
This is excellent. I am looking to pick out a tarot deck just so I can intepret crypto's with. I have found it to be mostly correct. I am sure the more I learn about the tarot and the meanings, that it can be highly accurate.

One time I was doing a spread of 21 cards - I do one card for each major arcana to help me know what to invest in (I swing trade). So I had already picked one card for each major arcana (bitcion cash for this time period was Victory - 6 of Wands), so here they are all face down and I am putting my hand over it to see if I get a feeling of if it will be hot/cold or whatever else for that week, and I am picking cards here and there, and after like 15 cards, I got the impression of bitcoin cash in my mind's eye, so I said "This one is bitcoin cash" and I turned it up and it was the 6 of wands!!!

I try to invest only through using intuitive means as I feel it's the best way to invest. "What is the wave of energy that is coming at this crypto right now?" I feel it in my body and I translate it.

Would love to talk to you further about this.

Anyone else who is interesting in using Intuition to study cryptos and the market (And ultimately, how to help others and how to make big decisions in life), let me know! I have a lot to share.

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