The Underdoge

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

My choice of preference

As I am allergic to elitism of any kind.

The McAffee effect

Bitcoin is currently great to use as a long term holder of value. Do not know if it will go as high as 500'000. If you are going to put an offer to buy one for that price though then let mister John McAffee know. He might be quite happy to see one BTC go for that amount. It might take a while though before it hits that All Time High.

As you may know mister McAffee did endorse Steem a while ago. Do not tell me you did miss out on that... Well, okay it is actually Bobs Repair he is endorsing, but hey, they are building their App on top of Steem. It is mentioned on their website. Now how great is that!?

Dogecoin endorsement

And lately also Dogecoin got supported by mister McAffee. Of course it is being made fun of and reasons had to be found by some to spread some FUD about DOGE. Or just pull some stuff out off context. It is all part of the ongoing Bitcoin fundamentalist wars. As if Bitcoin, of any kind, is the real and only one. Getting so sick and tired of it.

To the standards of all those Bitcoin fundamentalist factions their own beloved Crypto would just be a so called_Altcoin_. Why? Because HashCash was the first Crypto, already back in 1997. Created by mister Adam Back, but a certain group will refuse this fact already because of the name of that inventor. No matter if he was the one that did invent Proof Of Work {POW} mining.

Such coffee, much cheap!

False claims, they are all out there. And when pointing out that a certain forking Bitcoin blockchain split is more expensive to buy a coffee with than DOGE, it is stated that it is relativily cheaper than BTC. Sure, so other Cryptos do not excist? Maybe not even tell them about Steem. They probably could not handle the shock of waking up to reality...

Dogecoin to be made fun of? Sure that happens, especially by any of those Bitcoin fundamentalist factions. No matter if they are fans of the original or one of the many forking clone blockchain splitters. First they ignore, then they ridicule and then it will be: "Where can I get some DOGE man, I'll trade you some good Bitcoin clone for it!"

It works, does the job well

Now that is what counts for me. Dogecoin does the job well and at a low transaction fee too. Adds a cent to a cup of coffee. And developement has been picked up again. See, that is the great thing about Free and Open Source projects, they can be picked up anytime. Or forked, just like Dogecoin came to life as a fun Crypto Litecoin spin off. Simple ideas often turn out the best.

To me an underdoge Crypto like Dogecoin really proved itself in day-to-day usage. It is amazing to see how many years it already does excist. Using a more energy usage/enviroment friendly Proof Of Work mining than Bitcoin. And confirming at high speed compared to any kind of Bitcoin clone. But Bitcoin fundamentalist factions calling other Cryptos alts probably will deny the facts.

Doges loved by people

That is part of the succes of Dogecoin, it pictures a happy Doge as its logo. Combined with fun texts this really turned out to be a formula for a succesfull long lasting Crypto. There is a wide support for DOGE and a huge fanbase. Which would be great to see work out for Steem that way too.

People did not think Litecoin would ever be added to Coinbase. Yet it was and maybe they will one day get how fast and cheap Dogecoin is. Or even better add Steem, faster and zero transactions. Just like Bitpay might wake up to the reality that there are better, faster and cheaper Cryptos out there. Ones that can be used to buy a cup of coffee not even adding a cent, like Steem.

Yet until the day that other Cryptos finally get the breakthrough they deserve, I will also support underdoges like Dogecoin. As DOGE is fast, cheap, easy and FUN to use! It is the Peoples Crypto!

May the Cryptos be with us!

The Peoples Crypto is DOGE!
Image CC0 licensed by oaldamster.


I bought a lot of doges, mainly because I love the community. They don't take themselves that seriously and like that a lot.

It does have a great community. Proving Cryptos can be fun to use too.

Oaldamst .. what's the use case of this?
I don't have it cause no use case or was I just missing out?
should I get some? lol

The use case is that it is being used. ;-)

It is the Crypto I use very often to exchange for other ones. Using services like Changelly, Shapeshift and the one I use most Blocktrades.

Also I use it for practical use with services like Bitbill, Anycoindirect and Litebit.

And because I use it so much as a result even HODLin it became another use case that really made me smile a lot.

DOGE is fast, has extremely cheap transactions and is widely supported. A cent for a transaction per KB is a good deal to buy coffee with.

As it seems to be important these days to be able to do so, hahaha.

A lot of People do tend to dislike things where they first have to register. This is what I came to notice when I introduce them to Cryptos and want propose Steem to them.

Most just want to get into Cryptos in a simple way and have their privacy. Dogecoin is an ideal first step into Cryptos. And maybe a next step up to Steem as it easy to buy Steem, SP and SBD with DOGE, thanks to services like Blocktrades.

Dogecoin adds a fun factor to Cryptos. Where a lot do tend to advice newbies to go to complex trading platforms, where they have to proof who they are. And then get in complex trading chaos data, I advice to use DOGE in a multi-wallet with build in exchange services.

Do not know if now is a good time to get DOGE. It looks like the overall market is just at low activity right now. To some red says Sale.

Anyway this is how I see Dogecoin being usefull to me and many others.

I say a big WOOOOOOOOOOOOF for this post


Nobody fucks with Doge-ies

Barf to that! :-)

the old dogecoin :D

Old and Gold!

bitcoin really amazing for us...
bitcoin future bright...
your post very nice...
thanks for sharing...

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