Champagne and Fireworks! Scorum's Resolution Roadmap for 2018


With 2017 coming to an end we are looking at our goals and of course plotting out our resolutions on our roadmap. We stand by our goal of becoming the #1 sports media platform. It will not be an overnight achievement. But with so many fans, year round action, and state-of-the-art coverage to drive up audience interaction, we have already started chasing it.

Challenges abound for all cryptocurrency-based projects but our team is dead-set on delivering on its promises and realizing the vision we’ve set out for. With growing support among pro athletes and a stable economy designed to share the wealth of the sports industry, Scorum is on track to successfully meet the milestones on our timeline for 2018.

Within the next year fans on Scorum will be able to:

  • Get rewards in SCR and SP for curating and commenting on content in the blogging platform
  • Easily create posts with interactive data visualizations about most major sports
  • Stay up to date with the latest statistics on their favorite teams and players in the AI enabled stats center
  • Use their cryptocurrency rewards to buy live streams or tickets for upcoming events and other sporting goods
  • And so much more...

Three core instruments already set to take the field:

- Blogging Platform

The Scorum blogging platform will be optimised for sports content creation. It will make it easy for content creators to design engaging and visually appealing content, which in turn allows authors to focus their effort on writing quality publications about sports. The core functionality of the platform has already been developed and is currently undergoing internal UX testing.

- Statistics Center

A prototype of the statistics center is already functioning for soccer and we’ll be adding more sports and continuously expanding the features to appeal to the modern sports fan. Stay on top of upcoming events around the world. Break down all aspects of an athlete’s or team’s performance in Scorum’s stats center.

- Fantasy Sports

To kick off our user audience growth we’re launching a prototype of the commission-free fantasy football platform pre-crowdsale. Play now to get in the game early and start winning in our fantasy leagues.

With the statistics center and blogging platform features almost ready and the fantasy sports prototype functioning, the time is now to get in the game and become an early adopter of Scorum, the next generation of sports media. Want to see what it will look like? Check out our design preview.

Here’s our roadmap.

Notice how the timeline perfectly coincides with major sporting events:

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  1. We start with the tokens crowdsale! Sports and cryptocurrency enthusiasts can buy SCR tokens from January 14th to February 11th to use on the Scorum platform.
  2. Blockchain and Wallet: In March 2018 our blockchain protocol will launch and users will see their SCR balances in their online wallet.
  3. Fantasy Sports: The full version of our fantasy football league with blockchain integration and SCR buy-ins and payouts will be launched. This gives token purchasers an immediate, engaging, and fun way to use their SCR and win even more.
  4. Blogging Platform: With the 2018 FIFA World Cup starting in June, Scorum gets a huge test and opportunity for its blogging platform. Early adopters and writers have a chance to cover the most popular event in the world of sports on a new platform.
  5. Commission-Free Betting Exchange: The betting exchange will go live where allowed by local regulations. Just in time for the World Cup, wagers will fly as sports fans world-wide can quickly and easily place bets without commission and without dealing with shady bookmakers. Scorum will not derive revenue from the exchange, we’re launching it to enrich sports fans experience and to support the SCR exchange rate.
  6. Advertizing System: We’ll ensure that authors have favorable conditions for growing their audience. Ads will be bought in SCR, underpinning the currency against devaluation. 50% of this ad revenue will be distributed to active Scorum users.
  7. Sports Editorial Tools: Our coverage goes to the next level with data visualization tools and IA services within the statistics center. Users will be able not to just view the data, but also to easily embed it into their posts.
  8. User Generated Photo Database: The old adage of a picture being worth a thousand words still rings true, especially when it comes to sports media. Photographers will be rewarded when somebody purchases their photos from Socrum’s database. While authors can benefit from images available right on the platform.
  9. US Sports Stats: October brings major US sports data into Scorum stats center just in time for the Major League Baseball playoffs and the start of a new National Football League season. Besides these huge sporting events, interest in fantasy sports continues to grow (one out of every five US citizens plays fantasy sports!). All in all, he active fan market is enormous and hungry for innovative data-driven coverage.

Even with a crystal ball, predicting the future is a funny business. But when we look at how all these features of Scorum will stack up to reward fans AND stabilize the value of Scorum Coins tokens, we can’t help feeling a bit giddy.

Scorum has stepped up to the plate to push sports media in an innovative and inclusive direction and we’re swinging for the fences.

As the final post for 2017, the team at Scorum HQ are excited for the development that 2018 will bring in the world of blockchain projects including our own. We’d like to thank all the people who have shown interest and belief in the Scorum vision over the last year. As you can see from the roadmap, 2018 will be a busy one. We look forward to bringing the Scorum platform to life and can’t wait to see the growing community of fans enjoying Scorum in one years time!

Happy New Year from Anna Sidorova, a prominent athlete, a curling World Championship Runner-Up and Scorum advocate.

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Want to be a part of the journey?


I just looked over your web site, very impressive and exciting! I want in and hope that some of my other positions mature in time before the end of the crowd sale!

Thanks a lot! We hope to see you on Scorum!

love you Blog follow thanks...

What will be required to buy tokens in the crowdsale?
Passport? Email? Nothing but bitcoins or Steem?
Which currencies will you accept?

Which statistics will you offer? Advanced?

We're complying with KYC and AML regulations. Tokens can be purchased with ETH and BTC. Our stats center is currently just for soccer/football but it will be expanded to other major sports as the platform grows with plans to include US sports by October.

When I log in to Scorum I am already able to buy coins. How is it possible if crowdsale starts in 11 days?
Your onepager states that first 1.6M coins will be sold with 50% discount. 863.3k already sold (nearly 736.7 k left to 1.6M) but the oferred discount is only 25%. Why it is not 50%?

Hey thanks for the questions. Yes the first 1.6M Coins were sold at $.50 per coin. The 863.3K is the USD amount raised. That's why we've moved on to the second stage discount of 25% off. For any more detailed questions feel free to chat with us in Telegram. Thanks again!

Thank You for reply.
Sorry, I don't use telegram

You're welcome. Hope to see you posting about running on Scorum someday!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67978.59
ETH 3270.89
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65