CRYPTOCURRENCY: Crypto Currencies are alive and kicking. It is only a matter time until most people have a Crypto Currency Address..!!
Crypto Currency Address
As an advocate for Blockchain Technology and its application in particular to: Global Financial Markets, Global Banking and Global Trade, I am on the constant lookout for articles to share.
Earlier on I came across this article on Coindesk that I thought I would share with you.
Credit to Coindesk for the content in the article.
Credit: Coindesk
Credit: Coindesk
Over the last few years I have begun to educate family and friends about Crypto Currencies and have tried explaining that in the future Crypto Currencies are set to play a dominate role in day-to-day life as Fiat Currencies become readily known for their painful loss in value.
It is this slow and painful loss in value over time that will bring Crypto Currencies to the forefront of peoples mind.
For most people, Crypto Currencies are something that is related to computer geeks and nerds, but as people realise that as the value of their Fiat Currencies evaporates in front of their eyes, it will be then that these geeks and nerds will be taken seriously.
Less than a year ago I was talking to a friend about Crypto Currency and they fell around laughing saying "......that it sounded like something from a Superman Movie"..!!
The more I explained, the more they laughed, until eventually I had no choice but to give up.
Strangely enough at the time Bitcoin was less than $700 and since then their Fiat Currency has LOST OVER FOUR TIMES its buying value..!!
Education, Education, Education
For me there is simply a lack of basic Education when it comes to the Global Financial System and this is the root cause of the problem.
Until such time as people are educated about the System, the System will always win.
What we are witnessing however, is that the System is preparing itself for when the balance of Educated vs. Non-Educated tips into the favour of the ones who understand that the existing System is fraught with lies, manipulation and deceit.
In the meantime, the Educated will have to simply sit it out and be patience in the knowledge that there is clear evidence that the battle is slowly being won.
It is news pieces like this that builds up the momentum that Crypto Currencies are alive and kicking.
It is simply a matter of time until most people have a Crypto Currency Address..!!
Thanks again for reading.
I don't think education will matter, people don't need to know how something works to use it, e.g cars, planes, computers etc.
Let's mastercard gives every card an associated crypto address, it will improve security and reduce there costs but 99% of the users will notice no difference. Now those of use that know more about crypto may get some added fuctionality.
"I don't think education will matter.." I didn't mean educating people about Crypto Currencies, I meant educating people about how the current Financial System is fraught with lies, deceit and manipulation. Once this is learnt then people will appreciate that their Fiat Currency will eventually drop to zero..!! Stephen
I agree with your opinion @stephenkendal
oh, well it's not a perfect system but if you are waiting for one of those it will be quite a while.
edit: grr ironically I misspell perfect so much
Thanks for the informative piece @stephenkendal. I've been wanting to invest in cryptocurrencies forever. Its just that I live in a country with the shittiest government and banking policies. We don't get to have international credit cards or paypal and they just banned legal bitcoin
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I feel so lucky that I'm discovering cryptocurrencies at this early stage. I might have missed Bitcoin but there are a handful of great ICOs that are coming out recently and I'm so lucky to own some. Aloha!
Interesting! i upvoted you!
PD: for all steemians on this post... follow me and i follow you bros! check my content and join me in this world of steemit :D
I'm new to this crypto world and being educated about how it works and it's way are very crucial in this age. Slowly but surely, i am understanding the ideas, the process and anything there is to know about crypto. Feels like my 1st day in school. ;)
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Im so lucky that I found steemit and crypto before 2 months. Damn ,here in Latvia is really big corruption going on .
good postt .
I tried to talk about Bitcoin to my family once, they just looked at me like if I was an alien... But for sure, cryptocurrencies gain more and more place in the everyday life, even for the non geeks. We see ATMs that are specifically made for Bitcoin, physical wallets for cryptocurrencies are increasing. We should not forget that cryptocurrencies are still very young !!! It's gonna take some time for other people to understand how it works and what benefits it brings.