Did you know? Neal Stephenson predicted the forthcoming cryptocurrencies in 2002!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello Steemit!

What would you say if I told you there were a person who conveiced an anonymous cryptographic electronic cash system in 1983 and another one person wrote a sci-fi book about cryptocurrencies in 2002?
And another one in 2003 and another one in 2008.

Because this is the truth!

Remember: Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009.

Did you know?

A lot of people are just discovered the world of cryptocurrencies or starting to discover it, but 3 authors predicted the forthcoming cryptocurrencies way before Satoshi did it!

All of them wrote a sci-fi book about it!

The first one is Neal Stephenson. Neal Stephenson predicted the forthcoming cryptocurrencies in 2002!
Yes! You read it right! 2002! By writing a sci-fi novel called "Cryptonomicon".
Cory Doctorow wrote another book about the topic (Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom) in 2003. Cory Doctorow actually named a respect-based currency, Whuffie.
Later, the author actually tweeted that “Whuffie would be a terrible currency.”
Ten years after his debut novel, Cory Doctorow tweeted a picture of a Bitcoin ATM which prints paper versions of Bitcoins, similarly to how it was in his book.

Bitcoin ATM pic.twitter.com/hBSnHCZgXq

— Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) February 23, 2013

David D. Friedman also wrote a book related to cryptocurrencies and other things (Future Imperfect: Technology and Freedom in an Uncertain World) in 2008.
David D. Friedman described another thing in his book called "Ecash".
But "ecash" (with a little "e") was also an actual (real, existing and used) thing way before his novel.

The real ecash was conceived by David Chaum as an anonymous cryptographic electronic money or electronic cash system in 1983. It was realized through his corporation Digicash and used as micropayment system at one US bank from 1995 to 1998.

An anonymous cryptographic electronic cash system conceived in 1983?
Can you believe it? This thing is just as new to me as to you!
So the whole concept of Bitcoin is not so new as you think!
There were really existed similar things to Bitcoin (at least in mind) way before 2000!

But let's get back to the previously mentioned three sci-fi books:

"Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

Described by some as “profound and prophetic,” Cryptonomicon is a thrilling novel which takes place in two eras, going back and forth between them - WWII and the World Wide Web. This book offers some historical facts involving military episodes and drama mixed with the author’s thoughts about the future.

The truly revolutionary influence of Bitcoin is shown in this novel. Neal Stephenson predicted the forthcoming cryptocurrencies in the beginning of ‘00s as “Cryptonomicon” was published on November 5, 2002.

This book has it all: cracking the Enigma code, promoting the idea of creating a “data haven” - a spot in Southeast Asia where encrypted data would be kept and exchanged at ease. Satirical descriptions of the characters and bold humor have their own place in this twisted plot. However, some find this book difficult to read.

A few years ago the author of “Cryptonomicon” got acquainted with famous Bitcoin startup investor Roger Ver. The meeting ended with Neal Stephenson getting his phone upgraded."

Sci-Fi Books That Had Told Us About Crypto Before Satoshi Did

You can read about the other two authors and novels in the article above.

You can read more info about digital currencies here: Digital currency.

Interesting, isn't it?

Thank you for reading!

Have a nice day!


hi. I had included your post in this compilation to share with more people 😃


Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it!
Enjoy Steemit! Have a nice day!

doctorow Cory Doctorow tweeted @ 04 Mar 2016 - 19:13 UTC

Whuffie would be a terrible currency
boingboing.net/2016/03/04/whu… https://t.co/r0fOX8TqLn

doctorow Cory Doctorow tweeted @ 23 Feb 2013 - 19:53 UTC

Bitcoin ATM http://t.co/hBSnHCZgXq

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Nice post!!

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