Ooh no, a banker calls Bitcoin a scam and tulip bulb, again!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Well, what did you expect!?

Cryptos are an economical alternative to the failing money system.

Still going for 200 billion.

It will be around half way november 2017 that the total market capacity of the crypto currencies will hit the magical 200 billion in US Dollar. This will be the next ceiling I expect and it will probably drop a bit a few days after that. At the worst it could go back down to 150 billion and start with the next climb. The market price for buying Bitcoin will get close to 6000 USD somewhere around that time. And I think those who were forbidden to buy into BTC will be very angry at the banker who told them not to. Which that person already did many times before. But can you blame the man? No, he is scared to that the banks will become useless just like their money created throught debt. Do you think that 'we' , the people of the world, are willing to save them again from falling over? Accepting yet another economical crisis they cause...?

A bit of a loudmouth that banker. The doomsday man, same effect like every bloody rumor about _China. It is a bit weird though that the cryptos market reponds to the FUD spreading of a banker... So, I find the way the cryptocurrency market responded to this mainstream bullshait almost shamefull. Not only because overall I had a value loss of about 22%, but because it is too bleeding obvious that it is maintream media directed FUD {Fear, Uncertanty and Doubt}. The crypto currency market pattern is scary for the centralized powers that be. The total capital went from 4 billion USD to 134 currently, over a period of one year! That is a gain of more than 3300 percent! Now that has to scare the shait out off some (self acclaimed) rulers in the traditional financial realm. It is value that flows out off the centrally controlled bankers money system into the decentralized trustless cryptos realm.

Oh no, not them tulip bulbs again...!?

Now bring on these Tulip Bulbs then, bring them on! Just for your information, the so called tulip bulb mania only lasted a few months. It is a bit like calling every crypto that is not Bitcoin a scam. And that got shouted a lot without proving the claim. The point the tulip bulb shouters want to seem to make is that it had an overrated value, that was hyped. And people were drawn into that because of the FOMO {Fear Of Missing Out} that came with it. When the market price for those tulip bulbs did not meet up with the real supposed value it should have, it dropped back down. Now if that were true for Bitcoin and Cryptos, then they would have died out a long time ago. But they are not things like tulip bulbs, now are they? Tulip bulbs are supposed to create flowers, they were not created to be an alternative value/ payment system. And that is why cryptos do gain value, get more capital in. Where tulip bulbs got back to the level of well, the price of a tullip bulb expecting to grow a nice looking flower.

And that is the key difference in why the tulip bulb mania only could last for a couple of months and the cryptos currencies, like Bitcoin, are gaining capital value fast. And it moves on upwards, gaining more attention, even if it drops after a big gain, overall it is growing. Even with all the rumors, lies and just silly arguments like the overmilked tulip bulb mania one. That one would not even have lasted a few days if they would have had internet in Nederland in the 17th century. It took about five months to last back then. Crypto currencies are a payment system, it holds value, there is a market and it is used more and more in our day to day life. So, where is the alternative payment/ value system currently at? Well, it is at a 128 billion USD market cap, so I guess a lot have panicked again and still do. Sure, makes sense, belief a banker...


Anyway, no matter what I state here, only invest in cryptos what you are willing and able to lose. As your speculation might be as good or as bad as mine. Oh, and if you are afraid of tulip bulbs then you better not look at the picture in this post. It might cause you to panic and sell all your cryptos... ;-)

Have a great one!

Oh no, look, Tulip Bulbs everywhere, must be a mania...!

Image CC0 license, found at Pixabay.


Maybe right at this moment he is laughing his ass off, because by spreading this rumour he (and some of his other banker-buddies with "integrity") finally have the chance to buy cryptos much much cheaper ...

That could well be trick... And he/ they absolutely can! ;-)

and buying a lot that's being sold in panic in secrecy after?
then pumping it up to 50K after the fork in Nov?
sounds like a good film plot huh?

That could be the scenario for this one. ;-)
And I'm perfectly okay with BTC at 50K, hahaha.

Man! I'm totally panic-buying now!!!!😨😰

You drank too much of that drink of yours, hahaha

Hahaha, that is the right attitude! :-)

So funny when a fraudster says the anti-fraud is a fraud...

Averaging in at the dips works for me!

Although I just can't imagine how scary this must have been for our ancestors @oaldamster :

Indeed, it is very ironic. ;-)

It must have been scary times indeed for those involved in the mania... Luckily with cryptos we are dealing with payment value holding systems.

This current drop can be seen as the biggest on sale so far I guess.

I'm glad I picked up some cheap Steem yesterday! If it dips further i'll buy some more!
Btw. Are you powering down a bit?

Looks like the dip is still going deeper... The "SELL SELL SELL" panic is quite extreme currently. China have a lot of cryptos dumped on the market, it is the autumn Closing Down Sale right now...

And yes, I am powering down part of my Fruit Of Work of one and a quarter year blogging.

Now might be a great time to buy some cheap cryptos with it. :-)

You worked hard for it!
Which cheap crypto's are on your list atm?

LTC is one I might go for. And Doge, as a real cheap buy. But with the current ongoing panic I'll wait some more.

LTC also got my eye, at what price do you consider buying? I'm thinking on the $35-40 range (when BTC is at 2.5k)

Well, at its heighest at 40, for LTC. Bitcoin, if, then surely at 2K. Maybe at 2.5K, would look for the biggest well known dipper.

As that one most probably will gain most for a longer period of time. At least that is as seen from my perspective.

Good post.

I don't own btc. (imo) It's much easier to double your money with the cheaper coins. If i bought 100 dollars of btc I have to wait untill btc is around 8000 dollar.

But with STEEM, dopecoins, hempcoins. bitshares, dbg etc They will double much faster.

Are you only holding btc or also other coins?


True, with cheap ones you could gain a lot much faster.

Besides a bit of BTC I have some LTC, zCash, Hero, EOS, Bitshares, Doge and Steem. At a certain point I sold al lot of different cryptos to narrow down my portfolio drasticly.

I've googled Jamie Dimon's statements, he says bitcoin is a fraud, he says he would fire traders that buy bitcoin, he is just frantically trying to FUD the hell out of everyone listening to the mainstream media.

I stopped listening for one second and tried to think rationally about this. Suppose I would be JPMorgan, BTC is steadily becoming a bigger threat to my business every day, market cap has been exploding and I know I can't beat that decentralized system with my obsolete services.

At the same time I'm sitting on huge piles of cash USD.

I would want a piece of the pie that is bitcoin. There are only 16.5Million BTC in play, so I'd need to pick up as much as I can. I'd have massive influence in the complete ecosystem in one blow.

What would I need the message in the mainstream media to be in order for me to get a biggest piece possible with my funds?

I think JPMorgan is buying bitcoin.

What do you think?

That might just be spot on. And it apparantly worked quite well. And it looks like that in a few days a lot of cryptos can be bought at a bargain price.

He was definitely at it. I am not a big conspiracy theory man but he was definitely put up to do that

Looks like mission completed, but cryptos had a surprise up its sleeve before. So I'll keep my cool and HODL. :-)

Its the wisest course :O)

I love these sales! JPMorgan is scum :)

These are the best sales! :-)

And cryptos will roll on!

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