Cryptocurrency market capacity moving fast towards 100 billion US Dollar

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Fast growing market will attract more investments

Who gets another share of the upcoming 28 billion US Dollar pie?

Growing Altcoin dominance and a very expensive Bitcoin

The avalanche of growth is still going on at the Bitmoney {AKA: coins, cryptos, cryptocurrency, digicash, smartmoney} market. At the current rate, the 100 billion US Dollar mark could be reached within a month time. That means there would at least be 28 billion US Dollar worth of investments coming. And that kind of extreme growth seems to have been happening since the 27th of februari of this year. From that moment until the 21st of may 2017 the Bitmoney market value has gained 50 billion in US Dollar. This investment growth was spread all over the market. Not all went up 227% in value since the begin of march. And most gain went into the so called 'Altcoins' part.

Looking at the Bitcoin price over the period from 27th of februari to the 21st of march there is a gain of 78%. In relation to the total market growth it seems BTC slowed down. And that can be seen in a fast loss of market dominance. Even though Bitcoin still goes up in price, it should have gained a lot more, to keep up with the investment growth avalanche. Because the line up is still steep for the total market capacity gain, it seems the momentum is still here. From my point of view BTC should become way more expensive, like the digital equivalent of gold. Meaning... Yes, 40000 US Dollar per Bitcoin. And there should be a minimum fee charged, always, there is a logical mathematical reasoning for that. Keep it scarse, use it for high value transactions only. At least that is my conclussion and I have stated this many times before.

The 3 SegWitketeers

Well, you might not think the SegWit activated 'Altcoins' would perform better than Bitcoin. Yet, maybe the developing teams that fight over one BTC bone, really should take a good look at the 3 SegWitketeers...!? The total cryptocurrency {AKA Bitmoney} market gain was 227% in less than three months. BTC under performed a lot in relation to that. And now let us look at the first SegWit activated crypto: Litecoin. LTC went from $ 3.80 to 26.92 US Dollar, that is a massive 608% gain! That is above the total market gain, almost 3 times... And somehow Litecoin is still a tough grower. A little misunderstood perhaps? Well, I thinks so, because the LTC developement team does what the Bitcoin one already should have done. Prepare for scaling in the near future, even if there is not yet a need for Litecoin to do so. Litecoin, as I see it, is the silent one...

The other two SegWitketeers are doing even better than their bigger friend whom they will be able to Atom Swap with. That means interchange LTC, VTC and DGB amongst each others blockchains, as easy as pie. So the SegWit activation for these three should somehow be reflected by getting trust from the market. Meaning that they would show a bigger expansion than the overal market in percentage. How about Vertcoin, that offers Stealth transactions, will release a total of 84 million coins. And just like Litecoin it does 2.5 minute blocks. VTC gained 756%, more than LTC and 3.33 times better performance than the total market, relatively.

And three out of three, yet the best performer of the 3 SegWitketeers is DigiByte. This one has an incredible 4726% gain in just three monthts time. And it looks like the next blast is on its way. DGB will have 21 billion coins available in 2031. It has faster blocks, set one minute apart. And because it is relatively low in price, it still has a lot of potential growth, as the total market capacity seems to continue to grow. With about 28 billion that could be added within a month, DigiByte might be able gain a lot more.

Before the last part of this post

Please note: only invest into the Cryptocurrency {AKA Bitmoney} market what you are willing and able to lose. And your speculation might be as bad, or as good as mine.

And how about Golos, Steem and Bitshares?

Golos Backed Gold is performing very well over the last three months, gained 356%. While Golos itself performes just under the market gain at 193%. Still outperforming Bitcoin 3 times by the way, and very close to the total market growth percentage that is at 227%. And it is rising fast in trade volume since four days! Also one that might be considered interesting for investors because there is a lot of growth potential.

Then Steem Backed Dollar {SBD},apparantly the market likes this one a lot. It is prefered over cryptos like Tether and Nubits, or so it seems. SBD currently is hard as a diamond, got passed two US Dollar in value and gained 105% within three months. That is quite amazing, considering it is supposed to peg its value to 1 US Dollar. Yet, I will not complain.

Also I am quite happy with the market price developement for Steem. Within three months it gained a 1075%, yes, more than a thousand percent! Having Steem {STM} staked as Steem Power{SP} makes it even more interesting, as that gives a 3% annual dividend. (Which gets added every time it reached a minimum dividend growth of 0.001 STM) And although the price movement seems to reflect power down 'dump' influences, overal there is a bumpy rise pattern visible. And with a potential total market growth of another 28 billion, within a month, that I expect, the 1027% gain seems to promise something for the price of Steem.

In some of the conversations, at the Social Media platform of Steem, there has been a kind of nudge, nudge, wink, wink about the Steem price developement. My boldest predicition was 137 US Dollar, if I remember correctly. Maybe that was a bit too optimistic. Yet, if I look at the current market developement and the avalanche moves one, the momentum is there, then Steem could go towards 13 US Dollar in value. Crazy, right...?

And then there is this other family member of the 1-2-3-Done highspeed, easy scaling, cheap transaction, blockchains. Bitshares, the cousin of Steem, that one is even doing better! Well, it is longer on the market than Steem, so, it is okay, and it is family, after all, and it benefits Steem too of BTS grows in value. And it did well over the last three months, 2675% gain in price for BTS... It did reach the 10 US Dollar cents mark! It seems it is still on the move. With EOS, the parallel processing smart contract blockchain, to be presented this week, this will surely give Bitshares, Golos and Steem extra attention and a gain in price.

The cheap to invest could gain the most

That is at least how I see it. Much of the 28 billion US Dollar growth, I expect within a month, for the cryptocurrency market, mostly will go to the so called 'Altcoins'. The three SegWitketeers will profit from that, Digibyte still the most probably, just like a lot that still have a low price at the moment, expected to give quite a Return On Investment {ROI}. That could mean Dogecoin for instance. But there are more that can get a big share of the pie, that Bitcoin is losing out off, because of their silly ongoing bone-fight. If they resolved that, the price of BTC would go up like crazy. But hey, in the meanwhile thanks to that, Steem's cousin Golos might do extremely well during the upcoming month.

And of course Steem itself can gain a lot in the coming weeks, 12 to 13 US Dollar might sound mad, but I won't complain if it happens, would you? Bitshares seems to have a lot of potential to get a huge part of the market growth, I expect. Hard to imagine BTS being at 1 US Dollar... Yet, those tens of billions of new investments in the Bitmoney market have to go somewhere. And if this pulls through, if the momentum is there, then even a total market capacity of a 100 billion is just another All Time High {ATH}. The avanlanche of growth is rumbling on! It is the law of attraction...

Have a great one!

The charts that rock

screenshot by @oaldamster

EDIT: Text corrections.
EDIT2: DigiByte info corrections.


Digibyte has been climbing like crazy. I don't know enough about these things to invest a lot, but so far, I've made a nice gain, buying and selling this. It just keeps on rising!

Indeed DigiByte is one of the biggest gainers and seems to do even better. It is difficult to invest, and there is a lot of risk involved. But currently it is fun to do, as there is a fair change of a gain because the overall market is still growing so fast.

Exactly. I keep trading small amounts, just to be sure, but even if it does fall a bit, there's a good chance it'll rise again at some point.
I'm trading with only my earnings made on Steemit, so it's mainly a fun thing and it won't hurt too badly if I lose something :-)

That is kind of the tactics I use myself. :-)

True, even after a dip, it will pick up after a while. Especially with the market still growing like it does.

I forgot about my Digibyes. After reading your post I checked into it. Its amazing. In april I bought at the price of 50 Satoshi. I sold some at 80, but kept most of them. Now its almost 900.
PIVX keeps going down btw. But I still believe it has a lot of potential. I keep stashing them up on every move down.

Your DigiByte then are doing really great. :-) Think it still has more potential...
Already had sold my PivX and Strats, last one I should have had held on to.

On the other hand Steem is really doing well and I have some DigiByte that I expect to rocket some more.

Guess there is more excitement to come. :-)

Thanks for the ReSteem!

It's hard to keep up with all those cryptos. Did I understand you correctly, are there only just 21 Million Digibytes? Or did you mean Billion?
Anyway, it's a nice game. I will hold on to the PIVX for a while :-)

Impossible to keep up with them all.

There are only going to be 21 million DigiByte, currently there are 8 million.

Bitshares is a whole different story. Currently there is about 2 billion BTS.

Follow your own gut feeling with PivX. ;-)

Right now RDD and DOGE are surprising. It keeps on moving...

Bitshare was a typo. I meant Digibytes :D. Like you say, impossible to keep up!
I just checked, there are exactly 8,107,031,908 DGB on the market right now. So Billion.

Unfortunately I gave up on Reddcoin after two years of holding them. Steemit was the reason I gave up. Reddcoin was supposed to be a rewarding system for social networks and when I discovered Steemit I thought Reddcoin was never going to go places. After two years of almost no movement, I dumped them and now they start to move! :D

Dogecoin a similar story!

Jaiks, have to change that then, thanks!

No problem :-)

amazing times :)

Absolutely! :-)

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