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RE: Bitcoin -vs- Bitcoin Cash. The Debate that Demands a Verdict!

Such an informative post @workin2005. Thank you for dropping the link into the #MinnowMondays post. I am not at crypto-savvy as many people on here so this was very enlightening for me. I see some much good in the possibilities of cryptos but also a great potential for the government goons to slip in and screw us all. Things like china's social crediting systems and purchasing power restrictions scare the crap out of me when I think of a cash-less society. But here in the US when we look at the Fed and our dollar it is clear that changes must be made, a clear overhaul is needed and cryptos could save us all IF we out the creeps behind the curtains before we transition. Otherwise we are handing over our strongest weapon right into enemy hands. Regardless this post was well written and it is obvious you put a LOT of time and effort into it. Great job! ~ABC's of Curation member @amariespeaks

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Thank you so much @amariespeaks. I really appreciate your kind words. I agree, we need to oust many of the corrupt government officials. That's much easier said than done. If we can keep Bitcoin completely decentralized, I think it'll force the system to change.
We're so sheltered in this county. We watch so many smaller nations crumble due to hyperinflation and think it can't happen here. Basic math shows not only that it can, but it WILL happen here unless we massively reduce our spending and get our debt under control. This is such a hard topic because politicians run on what they'll give people. It's VERY unpopular to talk about spending cuts, etc. Our kids and grand kids will be unable to pay off the debt we're leaving them if we continue spending the way we have over the last decade. This will lead to default and/or hyperinflation if it's not addressed now. I hope we change course. I hope our leaders have the fortitude to make the hard, unpopular decisions...but I'm not counting on it.
Anyway, thanks again for resteeming my post and for the thoughtful response. I wish you all the best!

Very well said.

agreed. very well said @workin2005 - I hope for my children's sake the US starts looking at its spending and debts very quickly because, like you, I see an inevitable dark cloud looming. Math doesn't lie. lol so its time to change the variables not pray for the answering to change

Also well said @amariespeaks. While I’m a big fan of prayer, I also realize it’s not enough. We’ve got to acknowledge and change our spending practices or we won’t have any money to spend. How does that old joke go? People try to milk the government for everything they can saying, “my neighbor is paying for it, not me". Meanwhile, their neighbor is doing and saying the same thing.
Eventually, the entire thing implodes. As you so correctly say, “it’s time to change the variables”.

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