Lessons In Value - Brought to You By The Steem Backed Dollar

Gold Smoke.png

At the beating heart of the ephemeral, organic spirit we call value, lies agreement. Without at least two people agreeing on the value of an object or service, there is no value.

The largest most expensive diamond in the world had absolutely zero value until their were human beings around to agree that it was worth anything at all.

It seems the Steem Backed Dollar is a shining example of this contract of agreement we call value. Strictly speaking the SBD isn't actually a cryptocurrency in its own right.

It is in fact a smart contract led container, that is to say there is a promise from the Steem blockchain, to always have at least $1 USD worth of Steem inside ever SBD.

For more explanation on this, check out this parody video which explains it perfectly.

For now though, let us ponder that thing we call, value.

The Smartest Of Contracts

It appears that a number of people have agreed that Steem Dollars are worth roughly $8 USD. This agreement is significant in that it truly announces Steem Dollars as a cryptocurrency in its own right.

This is because like most other cryptos, Steem Dollars suffered a dip recently. I, and many others felt that this dip could signify SBD falling back down to its true value of one American dollar's worth of Bitcoin.

However, like most other cryptocoins, SBD has bounced back to near its previous pre-slump levels. What this indicates, is that there is enough agreement in the market to raise its value.

What Is Intrinsic?

It could be argued that SBD has an intrinsic value of 1 USD simply because the currency can almost never be worth less than approximately that amount.

However that is a value in itself, if you know an asset will always be worth at least something no matter what, then that gives you a certain amount of knowledge of risk.

So now the intrinsic value doesn't lie in the numbers, it is held in the concept. Perhaps this is the most sophisticated part of human economics, the fact that we can somehow quantify conceptual terms, and then value them.

Value Actions

It would seem to me like the blockchain has allowed us to further this concept and take it to places it has never been before.

If we can attribute value to conceptual ideas, then so too can we do so with actions in the real world that traditionally hold little immediate value.

For instance, there is the coin, I believe it is called Denta, which will reward people for dentist visits and generally keeping their teeth clean.

Of course good oral hygiene has subjective benefits, however it benefits society as a whole, in that services are not strained and knock on health effects will be apparent as well.

So perhaps in the next few years we will see more community coins that take real world actions, and give their value a figure in the shape of tradeable tokens.

Addressing The Four Term Problem

I have long since dreamed of a community coin, one whose value is connected to work done in the community at large.

That work could be anything from painting a neighbour's fence, to building a hospital. Especially those things that need doing, that end up getting overlooked because their possible completion does not fall within a four year election cycle.

Perhaps the community coin, is actually more of a society coin, one that reacts to what society holds dear, essentially reflecting what we value as a community.

Hats Off To The Future

I don't know when or how this will happen, however when I see things like the Steem Park, and other Steem-based initiatives happening all over the world, I can see that we will get there.

One thing is for sure, is that we are creating a new economy, coming from us it will naturally reflect competition and self-interest. However I feel this new economy, will better reflect value, and that is good news for us all.




Great post @cryptogree....and I agree with what you foresee coming.

Without at least two people agreeing on the value of an object or service, there is no value.

This is so true...I cant tell you the debates I had with people who believe that physical objects like gold have intrinsic value. The only different between gold and fiat is you cannot rapidly increase the supple. If we decided tomorrow that we were wrong and that silver is really of value, gold would crash.

As for community tokens, I believe you are going to see millions of tokens in the future. We are going to given incentive for everything we do.

The denta coin is interesting,..I will have to learn more about that one. Nevertheless, there will be ones for eating healthy, going to the gym, volunteering to sit with seniors, or most anything you can think of.

This is where I believe the future lies.

Sorry for bumping into you comment @taskmaster4450 - I just wanted to note that it's important to separate physical objects that have a "real" value (like food and water) and objects that have an "assigned" value (like gold and silver). Cheers! : )

Lol are u serious....just doing anything we want and then get rewarded... The world is really getting better...am a big fan of ur blog...keep up the inspiration/good works

Wow liked your post .. happy reading it .... really amazing .... thank you for sharing a good day.

Perhaps the community coin, is actually more of a society coin, one that reacts to what society holds dear, essentially reflecting what we value as a community.

This is more reflective of what I'd imagine is where decentralization will take us forward. I always reflect on this idea, I think to myself, that everyone in community has got a role to play no matter how little the contribution maybe be seen by others in the community.

I think the true value lies in us as individuals, as long as you exist as part of a community what you say and do, directly or indirectly reflects on the community.

I don't believe in too much power been centralized, on any one person or group as this in and of itself creates a loophole for abuse.

I think good morals and ethics in community should be tokenized because it's what we truly value, would you agree?

Great post and reflections! I see SBD much more as the Steemit community coin and therefore reflecting the value of this social network. Since STEEM is much more than just the Steemit app, it should also be worth more in the future (=market cap). The absolute price of SBD doesn´t matter, since the supply of STEEM is way higher.

I would just like to add that, while value can be expressed as an amount of a certain currency agreed between two people (for example, you and me agree that I sell you a chocolate for 2 USD), it can also be determined individually without linking it to a currency.

For example, if you're in a dessert dying from thirst, you would consider a bottle of water extremely valuable, valuable beyond any currency.

My apologies for going a bit off topic, but I often have an irresistible need to philosophize. Cheers! : )

P.S. I think that value spreads beyond a small niche into the wold at large by raising the awareness about its benefits. Moreover, as more and more people get the benefits, the object of value slowly starts to be regarded not as "extra beneficial" but as "a necessity for a normal life".

Wow!! Interesting. That is awesome.. I agree to that too.

Hey!! @crytogee nice blog...i measure or give value to things base on it usefulness or demands....

The idea of a community coin is one that should be explored. As it further increases the value of things that are most important to us all. Genuinely!

See given my background in the equity markets, I have a hard time trying to value crypto. In the case of Steem, I understand there is some value in it for being able to transfer wealth around the world for free. It seems more like valuing a commodity like gold than a currency that has a government taxing authority behind it. Of course Steem itself doesnt produce earnings like a stock like Facebook.

Great post with some interesting points!
I agree that any form of a community oriented coin would be a game changer.. Coins that actually reward you for doing something good to the community will actually make this world a better place.

In the beginning when I joined steemit, something that was so confusing to me was to wrap my head around this idea that you express - that Btc and all cryptocurrency is based on perceived and agreed upon value, not on a tangible thing like gold for instance. Of course the USdollar is no longer really based on that anymore either and is more like an agreed upon perceived value as well but that's another story.

in any case, it's a beautiful thing that this concept can grow into a platform and community of people taking real life actions that are wholly beneficial! I love your idea of a coin based on rewarding those things that really need to be done.

Many may not foresee this coming and that doesn't disapprove the veracity of this claims or expectations. There is nothing that can be or has been achieved without first being conceived. I believe you are working on something really important and I believe in you 99%. And thanks for your kind gesture. I am almost a product of your kindness. Am sure to follow all your posting from now onwards and offer support in any way I can.

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