
a very critical decision, thanks for sharing your experience, i will take a closer look

good move mate, i will have a look at sola, never heard befor

Interesting selection

I think sola is a good tryout, i'm learning more about this cryptocurrency, i'm only conversant with steemit

Nice picks, I just sold ETH to buy ICX the other day and when I loaded CMC I was like craaaaaaaap, then I saw ICX haha. ALso have some interest in SALT, but I'm already pretty diversified, maybe I'll get a smidge

Wouldn't surprise me, I still hold a smidge but like the potential of NEO, ICX, VEN, and EOS too much to stay away from them

I keep doing hold since everything fell a few weeks ago, and I will continue to hold the position until everything goes up. For now, I do not invest in anything.

Sola looks interesting for the next year atleast! Ive been watching waves, just waiting to sell them magazines and then im buying in 2 weeks a few bits and bobs!

Great idea though to trade BTC, theres much more profit in splitting it up for the next 2 years easy,plus its booooring! I had 0.98btc end of nov, started splitting it into coins like Bytecoin, DGB , Doge and lots more.. as I have limited electric and internet, i didnt take time to research wallets and got scammed an incredible 5 times! (roast me about that another time lol) Value today 0.7btc!! Even though i was locked out of binance in the new year hype and missed that to sell what I had on there, I have the equivalent roughly of 1.7 btc still just from selling of the btc in end of november and trading on sites... "dont keep all your eggs in one basket"

Vurderer selv og cashe mine bitcoin cash i noen andre valuttaer, for eks litt ripple, iota, og til slutt en av mine gøyere favoritter Dogecoin😂 1000kr investering i dogecoin er jo 16686 coins tenk den dagen den skulle stige til 1$

Yeah..I'd just make sure I'd keep the same amount of BCH as BTC..and then forget about it.

You really should look into Maker/DAI. It is going to be huge. It is one of Ethereum's biggest and longest project. Vitalik himself even said ICOs should be issued in the new stablecoin DAI, the Maker team is working on implementing it. Say bye bye to the tether and other stable coins soon. Its coming. Their PR team is hired and they are going to start advertising within the next few weeks.

Stay tuned!

Sadly, work has been too slow for my wallet. So i won't be able to take part in this dip, but there will be another, and there will be new coins as well. My fortune will just be delayed, not lost or missed.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 64112.50
ETH 3174.45
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54