CryptoCarz is a dream incarnate in reality.
In the real life not everybody can take the liberty of a car by the cost of hundred thousands of dollars, and to carry out the dream participating in a race on a steep bolide. In our time playing industry it is a "giant" among various industries, and exactly due to virtual games, the enormous great number of people can carry out the dream. In the world of games most popular are races, and in order that to feel the most real racing driver on a steep sport machine, simply enough to set any game and incarnate the dream in reality, at an insignificant condition, reality will be virtual.
CryptoCarz is the first in the world racing platform with realization of virtual reality, based on technology of blockchain. Setting CryptoCarz, any player can feel the real racing driver, the point is that the level of realism is very high, playing, using all the possibilities of virtual reality. In CryptoCarz there are many functions available so that the game is not bored in a short time and this is a big plus of this project, in fact to most games interest disappears very quickly. Developers thought of very much routes that is various inter se, that does a game more interesting. Similarly every player can create the machine of the dream, using a function tuning , and it is a very large plus, because such possibility is given not in every game.
The exact cost of cars is not known now, but acquisition and sale of cars on the platform of CryptoCarz come true by means of blockchain Ethereum. Every model of machine is presented a in limited quantities, that is determined by a code in a smart contract. The probability that the machine will appear beyond the established limit is excluded. All machines are purchased by a player, kept in the purse of Ethereum.
Estimating quality of project CryptoCarz it is possible to say with a confidence, that developers of this project are specialists of high level, that have enormous experience in creation of games. The creators of CryptoCarz were able to create a very unusual project on the basis of technology of blockchain, that does him unique.
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To all lovers of games this project must please necessarily
It is a large breach in playing industry, a game is based it is powerful on technology of блокчейн.
Very interested this project, necessarily I will watch after all news.
Very interesting project, it is a true making dreams come true of many players.
Work of developers is executed very well, beginning from graphic arts, ending an idea.
Very interesting project, thank you to the creators for possibility to be maximally dipped in a game.
To all lovers of games this project must please necessarily