Your Data is a Commodity more Valuable than Oil


Data is big business.

Facebook, Microsoft, Apple and Google are examples of power house data companies today.

Within these companies there's a clear divide between "users", "investors", and "creative development".

Within the traditional ways of business there's been a sort of unsportsmanlike conduct - where it's not about creative collaboration so much as it is about isolation...separating yourself from the competition by essentially defeating your competition by undercutting their existing mode of operation.

There's been this unhealthy relationship with competition - it's stifled the expansive potential within innovation.

This is changing.

Open Source projects are disrupting the very ways in which we think about "business".

"Creative collaboration" and "Community" is where the real paradigm shift is.

It's instead of fighting in this competition like way...

Letting go of the war machine model of thinking....

Shifting to a more open minded approach in the realization that what's good for the community is good for me too....

It's all about servicing the community/world more effectively and efficiently.

Many, "Disruptive" projects in the works that are really about re-structuring the value propositions of services...where there's more of a regard for all participants within the community.

Your Data is Your Property and it's valuable.

In the age of information - there's been an ever increasing demand for more information. It's like the machine....the mind is feeding itself so to the tenets of consumerism...."more....more....more".

There's a reason why information is valuable. When information is organized and structured specifically, it can be utilized as a form of data analysis - making the information useful in establishing a big picture for both the macro and micro trends of society/markets.

In an economy of "advertisements"'s all about middle manning the information to another party to pass on and continue the buy/sell game. The game is ultimately about "influence". Getting attention for you cause...your movement....your product.....your way of thinking....your opinion....your belief...your life.....your feeling....your emotion.

The way the internet is today is mostly at the expense of "consumers". It's been built with the delusion of making things better for everyone....while making it even better for some....always some more profit for some. It's interesting when we really get into the layers of the onion with how any one thing works.

There's this old saying:

Know how to do one thing all the when you know it to the point of mastery, You become a master craftsman of all trades. It's because you walked the process all the way through on that one point of mastery. The process journey of mastery in anything is a similar process in anything else, because the core principles/disciplines are always the same.


DATA is the new "Oil"


  • Paradigm shift in terms of "data management".

  • Blockchain, Blockchain, Blockchain - mostly everything in regards to the global frame work of finance is moving to "blockchain".

  • New data markets.....platforms.....where the user and consumer is regarded in the equation and accounting for the generation/labor of "data/money/revenue/value".

  • Digital wallets that are real slick in making it easy to manage everything from one source in a way where you control your information....and services are provided from the starting point of excellence. Giving up your rights and privileges to data mining applications will be a thing of the will exist - but the terms of contract will change to a more amicable relationship that can defined as a win/win....also known as mutual benefit. It's really a tipping of the scales in terms of fund the "give/take" relationship will be more balanced.

  • Educators and Innovators to play an ever increasing role of "sharing the word" on what's up with various technological advancements and business opportunities emerging on a daily basis.



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Data harvesting is disgusting, and yes I do believe blockchain will disrupt this industry as well.....great post @worldclassplayer

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I agree. If you are not paying for the product, you are the product. Companies take our data, searches, likes etc and use it to push ads on us. If you don’t pay for things (like google and Facebook) you have had to accept this!

Data is the next gold of a thing in this world

I wonder what they will do with my blockchain data?

That one was a great article🙂
Internet companies control of data gives them enormous power. Technologies and the internet have made data abundant, ubiquitous and far more valuable. Artificial intelligence and many algorithm can operate on our data to extract valuable information. All our data gives them tremendous power and more profits.

This is a big problem, given how omnipresent the internet is in the lives of every human alive today, and it's something we should all be concerned about. We are the ones who are giving up our data willingly, and that makes up for all but 100% of these companies bottom line, so remember that we have all the power here.

i didn't knew this much about our precious data my mind is blown away dude

combining the power of both the world data and blockchain this will be a big thing

data is really valuable now and people are up for it at any cost

thanks for sharing the blockchain information @worldclassplayer you had when first starting out. i will keep that in mind for any future comments i might be making. thanks for preventing new steemians from making those mistakes :) by the way i like what your doing here on steem, you keep it real, i can appreciate that for sure :)
thanks for sharing your experience :) ..


love the layout sir @worldclassplayer its very helpfull for us i really like your this post sir
thank you again for shareing :)

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