Cryptocurrency: Real World Use in Real World Emergencies

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

If you’ve been following my blog recently, you’ll know I went to Steemfest, then got stranded in Chicago thanks to a major foul-up in booking by Expedia that Expedia took no responsibility for. I’m fine thanks to United Airlines, whose employees rallied to help me with lodging and food until I could make other arrangements.

I’m flying out to Charlotte shortly, which is almost four hours from home for me. For the original flight I had transportation arranged and paid for. I still will pay for that, because they were there to get me. But guess what? I wasn’t there for them to pick up. I’m flat broke after travelling, even more so after the layover. Expedia refused to spring for a rental car after their screwup, so I’m stranded again in Charlotte after I land.

Or maybe not.

This is where cryptocurrency has changed my life. No need to call banks, wire money, pay huge fees and suffer delays. Within minutes—and I mean literally minutes—after hearing about my situation, @eturnerx arranged an immediate wallet transfer and bam…I’m renting a car tonight.

I still maintain that Expedia should pay for this rental car, or at least reimburse. And I’m not quite through beating that particular drum. But the real-life impact of cryptocurrency is that I’m not stranded four hours from home. It was instantly available and instantly accessible, and just as instantly saved my ass. More than ever, I believe this is the technology that will change the world. I can’t even imagine the horrible mess I’d be in just now if it didn’t exist.

photo source


Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków


Just reading back through a few feeds - that shitty of Expedia (I booked through them too).

Great use of crypto!

Totally steem motivated since SF3... this price drop just a blip!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I wasn't too happy with Expedia, for sure. They may have been "within legal rights," but it was still poor customer service imo.

As far as being steem motivated--oh, heck yeah. Me, too! I am SO glad I got a chance to meet you and spend some time talking with you in person. I have photos of you from the closing drinks party that I don't remember taking. LOL! No, they're not that kind of photo. You were just standing there talking to Muxxy and I clearly couldn't focus either my eyes or the camera, because everything is blurry as hell. Too bad, that, because I'm not sure I have any others of you. Oh noes! I might post one of the blurry ones anyway, just 'cause. LOLOL

I don't remeber pictures either... that last night was the only one I really drank on!

You should post them, the more the merrier.

Looking forward to the next one!

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope everything is arranged now, and you are on you way for home.
I had actually a similar experience. I was backpaking in spain while I underestimated my expenses and I had to wait 2/3 days for a bank transfer to pass through. I would have probably sleeped outside at Barcelona if I didn't found a bitcoin ATM to save the day

I just got home last night. LOL

As my luck would have it, no airport rental car agency in the U.S. will take a bank debit card. They will only take a major credit card, which I don’t have. So I ended up spending two nights in a motel in Charlotte NC, anyway, until I finally had the bright idea to see if Uber would help. And guess what? They did! They took me as far as 140 miles, then I caught a cab home from there.

The thought of anyone sleeping outside at Barcelona or Charlotte or anywhere is just depressing. It makes that whole Krakow camper thing seem like a good idea. LOL! At any rate, thank goodness you were able to leverage bitcoin to keep you off the street. I admit I’m jealous, though, of your travels. If only I had youth and good health on my side, I’d be off to explore the world myself, something I regret not having done when I could. Just remember, you have Steem friends who’d love to see photos of the places you go and people you meet. Also, @GMuxx and I are still down for Route 66 in the spring!

@eturnerx great goodman. Well, there is a cryptocurrency through which can send money...keep friend)

Eturnerx is one of the finest human beings I have ever known.

It was such a joy meeting you at SF3. One of my big regrets of the whole experience is that we didn't get to talk more. But we always have Discord! If you're working on your English, we can spend time in voice chat where you can take your time and practice on us without any pressure at all. And maybe you can teach us your language as well! I would LOVE that.

I also believe that we are in a community that is progressive and that there is a beautiful future! And we felt that friendly atmosphere on SteemFest! I am glad that you are already ok!

@olga.maslievich, yes! Community is the big draw for me, when it comes to this platform. At the end of the day, it's all about people. And the people here--like you and @bugavi--will keep me here for a long, long time. :-)

I am pleased with your words about us! Have a good time!

So fantastic!

The decentralized nature always appealed to me but seeing it put to use to help real folks in real situations is heart warming.

Go crypto! Travel safe and I hope it gets better for you on this trip.

I can't wait to see cryptocurrency take a more prominent role in world economy. I don't know if it will ever replace FIAT altogether, but if it's there and it's readily accessible and accepted on a large scale, it will make transactions around the globe a lot easier.

Godspeed! Also jealous. Lol

Chelsea, I would say there's nothing to be jealous of, but that would be a lie. LOLOL! Oh man--this experience was one of the most enlightening and eye-opening of my life. I heard a lot of people say that, too. It's a whole different kind of conference, and a whole different kind of community, one with no borders and a sense of teamwork that's just mind-blowing. Not everyone on Steem gets that, but most of the folks at SF3 seemed to. When you get that much similar energy together in one place with one focus, WOW! It's incredible.

That's REALLY cool. Wish i could've went but i'm currently in a bit of a crisis

Hope everything will be fine for you and that you'll get home safe!

Oh, I hope so, too, and I appreciate the well wishes!

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