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RE: Morning coffee - crypto manipulation by banksters!

in #cryptos6 years ago (edited)

On the blockchain though there is always a record of it right?...if one was to be investigated the block chain holds that record forever whereas if one is being investigated tax wise there is a limit of three years for individual tax records and seven years (if I remember right) for business records.
My conclusion to the end means is that the governments will never let it slide, even if there's no middlemen, which technically there really is, here they are called witnesses, they get a cut just like any other middlemen. It'll be the middlemen or those who operate the block chain who will forever hold records.

If you take the Manafort case recently here in the US they used his banking records to prove he lived a lavish lifestyle outside his means, I don't see the block chain as not also holding those same types of records nor gullible enough to think that a government couldn't get their hands on them. Just like I'd be the last person anyone is going to convince their is no censorship on the blockchain, sure you may not be able to stop someone from posting on the blockchain but there is still people on the blockchain who can punish you for your views by flagging. Nor am I convinced the block chain is decentralized when it's owned by a private company and the wealth is mainly held by a handful of people....beginning to sound more like real life to me. My motto is your are only as untouchable as the guy at the top is willing to go to prison for someone.


sure you may not be able to stop someone from posting on the blockchain but there is still people on the blockchain who can punish you for your views by flagging.

You never noticed the side effect to that action though? it makes it more visible, as a lot more people seem to take notice when it does get flagged, and they (some) get emotionally involved due to that, it is like Newtons law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
And as for the blockchain, do we not have to have some faith in something? Or does the ex CIA operative win? ""We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" (William Casey )

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

True. Depends on if it's a positive or negative. I'd say my experience was rather negative. That was just for not falling into a certain line of view. I spent days trying to stop them from having me kicked off the site.

I've not saying don't have any faith, I just wouldn't put a whole lot of faith into hoping we'd ever manage to get one over on the government(s).

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