People Are Gifting CryptoKitties To Me And I Am So Grateful

in #cryptokitty7 years ago

And The CryptoKitty Story continues.

The deeper I dive into this cryptocurrency world, the more I love it!

Do you understand that this online world where humans interact with each other via the interwebz is making my heart dreams come true?

One of my dreams was having a cryptokitty.

I am just a crazy about cats and when I saw these virtual crypto kitties my heart melted and I instanteneously HAD to have one!
You can read all about how that happened here

And now I don't have just 1 cryptokitty, I have 3!

And they were all gifted to me.



This is my cryptokitty litter and how I love 'em!

Ramsey, the blue/grey kitty with squiggly eyes (so cute) was gifted to me by @eonwarped because he just wanted to share the cryptokitty love with me!

The K, the stripey green little monster was given to me by my dear @apsu who was holding a mini cryptokitty give away because his first kitty was gifted too!

And last but definitely not least, Tiggy was just gifted to me by @redrica because she loves the work I am doing with @humansofsteemit!
I love how her youngest child was the one to chose which kitty would be mine!

Thank you dears for being such generous Steemians!

The funny thing is that I had seen a tweet about selling a cryptokitty and with the money gifting it to a good charity!

And this OBVIOUSLY got my brain thinking (I've been calling myself a idea poop machine lately) about how amazing would it be if my Cryptokitty account would be filled with loads of kitties which one day I could start selling and donating the money to charity!

Wouldn't that be something else?

Merging the crypto world with the charity world!

This is just an idea I am playing around with in my head but it seems as if it is slowly becoming a reality!


Please comment the link to your Cryptokitties!


Big Cryptokitty love,


Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


wohoo, this is awesome :) The organization could be named "CCLD" - crypto cat lady donates... :D



Mine has grown slightly! And @empath gifted cocoapuffs <3, very grateful for that. I need to go take a look at the current cryptokitty situation, it's been a few days since I last looked :)

He told me in the cryptokitty steemit chat today!
What a good dude he is right? @empath

Love your kitty family! And lots of love for you too of course :D

So many possibilities and opportunities open up with cryptocurrencies, I just love it!!

I am excited to see what things will unfold in the future regarding crypto! :)

In it for the long haul hehe

Damn it, why won't anyone gift me one? I am going to have to sit down tonight and mess with that meta whatnot thing to finally buy one. :sigh:

I need a cryptokitty!!!

Set up an account and a metamask wallet, and I'll get you started with one :)


Okay, looks like I got this to work and purchased one!

Gifted you one anyway :)

I am not sure how this happened, but I now have 3, and one of them has a bun in the oven.

Me: "I have cryptokitties!!"
Husband: "Is that another cryptocurrency you're playing at investments in with your steem monopoly money?"
Me: "Something like that."

hahaha so it starts!!! It is so fun to see what they could breed!

I got into it just last week, next thing you know I had 11 kitties, so it felt right to gift a few away to some people I appreciate on Steemit. And I just bought another one 5 mins ago... so yea....

I am being fairly sensible though, I really haven't spent that much... and considering how much joy and excitement it's brought to my kids, it's been worth it really :D (obviously trying to convince myself over here haha)

I've never invested money in crypto and all the btc, eth and other coins I hold I got from posting on steemit. So it doesn't feel like spending, really. It's all a fun game and I avoid the realization that I am holding more in BTC than I have in the bank because it makes me panic.
But there is some symmetry in buying cryptokitties with cryptomoney I made by posting pictures of my cats on steemit. :P

Yes a definite full circle there :P And that's so cool to hear all the crypto you own is because of Steemit! Love it :D

And as silly as some people will insist Cryptokitties are, they are so much fun, and fun is worth the money sometimes, so :P


@redrica you wonderful joy for gifting @techslut a little kitty!

It's so fun :D

I got one last night in a giveaway

Show me your witty kitty!

Hehe, crypto kitties are a revolution.. Who would've ever thought of money in such a cute form..

Cuteness sells!!!

I've been trying to buy 1 all morning in my price range but all sold for page after page? seems the site never updates.
What a great idea, but I think ETH wasn't ready for all that activity.
Cheers & Meow :-)

It's time someone started something this cute and addictive on the steem blockchain don't ya think?

This was discussed. Steem lacks the programmability for such software to run on the blockchain.

It's only a matter of time. Lots of smart people working on different projects.

Dangit I wish I would get gifted one! Been entering so many giveaways haha

You need to start rubbing shoulders with cryptokitty lovers ;)

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