Waves March Review

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Waves March Review

We’re pleased to present the Waves March review. The past month was full of events and news, so if you missed anything, this article should tell you everything you need to know. Enjoy the read!


Waves’ smart contracts language gets a name

‘Rideon’ is the new name of Waves’ smart contracts language! As you know, we couldn't use the term ‘Gravity’, but we still split the prize among all the people who suggested it. Those who suggested RIDE were also rewarded.

MRT is back

Throughout March we’ve been distributing 10 MRT for each generated block, and smaller miners have been incentivized with additional MRT. The source of this has been our own stake in MRT. We’re also buying back MRT from the market, burning half of the amount and sending the other half to miners. After that we will be targeting a specific daily profit for miners and, if revenues fall below the average amount required, they will be topped up by additional MRT distribution. The goal is to increase miners’ profit by at least an order of magnitude and ideally more.

Developers’ news

Node Version 0.10.2 is out

Version 0.10.2 (Mainnet & Testnet) is out: various bugs were fixed and the new Mass Transfer transaction feature was added. Mass Transfer transactions allows to send assets up to 100 recipients which makes it much cheaper, useful and effective. Currently,​ it's not possible to send mass transfers only via node API, but it will be also supported on Wallet soon. Click here for more info about Mass Transfer transactions.

Waves Client beta update

Waves Client has undergone several updates in March. The developers’ team has introduced new useful features and fixed various bugs. The desktop version of the Waves Client updates automatically from now on. Also, the Client has become more user-friendly, because the UI adapts to the type of device it is being used on. Finally, a new cryptocurrency gateway was introduced: you can send, exchange and deposit Bitcoin Cash now. You can download the updated version on our website.

New Payment Gateway Framework

New framework allows developers to quickly and easily deploy gateways to integrate new cryptocurrency coins within their ecosystem. With that, users can then begin trading on the Waves Decentralized Exchanged (DEX). The Waves gateway framework is implemented using Python, designed to further simplify the coding process for developers. Developers are able to integrate new gateways with Python by implementing a special Python application programming interface (API) for their unique coin blockchain, or through standard JSON-RPC, REST or similar APIs.

Russian and Chinese versions of Waves’ site

Check out the Russian and Chinese versions of wavesplatform.com that we have launched recently. Find language switch at the bottom left corner of the page, in case you see an English version after opening the site.

Waves Lab

Study of Waves ICOs

A thorough and detailed study of Waves Platform ICOs has been released: check it out here.

New residents

Tradingene — the first blockchain-based marketplace of trading algorithms — joined Waves Lab in March. Significant innovations suggested by Tradingene will surely solve key market problems. Learn more about Tradingene here.

The next new participant of the Waves Lab is Paytomat — a promising decentralised system for cryptocurrency payments. The project has received 100,000 WAVES seed funding from the incubator. Find out more about Paytomat here.

The third new participant of Waves Lab is Digilira. This is a platform that allows users to convert Turkish liras (TRY) into cryptocurrency tokens named WTRY on the Waves DEX. Learn more here.

You can also find more information in Korean and Japanese about our new Waves Labs residents.

Community and Events

Moving to Discord

We are moving from Slack to Discord as it’s more suitable for the community. Welcome to our official Discord! Waves Platform Slack will be closed on 16 April.

Waves Platform COO Max Pertsovskiy’s speech at The Stanford Bitcoin Club

Waves COO Max Pertsovskiy talked about ease of tokenisation and mass adoption through simplicity at The Stanford Bitcoin Club. Watch his speech here.

Berlin meetup

We had a great time in Berlin on 5 March! Thanks to everybody who came to meet our team and community. Here are some photos from the meetup.

Amsterdam meetup

Another great meetup was held in Amsterdam on 6 March. Watch the full recording here.

Q&A session with Tradingene

Tradingene’s COO & Co-founder Sergey Kuzmin and Business Development & Co-founder Roman Burtsev held a Q&A Session with the Waves community in our Telegram chat on 15 March. Check out the discussion here.

Win your way to the World Cup in RewardMob’s ‘Road to Russia’ contest

Waves and RewardMob have partnered up to bring Waves holders the experience of a lifetime. For the first time ever, our Waves wallet holders can win a range of World Cup Final prizes including a VIP trip for two to the World Cup Final in Russia in July 2018. Learn more here.


Tidex airdrop declared a success!

Tidex exchange recently held a mass-airdrop of their TDX token, making full use of the Waves-NG protocol to process thousands of transactions in short order. The results have been encouraging, and should be an example for every crypto marketing campaign!

News from the recent Waves meetup with updates on our upcoming smart contracts

Read a great Blockchain Diaries overview of the meetup that was held at Primalbase’s shared office space in Amsterdam.

Why is the Waves DEX so awesome?

All you need to know about DEX and its immense awesomeness.

The future of blockchain

All about the Waves-NG protocol, Smart Contracts, Voting, Atomic Swaps, more gateways and other cool upcoming features on the Waves Platform.

Waves ecosystem visualised

New users, businesses and communities keep joining Waves every day. Together we are enhancing Waves’ technology and spreading it across the globe. So what is so special about our ecosystem? Here are some of the key elements of the Waves ecosystem visualised.

How to choose a cryptocurrency exchange

Let’s suppose you have some amount of cryptocurrency you want to exchange for conventional money - for example, USD - but you don’t know how to do it. You’ll need to go to a crypto exchange. In order to choose one wisely, you have to consider a number of factors.

Loyalty programmes on the blockchain

Anyone who has ever been handed a loyalty card in a store and discovered it again months later, gathering dust, will already have come to the same conclusion that Incent did back in 2015: traditional loyalty schemes don’t work particularly well. Loyalty programmes on the blockchain will change that.

What Is Proof of Stake?

As well as being more efficient by design, PoS can also form the foundations of a faster system. Waves has built on the concept to create a consensus algorithm capable of supporting up to a hundred transactions per second, making it suitable for mass-market applications.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies

Assuming a sufficient amount of time has passed and your investment is up by a healthy amount, you may be faced with the dilemmas of if, when and how much to sell. How you decide that will depend on your broader investment strategy.

Blockchain leasing for Proof of Stake

PoS systems may also allow their users to lease their coin balance to miners, thereby playing a part in securing the network and gaining some of the rewards without the overheads of having to run a full node for themselves.

Interview with Ilya Smagin — Head of Development for Waves’ smart contracts

Ilya Smagin talks in depth about Waves’ smart contracts.

Centralized vs Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Vulnerability of Most Trading Platforms

Which type of crypto exchange is more efficient? Read the article to find out.

How to invest in an ICO

Investing in an ICO is similar to the investment process for the traditional markets in many ways. Just like conventional investing, it has its pros and cons. Blockchain technology and ICOs in particular are still evolving, so you really have to keep up with the latest trends — both technological and legal. If you are careful enough, you might profit from an ICO. This article explains what you have to consider in the first place.

That’s it for March. See you in the beggining of May!

P.S.: Many have been asking how do we look like? So here’s the photo of the Waves Team!

Waves Platform Team

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Great waves. Excited to see the new smart contract language.

hi.. . a very good post. i like your post

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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49