Cryptocurrency Market Is Growing Exponentially: BTC will continue to lose market share

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

"Bitcoin dominates over other digital currencies today, but the data suggests its market share will drop significantly in the next few years."

New research is suggesting that the cryptocurrency market is growing exponentially, although the data also suggests that a large portion of the market is stable and following a standard model of evolution . The following article comes from the MIT Technology Review,by Emerging Technology from the arXiv  May 29, 2017. Source.

Read the article from the MIT Technology Review below.

You can read my "important takeaways" at the end of the post.

"When it comes to the future of money, there is a growing consensus that cryptocurrencies are set to play a major role. One cryptocurrency, in particular, has entered the public lexicon as the go-to digital asset: Bitcoin.

But the cryptocurrency market is significantly more complex than the public lexicon might suggest. And while there have been plenty of studies examining the role and future of Bitcoin, there have been few that explore the broader cryptocurrency market and how it is evolving.

Today that changes thanks to the work of Abeer ElBahrawy at City University in London and a few pals who have examined the cryptocurrency market as a whole and say that it is significantly more complex and mature than many had thought. The evolution of this market even bears a remarkable similarity to the evolution of ecosystems in many other areas, providing some insight into the way the cryptocurrency market might change in the future.

First some background. The big challenge with digital currency is to prevent unauthorized copying. Cryptocurrencies use two mechanisms to prevent this. The first is to publish every transaction in a public record and to store numerous copies of this ledger online in a way that allows them all to be automatically compared and updated. This prevents double spending—using the same bitcoin to buy two different things.

The second mechanism is to protect the ledger cryptographically. Every update collects together a range of new transactions and adds them to the existing ledger. But to do this, the earlier version of the ledger is first frozen and encrypted.

The new version of the ledger—called a block—includes the encrypted copy of the earlier ledger. Anybody can use this encrypted data to generate a number that can be used to check the veracity of the block. However, it is extremely hard to generate this number computationally in an attempt to game the system. It is this feature—that the blocks are easy to check but extremely hard to copy—that secures the system.

Of course, as the ledger continues to be updated, new blocks must be created, piggybacking on the old ones and creating an unbroken chain of blocks. Hence, the term blockchain technology.

Bitcoin is by far the most famous of these cryptocurrencies. It is also among the oldest, having first emerged in 2009. But it is by no means the only cryptocurrency. So an interesting question is how the cryptocurrency market is evolving.

To find out, ElBahrawy and co analyzed the behavior of 1,500 cryptocurrencies that have emerged since 2013 and say that some 600 of them are actively traded today. They say this market has recently entered a period of exponential growth and is currently worth $54 billion. (By comparison, the total amount of money in the world is about $60 trillion.) 

But while this cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly, ElBahrawy and co show that certain aspects of it are stable. For example, the number of active cryptocurrencies has remained about the same since 2013 as has the market share distribution, which follows a well-known power law.

The team also shows how this distribution can be reproduced using a standard model of evolution in which they plug in figures for the rate at which currencies emerge and die away.

This power law distribution occurs in a wide range of systems. For example, the same law describes the size of religions, of languages and even of wars (by number of deaths). In none of these systems is there are any favored religion or language or war. But all things being equal, they all form this type of distribution.

The fact that size distribution of cryptocurrencies follows the same law is significant. It implies that as far as the market is concerned, all currencies are essentially the same. “The fit with the data shows that there is no detectable population-level consensus on what is the ‘best’ currency or that different currencies are advantageous for different uses,” say ElBahrawy and co.

Whether that is true is up for debate. Various critics have pointed out a number of technical limitations associated with Bitcoin, and this has inspired a new generation of cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum. Whether this will influence the market remains to be seen.

While this exponential growth is ongoing, Bitcoin’s market share is falling. The top five biggest currencies—Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash, and Monero—now account for 20 percent of the market. And the trend for Bitcoin is clear. “This would predict Bitcoin market share to fluctuate around 50 percent by 2025,” say the team.

Another factor in the market is that cryptocurrencies aren’t used only as currency. Bitcoin is also widely used for speculation and can also be used for nonmonetary uses such as timestamping.

For many of these applications there is a clear benefit to having a single currency that everyone agrees on. “While the use of cryptocurrencies as speculative assets should promote diversification, their adoption as payment method (i.e., the conventional use of a shared medium of payment) should incentivize a winner-take-all regime,” say Bickell and co.

But experience with other ecosystems suggest that this is by no means certain to happen. For example, a single computer operating system has never been able to outcompete all others, regardless of the ruthlessness of its deployment. Neither has any human language or religion or fashion wiped out all others.  

That’s not to say it can’t happen. But unless there is significant external manipulation of this market, the likelihood is that there will be significant diversity in the cryptocurrency market for the foreseeable future."

Ref: Bitcoin Is Not Alone: Quantifying and Modelling the Long-Term Dynamics of the Cryptocurrency Market

Check out the original article and post: Source

Important Takeaways

What you need to know quick and concise

  1. The cryptocurrency market is growing exponentially
  2. "the number of active cryptocurrencies has remained about the same since 2013 as has the market share distribution, which follows a well-known power law."
  3. "the same law describes the size of religions, of languages and even of wars (by number of deaths). In none of these systems is there are any favored religion or language or war. But all things being equal, they all form this type of distribution."
  4. This suggests all currencies are essentially viewed the same by the market (still up for debate).
  5. Research would also suggest that no single currency will be able to take over the entire ecosystem.
  6. A large portion of the market is considered to be stable and following predictable growth patterns

Expect to see Bitcoin to continue to lose dominance in market share (This does not mean BTC will necessarily lose value, just that there will be more market share for other currencies). This research suggests a significant drop in market share for BTC.

(This is not financial advice)

If you are interested in buying BTC,LTC or ETH check out Coinbase, you will get $10 of free BTC after your first $100 BTC purchase, using the link below.

KeepKey Hardware Wallet, the wallet I use.


If you want to stay up to date on crypto news follow my blog @digicrypt.

DASH: XgQ9NBonMoCPKhF37agY4W8zk7gwQFnwGV

Litecoin: LfqygtBxy3AJgEpTnTMUYGEoTYEcED8YPZ


My Favourite Post of the day! Bitcoin is already losing it's Dominance in the Crypto-Sphere. I wish we could just hurry up and establish these futuristic blockchain Markets > Steem will be there in there future!

Thanks! I thought their research was pretty interesting. I think BTC will probably be considered a store of value more than a crypto for everyday transactions. Steem has a lot of potential and already makes for a great currency with free transactions and fast block times! It will be interesting to see which cryptos can carve out a niche for themselves in the marketplace.

Great insights here. I had an entertaining (unsolicited) and heated crypto/red-pill conversation over the weekend. It seems I've been having more of these recently as suburbia slowly wakes up. This information would have been very useful!

Thank you. Curious, what exactly was the conversation about?

I was asked about my views on new, interesting investment ideas in a social context. I manage traditional assets for a living. I mentioned cryptos, and one of the people around the table immediately responded that they were sketchy and enabled criminal activity. He's an avid NYT reader, so not a surprising response. That led to a broader conversation about central banks, regulation, the instability of our current system and the potential of blockchain technology. My friend wasn't ready to absorb many of the facts, so he had an adverse reaction. Interesting to watch the discomfort and fear caused by the mere mention of cryptos, and their potential benefits.

I always find it a little humorous when people say BTC is used from criminal activity, do they think criminals haven't been using or making money until 2009? lol
I covered the "fear" mentality a lot in my most recent interview with Rouge Money. I would focus on what is already being done with crypto and blockchain. Many companies are making huge investments in the sector. There are several large banks and companies like UBS,BP,Microsoft etc...Most people do not understand monetary policy, central banking and currency manipulation, but they may understand the value of investments from the comapanies I mentioned.
You might find this article I wrote interesting...

Thanks for the suggestions. You're right, the more complex dynamics fly over most peoples' heads. I actually used a link to the Consensus conference as a follow up. The list of logos is impressive.

Look into the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, I will probably do a post about it in the next week or two.

just beware and be forewarned of cryptos i would do like me and the stores and shops...when you get bitcoins get rid of them ASAP im planning on getting a HUGE PILE OF SILVER and when i wanna buy something ill convert my silver to bitcoin or whatever to make a point of purchase that day of what i want I WOULD HIGHLY CONSIDER NOT HOARDING AND HOLDING any cryptos....who REALLY created them and y?! and i have to tell you guys i have heard that its another CIA OP....just be cautious!!

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