Question: If you had a single Dash Masternode today and nothing else, would you keep it or sell it? 💱

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I'm curious to know, because this is something that enters my mind from time to time. I personally am very fond of all kinds of reward-giving cryptocurrencies, and Dash is pretty much the biggest crypto that can give people dividends for holding it by running a Masternode.

Running a Dash Masternode is quite lucrative: a single Dash masternode currently nets you 0.23 Dash each day on average. Considering the price of a single Dash is about $775, that means you earn a little shy of $180 each day. Or about $64.000 each year as passive income. In other words, enough to live financially independent and never having to work.

The alternative is selling the Masternode, which is lucrative also. It takes 1000 Dash to start a Masternode, so currently a single Masternode is worth $775.000 if you sell it for market price.

Ofcourse diversification is key when it comes to investing, but having a Masternode is a significant advantage over 'just' holding some Dash or other cryptocurrencies as it gives a return of it's own that is quite significant. Not to mention that Dash itself seems to have a bright future ahead of it.. I see no reason why the price would go down significantly, and I rather expect it to go up over time.

So the question is then: If you had only a Dash Masternode and no other cryptocurrencies whatsoever, what would you do?

I'm curious to know what you all would prefer in this situation!

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I’m stacking eos. So I can get rental income.

Please do explain.. does EOS have a reward system? I'm not aware of any! Please elaborate because if I can earn with my EOS that would be exciting news to me!

The percentage of eos you hold entitles you to that same percentage of computing power. Cloud storage and so on. Me I’m a general contractor. As I don’t need any of that but just want the investment. So you can rent your percentage to entrepeneurs and such.

Interesting, I didn't know that!

That’s whats awesome about steemit. We learn from each other. And I know I learned a lot from you. Much hugs. !!

Totally, I'm addicted to Steemit! And crypto, for that matter! Glad that you're enjoying it also and learning! There's so much to learn still.. even after diving into it for months and months!

this is actually a good read and makes sense why dash price is so much higher, but there are not many dash available. Now price is great and it may be worth holding one or two. Only thing I am worried about right now is that bitcoin seems to be heading in to a bubble. If that thing bursts it will really make the entire market bleed. I am reading reports how everyone is searching how to buy bitcoin with credit card. That just sounds scary lol.

Yes, I believe Bitcoin is bubbling as it has done several times before. If you look at the 2013/2014 bubble you will see uncanny similarities. I do believe Bitcoin will go up to $20-30K, but I also believe that before we get there we will see a crash of massive proportions. Just like how last time we went from $1200 to $200 and for years Bitcoin was declared dead. I think we're going to see a similar period at some point. Not sure if it will last as long as it did last time, but nobody knows. Truth be told, I expected this massive crash back at around $7500. I did not expect Bitcoin to go to $11K quite yet. So who really knows..?

Thats why you don't invest anything you need. Just put money in it and consider it thrown away, almost. If Bitcoin drops to $1000 I would not be worried, because I am not counting on the money. I will just keep hodling like I always did and wait for the next massive bull run that brings us to a multitude of what it is now.

Personally I would keep it. Keep collecting those dividends and hope that the price also continues to go up. $775,000 now may be $1 000 000+ in only a few years and the dividends would also continue to rise.

I am so tempted to keep it too!
This reasoning applies to other coins too.. The reason why I got thinking on this is because I am holding NEO and I did calculating on what my income would be if it went 10x (for example). It was an okay income but nothing too awesome.. yet nice to have. But then I tried to figure out what to do after it goes 10x.. keep it or sell it?
It's very tempting to keep it for the revenue, but usually the ROI is about 8% or so a year and uncertainty on wether or not it will keep giving that revenue. Whereas cashing out is a 'sure thing' in comparison. It's good to have something that is worth $1 million in theory, but it is better to own $1 million? I'm still undecided. I think I would personally sell it , actually, to diversify.

Now this may sound very strange ; but i have actually been no stranger to market fluctuation and it is only because of a video game that i play online, which deals with quite a number of the same things that cryptocurrency sees ; the rising and falling and such things - if had an item that would constantly give me small little bits of change - i would keep it, that small amount adds up over time ; especially if you had a ton of those items, all giving you change at once .
It would be only logical to use what you have collected to continue to gain more .
And to sell it would only hinder your income - unless you found something better, then use the income on something better, but do not ever get rid of a good thing .

I understand the mentality of keeping the 'factory' that produces, speaking in game terms. But the big question is of course if it's a given that it will keep producing at the same rate in the future? Would it be wise, even if you're playing a game, to put all your eggs in one basket if the success rate isn't 100% guaranteed?

The way i see it - by the time it starts to decline you will have collected more than your fair share needed ; and while you may question the length of the investment you can always put the collected into a different basket - although it will take much more time for that second investment to grow it could also end up declining .

I think watching the market would also play an important factor ; buy low sell high - or trade in different cases .
I have ways in the game i play - with a fresh account and no money to my name ; spend 10 minites and gain 100k - then take that 100 thousand over a week and make well over a million .. While most players struggle to make even 50k in the course of a month .

I think its all in the way you see money ; if something gains money aquire it - when it declines trade it off for something that aquires more or something that holds its value overtime - when that is finished declining ; buy it all back ; by then you should be able to afford twice as much due to the price decline .

I think you answered your own question with your diversification comment. I love passive income too..but thats a lot of eggs in one basket!

I know, it makes logical sense to diversify. However... just imagine you had a goose laying golden eggs worth $180 a day.
Would you part with it so easily? I'd be tempted to hold it.. just for a bit... maybe longer... slippery slope..
If Dash ever does go up even more you might end up kicking yourself as having a Masternode is not something one comes across easily

I think the Dash masternode is at 8.66% ROI today..which is a nice number! Not unheard of in the crypto world though...or even in real estate (my background). This is going to boil down to your personal situation I guess. Cheers @pandorasbox :)

Oh yes, it's why I have my NEO. It's got similar returns, except I can get the returns even with smaller investments. It was one of the main draws for me in fact! With the price growth, my ROI has been pretty excellent so far . But this is also what made me wonder.. what if NEO/GAS goes to $300.. would I sell my NEO or hodl them?

This post received a 4% upvote from @morwhale team thanks to @pandorasbox! For more information, click here! , TeamMorocco! .

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @pandorasbox.

Great question, and I've learned a ton from reading others' posts. Something I can add from my investment experience is: consider what your alternatives are as well as your goals. 1) Is the passive income useful to you (are you trying to live off of it?)? 2) if sell the node, what else would you do with the money / what are your alternatives? If you've got a more lucrative place to put the money, there's no reason not to move it (and likely shave off some of your original principle to buy yourself some nice things). Considering my alternatives always makes it much easier to decide what to do with what I have... good luck!

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