort zone intruded. Yet these same people watch in awe as celebrities pass by, all the while wondering, "why them and not me?" Go figure the rationality of them that hope for it all, yet freeze in fear.

Great post Ian, always be who you are, I imagine it would be a very hard gig indeed to keep up a persona other

Thanks Russell, for your kind words. Yes, hard to keep personating someone else over a period of time. That's why, if you intend to be online for a few years, you need to just use your own name. Too easy these days to find the truth!

I think this is a great post I am glad I have met you

Gee thanks Howy, that's the nicest comment I've had all year. Shucks, maybe I am not me after all; maybe I am you!

A good piece, I say. But why should a great personality hide his identity? My name is my name, any time.

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