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RE: Cryptocurrency Market Is Growing Exponentially: BTC will continue to lose market share

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Great insights here. I had an entertaining (unsolicited) and heated crypto/red-pill conversation over the weekend. It seems I've been having more of these recently as suburbia slowly wakes up. This information would have been very useful!


Thank you. Curious, what exactly was the conversation about?

I was asked about my views on new, interesting investment ideas in a social context. I manage traditional assets for a living. I mentioned cryptos, and one of the people around the table immediately responded that they were sketchy and enabled criminal activity. He's an avid NYT reader, so not a surprising response. That led to a broader conversation about central banks, regulation, the instability of our current system and the potential of blockchain technology. My friend wasn't ready to absorb many of the facts, so he had an adverse reaction. Interesting to watch the discomfort and fear caused by the mere mention of cryptos, and their potential benefits.

I always find it a little humorous when people say BTC is used from criminal activity, do they think criminals haven't been using or making money until 2009? lol
I covered the "fear" mentality a lot in my most recent interview with Rouge Money. I would focus on what is already being done with crypto and blockchain. Many companies are making huge investments in the sector. There are several large banks and companies like UBS,BP,Microsoft etc...Most people do not understand monetary policy, central banking and currency manipulation, but they may understand the value of investments from the comapanies I mentioned.
You might find this article I wrote interesting...

Thanks for the suggestions. You're right, the more complex dynamics fly over most peoples' heads. I actually used a link to the Consensus conference as a follow up. The list of logos is impressive.

Look into the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, I will probably do a post about it in the next week or two.

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