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RE: Will Money Be Missed In A Post Scarcity World?

In a post-scarcity society, we can assume that every person will have all their basic needs met all the time. But there will still be ways in which some people have what other people want. It might be tangible, like beautiful oceanfront property. It might be intangible, like love and affection, or the admiration of others. But there will always be some types of scarcity.

And this creates some interesting issues. In a post-scarcity society, there’s no money…so how will you pay a police force to protect your waterfront home?

We’re nowhere close to that yet, so it’s about like a Roman Centurion trying to predict what modern-day London is like. But these will be interesting problems to solve.


In a post-scarcity society, there’s no money…so how will you pay a police force to protect your waterfront home?

No money implies no crime connected to money, so we probably wouldn't need a police force. Property (I'm hoping) won't have such an importance placed on it when you can go anywhere and build anything...


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