Facebook just sent me a reminder of my prediction from 2014

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Four years on and I'm still right and crypto currencies are still very much here to stay at 10x the market cap. In another four years who knows. Back in 2014 Ethereum did not even exist, Steemit hadn't even been thought of and about the most radical alt-coin was DOGE. Now look where we are.

What's your prediction for 2022 combined crypto currency market cap and why?

  1. $0
  2. $50B
  3. $500B
  4. $5T
  5. $50T

This is how it often feels describing Bitcoin to people these days. Then again describing the internet to people was as difficult 25 years ago. It's just so different from the status quo.

Mark my words, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the technologies that underlay them are here to stay and in 25 years you'll know all about them.


I believe cryptocurrency will become effective within the coming years

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64440.63
ETH 2653.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80