The DOW UP 260 to 26,050! BITCOIN 6766! GOLD 1210. ALL performing precisely as we have written of late. STATMAN comments.."what's ahead"?

Good afternoon this Monday the last week of August. We have posted a bit sparingly this summer, although we did a "special" yesterday. Just too busy enjoying New York's Adirondack Mountains. We'll soon be back in the Tampa, Fl. home and will likely post a bit more frequently.

Let's look at this inflated Dow Jones that will likely get more inflated before it's "game over". And, it will be game over. We have nailed this market since we began posting with our SELL at 26,500 in January and BUY at 24,100 in late June. By now you know I'm more interested in the longer term picture.


I normally would have no problem issuing SELL right here. Sentiment as I write is "frothy" as I write. Put/call ratios are now about as bearish as I've seen in 2 years...not quite where they were in January. I do believe we hit new highs, however. If you do unload equities right here you'll look back one year from now and say "good move". (I'd buy some silver, frankly!)


Bitcoin is acting nicely and EXACTLY as I wrote yesterday. But we look longer term. So what difference does a day make for those who are familiar with the old and famous jazz tune? At 6725 (see chart above), we are approaching strong resistance, but SENTIMENT is more on our side now. But beware SENTIMENT is not real bullish but I'm getting a good feel for the action and a small "wall of worry". We certainly can pull back to the lower 6000 area I just don't see 5000 and below as some "wavers" are writing. I've called for this sideways action for several weeks and that's what we are seeing.

Gold 1210 and silver 14.85 both up a little today. We've had a nice bounce off 1160 and see the chart below of a prominent "wave" specialist I respect.


Is he right on? I'm not convinced and here's why? SENTIMENT as I'm writing is not good enough (yet) to propel this rally to massive proportions and soon. (like we have seen several times since 2000). Sentiment is good though and I'm very bullish going forward. It is in my mind (RON ROSEN, the legend of 60 years) 1140 or even a bit lower and November. Regardless any buying here or lower in the past several weeks will be richly rewarded. Don't get discouraged. Look at the 20 year chart. We are about to embark on a move that will one year out make you smile.


I'll likely post again Thursday of this week. Until then the best to you all.



I am making a list of people who actively read, react to or upvote comments on their articles.
This list will be everyone that I follow (my following list).
You are actively engaged in your comment section and upvote the usefull feedback, so I have added you to this list.
I hope this will bring you and the others like you good fortune! keep it up!

If you know someone who you think should be added to this list please let me know in the comment section under the article in the link below, so far I have found around 30 authors that are worth commenting on after reading.

Good post! I think you’re right in the zone with your calls

and of course, I apprec. your support and your knowledge as well..

I want silver to start its uptrend only in November, because I will go to Canada on October and I will have the chance to buy more cheap silver there.

you may get your wish.

You have a great financial blog. Totally impressed! Keep up the great work! From Kiev Ukraine -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

thank you "t-p" greatly appreciated!

It looks and sounds like I better be getting around to getting that gold I have been wanting before the end of November. Thanks @yankee-statman

That is just my thinking....and thank you,.

I wouldn't mind a little sideways action for a bit longer, I need more silver, gold, and steem power!

And that's what I think you'll get...(thanks).

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

and greatly appreciate your support.

Btc and silver about to break out! Great article and happy Tuesday.

gracias!!! thanks for stopping by!.

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