Seven Reasons Why Brexit Won't Happen

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Next week will mark the first anniversary of the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom. For those of you whom aren't aware, Brexit is the name we gave to the decision for leaving the European Union.

At the risk of angering some pro-Brexit Steemians, I will lay out below why I believe a prediction I made shortly afterwards, will come true, in other words, Brexit won't happen.

A (Very) Brief History

Great Britain & Northern Ireland, otherwise known as the UK, joined the European common market in 1972, later to become the European Union.

The idea was to break down barriers within Europe so that we could all trade with each other in a free and easy manner. Also it was set up to protect European goods, so cheaper tariffs and taxes would mean that it was more viable to deal with a European counterpart than from a country outside the 'zone'.

However at some point the European Union became a political entity and this (quite rightly) started upsetting some people, as it meant that politicians that nobody voted for, could make laws for a country they didn't even live in.

The Tub Thumpers

The European situation left the door open for jingoistic, tub-thumping bigots like Nigel Farage formerly of the UK Independence Party (UKIP).

Farage used immigration as his political spear, which was basically thinly disguised racism. Whilst you don't have to be a white racist living in rural England, to join UKIP, it definitely helps.

The party has had various undercover reporters infiltrate their meetings and film some quite shocking behaviour by senior members.

However as is often the case in these matters, there are plenty of decent, non-racist people who felt abandoned by the mainstream parties and so flocked to UKIP.

The Referendum

The UK was in political turmoil, the election before had seen a power sharing deal between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives.

This might seem strange to Americans in particular, however whilst the Conservatives can be compared to the Republicans, it is the UK's Labour Party and not the Lib Dems who can be most closely compared to the Democrats of America.

The thing about power is, the people who have it, rarely want to share it. So David Cameron, the Prime Minister of England at the time, promised that if the electorate voted for him and him alone, he would hold a referendum.

So they did, and lo-and-behold, Cameron did what possibly no leader in history has ever done, and followed up on a sensationalist election promise.

Unfortunately he didn't lay out the rules for the referendum before holding it, mainly because he thought everybody would vote to remain in the EU and so thus didn't need to take it too seriously.

It was that very arrogance and stupidity that would come back to bite him very hard on his soft, flabby behind.

The Rules

As I pointed out to a colleague at the time, referendums should not be part of the democratic process. Ultimately we vote governments in to take long-term complex decisions on our behalf.

So asking us what we think about a long-term complex decision, is pretty bloody pointless. Because these decisions have so many factors to consider, it is hardly prudent to believe the electorate has either the time or the general intellect to properly consider questions such as; should we leave the EU?

To that end referendums are not binding, and should only trigger action if they have a 75% majority. Unfortunately David Cameron (ahem) forgot to inform the electorate that.

The vote happened and 52% of those voting said we should leave. Such a close result should have been political ammunition that Cameron could take to the EU and say; You see, my people aren't happy, you'd better do something about the current structure, or we will leave!

Unfortunately intelligence is not as important a prerequisite as going to Eton (very posh UK school that has provided around 20 UK PMs), when it comes to being a Prime Minister. So Mr Cameron rather than doing what he should have done, simply quit his post to join the after-dinner-speaker circuit a couple of years earlier than he would have done otherwise.

Why It Won't Happen

Reason One: The current Prime Minister didn't and still doesn't want the job.

I genuinely feel sorry for the current UK PM, Theresa May, she was quite firmly in the 'remain' camp and was thrust into the limelight when nobody else wanted to take the vacant job.

Imagine a long line of people, somebody asks them "Step forwards all those who want to be Prime Minister!"

Then imagine all of them bar one, taking a huge step backwards, leaving that poor sucker; Theresa May, to become PM.

Essentially she looks like she is stalling till the general election, whereby she can lose and leave this debacle to someone else.

Reason Two: It is a frighteningly complex web of legal issues.

It is easy for somebody who voted leave to say;

"I don't see what the issue is, we should just leave"

The reality though is that there are a myriad of issues to consider, from what to do about the travel and business visa situations. To the long-term deals we have in place with various European partners. Not to mention the various trade-taxation issues.

I can imagine sitting in some office in Whitehall (seat of UK parliament) and seeing some spotty little oik from the post room, come into my room wheeling a trolley with a ten thousand page document and dumping it on my desk and then expecting me to do something with it.

Reason three: Around half of the people don't want it to happen.

Usually this statistic wouldn't matter, in any close-run election, the deciding vote is usually only one or two percent above half.

In that situation however, there is nothing the 'losing half' can do, but to hope they will win the next one. With Brexit, it is different, because unlike an election, there is no natural path to take and therefore the half that didn't want it to happen in the first place, have more political clout than in an election.

Reason four: A lot of people who voted leave have already changed their mind.

Unfortunately when you average out the electorate, they are idiots. If you look up what was the biggest Google question on the 24th of June 2016, one day after the Brexit vote it was;

What is the European Union

Seriously, I shit you not.

There were interviews with people who said that they just voted leave because they hated David Cameron and wanted him to suffer a loss.

Seriously I shit you not.

There were other interviews with people who said they thought they were voting for David Cameron to leave.

Seriously I wish I was shitting you, but I'm not.

So with that being said, it is plausible that if the referendum happened again today, we would probably remain.

Reason five No single politician wants to go down as the person who messed Brexit up.

In the same way Theresa May is stalling until there is a snap general election called, so that she can return to political obscurity, and leave someone else with this mess.

So too will her successor and their successor after them, it is the hot potato that nobody wants to hold. It will get passed on until it has cooled down and nobody is talking about it.

That way whomsoever is holding said potato, can quietly put it down and walk away without anyone noticing.

Reason six At some point another referendum will be held with clearly stipulated rules.

This I imagine will happen sometime next year, or perhaps the year after. This time around it will be made clear to the British electorate what the rules are, and one of those rules will be a 75% majority, which simply won't happen because of territories like London, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar which were all close to or at 100% remain.

Reason seven The EU don't want us to leave and will probably come up with a last minute concession package.

I see this happening in a few years once all the dust has settled. They will say something along the lines of; 'Look, we'll back off on the whole political thing, if you drop this whole leave nonsense; what do you say fellas?'

At which point we will let out a huge sigh of relief and accept their offer...

My Vote

I voted remain, simply because as I mentioned before, it is a long-term complex decision and that's not my job to make those, it's theirs.


Title Image: Matthew Feeney on Unsplash



This is a rather flimsy set of reasons for 'no Brexit' and displays the the undemocratic and elitist mindset of the average remainer.

You say the 'idiot' electorate should not make these complex decisions but then say that it is too complex for the government to deal with?

undemocratic and elitist mindset of the average remainer.

Lol, pointing out fallacies in procedure is not undemocratic it is simply making an observation. I don't believe it will happen for the 7 reasons stated above. Whether you agree with them or not has nothing to do with them being undemocratic.

You say the 'idiot' electorate should not make these complex decisions but then say that it is too complex for the government to deal with?

Yup, and that's the point, it will take many hundreds of lawyers and learned people years to sort this mess out, so to expect the electorate to make the decision based on a few news reports and wildly inaccurate statements from both sides is laughable.

I don't consider myself an idiot, however I do consider that the question of whether we should stay in the EU and exactly what type of relationship we should have with them regardless, is way beyond me. I would have to study European law and practices for a few years before I felt qualified to answer.

The problem with the electorate is that very few of them recognise this, and would rather make knee-jerk decisions based on tub-thumping news reports.

Anyways, like I said, it aint going to happen; as someone (you know) once said to me about Brexit, get over it :-)


Oh Dear, where to start with this one!
"My Vote, I voted remain"
Yes, that was made obvious by your suggestion that it was bigots and racists who voted to leave. Name calling and ad-hom attacks on Farage were a poor substitute for debate before the referendum. Why not change the tune, nobody bought it the first time around?
By your reckoning the UK has over 17 million bigots and racists. Wow, you really need to get out more, seriously!
Sorry to burst your bubble ... Brexit is happening!
I daresay if the result was 'remain' we wouldn't be hearing your negative opinion of UK democracy nor would you still be calling the UK electorate silly names.
Uh Oh ... Sev ... en.

It seems you stopped reading before this paragraph

However as is often the case in these matters, there are plenty of decent, non-racist people who felt abandoned by the mainstream parties and so flocked to UKIP.

I'm quite happy to debate people who disagree with me, but at least get what I'm saying first. Read the whole article this time and then come at me, and I'll be happy to answer your points. Which is why I'm voting you up to show no hard feelings.


Oh and by the way, I was saying all of this before the vote, because of what I stated in the article, it is a complex issue with long-term ramifications, ergo the people we elect to make those decisions should make them.

I would have preferred UKIP winning the election and then them taking us out of Europe, that's democracy.


To be honest, given that May was a remainer in the first place, I reckon she's trying to fuck it up so much that it can't actually go ahead.
The whole thing is a farce. Cameron only promised the referendum to keep his Tory-sceptic MPs from abandoning him at the election, and no-one thought it would ever actually go to leave vote.

Half arsed campaigns where no-one, not even the government, had a real clue of exactly what the ramifications would be. If the government didn't have a clue or plan, the the public certainly couldn't have done. It just seemed to be about MPs trying to score political points, whilst quite clearly not giving the slightest fuck about the country and the population. Especially that asshat Farage. He is a contemptible piece of shit.

Although there was a degree of bigoted, racist gammons voting leave because they are fucking arseholes, I don't think that represents the majority of leave voters. I just think people didn't really understand. I'm not saying I did, but leaving just seemed like the wrong thing to do.

I found asking a remainer why we should stay was usually responded to by a raft of reasons. I couldn't get one person who said we should vote leave give me any kind of reasoned argument. "Coz we should". "It'll be better". Just fucking non-sensical bullshit.

It's a total mess that could and should have been avoided.

To be honest, given that May was a remainer in the first place, I reckon she's trying to fuck it up so much that it can't actually go ahead.

Ya, exactly, I'd be the same to be honest. It's a case of, well you guys wanted it, you sort it out.

I found asking a remainer why we should stay was usually responded to by a raft of reasons. I couldn't get one person who said we should vote leave give me any kind of reasoned argument. "Coz we should". "It'll be better".

Yes, I experienced the same thing, or people repeating blatant leave lies, like the classic 350 million to the NHS every week. Then when I pointed out that that wasn't true, they'd mumble something about politicians in Brussels.

I personally think there are a lot of things that need fixing with the EU, but that doesn't mean we should just abandon it.

But hey-ho, like I said above it's such a complex mess that even if there was a leader who was 100% behind leave and determined to push it through asap, they still wouldn't be able to because of the sheer size of the task.

Although there was a degree of bigoted, racist gammons voting leave because they are fucking arseholes, I don't think that represents the majority of leave voters.

Nor do I, they just kicked the whole thing off and they attracted the people who felt disenfranchised by mainstream politics.

Anyway the next few years should be interesting, if it does go through, my dog will be the only mammal in our house to have a European (Romanian) passport! Big lolz!! :-D


Good morning @cryptogee

I might get shunned for saying this, but I have never had any interest in politics - despite being told that i should, and it's important.

However, in keeping a safe distance from it all, I think you can see the bigger picture. I called Trump for president, the Brexit result, and for the past 2 years have been telling anyone who's forced me into a corner, that Brexit will never happen.

Totally agree with your reasoning, no-one wants this chain around their neck!

I might get shunned for saying this, but I have never had any interest in politics - despite being told that i should, and it's important.

You know what? I'm just turning that way myself, it's the only way to remain an impartial independent thinker, and of course see things for what they really are, which is why I'm not surprised you called Trump and Brexit.

Can we mash those two together just for the hell of it? Trexit or Brump, what do you think? :-D


Why It Won't Happen

Becuase it was never intended to happen.

Those pesky voters disrupted things is all.
It didn't change anything except the performance roles of the actors.

Those pesky voters disrupted things is all.

Serves 'em right for asking us in the first place!



...oh, here you go I just posted afraid. Be very afraid.

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At first I was sure that brexit would go through, but now I'm starting to feel more unsure. The main thing for me is that it makes a mockery of our political system if we have another vote because if we have another vote and it still goes in favor of brexit what will we do then? Have another vote until we decide to remain.

I think the whole situation highlights how little people, including me, understand about the complexity of politics, and how the government are a lot more out of touch with the public than they like to admit.

As talks continue to happen people are seeming to be done with brexit, everyone has had enough so I think if for whatever reason if brexit was stopped in its tracks people would stop talking about it.

To me it feels like everyone is holding their breath waiting for some to definitively make a decision either way, and if a decision is made I think most people will have a sigh of relief knowing if it is or isn't going through.

if we have another vote and it still goes in favor of brexit what will we do then? Have another vote until we decide to remain.

No, have another vote until there is a clear 75% majority.

I think the whole situation highlights how little people, including me, understand about the complexity of politics

Exactly, because the referendum should have been something along the lines of 'should we adopt article X over Y regarding trade and immigration laws' and many other such difficult questions. If that had been the case, most people wouldn't have voted, because they would have realised that these are issues for people who were elected to make those decisions in the first place.

As talks continue to happen people are seeming to be done with brexit, everyone has had enough so I think if for whatever reason if brexit was stopped in its tracks people would stop talking about it.

Yup, I get that feeling too :-)


In the long run it will matter not. If Italy leaves the Euro and makes their Lira again (you know they never let it die... they kept the Lira going so the switch could be easier than for others), then others will jump ship as well.

If even one does go, then the EU will be in a world of hurt... Italexit, Portoexit, Spanexit... we could see it, anyone or combinations thereof.

And it is not only the EU,California, Hawaii,Texas... the rebellion against the corrupt and foolish (treacherous) rules of now is still gaining momentum.

I don't think Italy will leave, it really amazes me how that country works, they have taken corruption onto a whole new level, so I figure they'd welcome the bureaucracy of the EU.

And it is not only the EU,California, Hawaii,Texas... the rebellion against the corrupt and foolish (treacherous) rules of now is still gaining momentum.

I don't think America will let California or Texas go; Hawaii maybe so as it isn't so important to their economy, and there are probably more people living there who agree with such a premise.


We've actually had two referendums on joining the EU in Norway, in both rounds there were a minor majority not wanting to join the union - but the politicians wanted to join.

Finland was more positive than Sweden, and Sweden was more positive than Norway, so the referendums were arranged with Finland first, with the expectation that some of the Swedish voters would vote yes if Finland would join the union ... and Norway last, expecting quite some Norwegian voters to vote "yes" not to become isolated from the other Nordic countries. But I digress. Main thing, politicians were expecting "yes", but got "no" - just like in the UK.

So the politicians made some agreements with the EU; for almost all practical purposes Norway is a member of the EU, it's just the tiny small difference that we actually aren't officially members of the EU.

The same could happen in the UK - the UK still for (almost) all practical purposes being members of the EU, except that they officially are outside the union.

Or, the "brexit" could simply be stalled forever, that's another possible outcome. Or, some concessions from the EU, and UK formally continuing as EU-members after a new referendum. That's would be the most rational thing (like you also wrote, Cameroon should have taken this route in the beginning).

Cameroon should have taken this route in the beginning).

If only we were as level-headed as the Scandinavians :-(


Wait... didn't the Brexit already happen a few years back? I have not kept up with this news the way I should.

Nope, unless you've been living in a parallel timeline :-) Uh-oh wait, don't tell me you've experienced the Mandela effect? JOKE.


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