Bittrex has updated its platform but....

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

The cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex updated its trading platform, changing the front page, making visible a logo that not many people saw before and also considerable changes were made on the exchange interface, sadly, some serious stuff has been going on Bittrex for some time now, lets first talk about the visual changes and later we will discuss the serious part shall we? My name is Nerio Parra, welcome to my blog.

Captura de pantalla 2018-04-12 a la(s) 14.19.15.png

Version en español .

As the market tries to emerge from the depression that started in January, some crypto exchanges try to keep their business "on point" for example Binance opened withdrawals for Super Bitcoin (SBTC), also added support for Bitcoin X (BCX) , made several contests, started a hacker bounty, made a MacOs client (it's worth to mention that their Smartphone app works GREAT) and much much more and that's only Binance alone but it seems everyone is doing their best to survive the red numbers for the first trimester.

First impressions

Captura de pantalla 2018-04-12 a la(s) 14.30.41 copia.jpg

(1) They added the markets to the left, so you could see the %variation of some coins and you can sort them by BTC, ETH, USD and search for other coins as well. This could be done before with a bar that was on the top.

(2) They made the graph section bigger and you got a dark theme from the start, I don't know if they are trying to make you feel at home emulating Bitstamp, Kukoin or Binance, but you get the dark theme by default now, of course, you can change it on settings.

The order book

Captura de pantalla 2018-04-12 a la(s) 14.31.04.png

The order book suffered a considerable redesign since now you have the controls in the middle, I don't know you but it feels really weird to me.

its all pretty but....

Captura de pantalla 2018-04-12 a la(s) 14.32.28.png

Something totally dreadful is that they removed the possibility to download the previous trading history. Before the "update" you could download an extremely messy CVS file where (after a lot of effort) you could check all the trades you made, now that possibility is gone.

You can still download Your ENTIRE TRADING HISTORY, on the "orders" section which obviously is a CVS file and a nightmare to read, now, read well, ENTIRE TRADING HISTORY, that's for all your coins together, so you don't have a separated history for each coin anymore.

Now that's not the entire "story", they also deleted the recent trading history so you can't see the previous orders you made before the update.

Captura de pantalla 2018-04-12 a la(s) 17.28.55 copia.jpg

Take for example my XRP order history..... ITS GONE, and let me tell you, I am a scalper, which means I HAD SEVERAL ORDERS made, thanks Bittrex.

Why is this a problem?

Well, besides the obvious, all economic activity must be tracked so you can see where you're going, what areas need improving, measure the losses, and every possible data you can collect out of your business activity ends being important. What makes it even more important is the sector we are talking about which is -trading- where EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF DATA you collect could be important.

I've seen several businesses going down only because of their bad accounting and poor management on the business numbers.

Now something even worse....

Taking out the possibility to check a separate trading history for each coin is bad but something EVEN WORSE is that in February they took down ALL ACTIVE ORDERS, so if you were on vacations or really busy and you had set up some cool ORDERS, well, Bittrex just arbitrarily destroyed your plans.

You were warned

Bittrex announced changes to their terms and conditions on their forums on February 02, 2018, I informed the community about this because I was worried and.... I was right, people already lost money had they had orders set up previous to the update.

The solution?

I've mentioned this before. The solution comes in the form of decentralized exchanges where YOU are the control of your money. I'll be sharing a tutorial on this really soon, for now, I might be migrating to Binance.

What are your thoughts?

Let me know in the comments, don't forget to smash and destroy that vote button and if you liked my style or enjoy business ideas and the crypto world, follow me RIGHT NOW :).

Thanks for reading!


At least it looks good.

yeah you are right, but when it comes to your money we need a little more than looks.

I did not do lots of trading, just couple of selling and buy, unfortunately the history of my trades are gone now. Thanks for pointing it out. Speaking about binance, i think i should give it a try.

You see? its so important to have the history there, to check, to learn, to understand batter and many more things even for future trades.

You can register under my link on binance if you want. Take care

Hi, great post, have followed you. What do you think of the current state of the Bitcoin market?

Looks like it could recover. For the last 3 weeks I've been watching some coins that are giving 10% to 15% on some days so there are some opportunities right now mostly for scalping.

I've found @penguinpablo's market overview posts extremely useful and somewhat encouraging.

Thanks for following Ill check your blog.

I kept wanting for Bittrex to have a dark screen option. Which is the only good change as far as I can see. Don't like the rest!

Mine is super slow to load up the whole page ...up to a few mins before I can actually place my order.

Wasn't aware of the other things you mentioned. Rubbish.

For now our decentralised options are limited, but Binance has always worked well for me.

Yeah, decentralized are limited, yesterday i spent the afternoon with a trader that uses Bitshares, he told me there is almost no volume there, whichs makes it hard.

i think i might be moving to Binance soon, but man i gotta reduce my portafolio i am almost at 50 different projects, gotta go down to ten coins or something.

Thanks a lot for stopping by my friend i appreciate.

I was more than a little bummed when I noticed all this the other day. Bittrex has always been good to me. It's worse than I thought; I didn't know that they had deleted all of our previous trade data. That's alarming.

One point of major inconvenience for me was how they removed the USD amounts from the exchanges. I know it's not a good habit, but I was always watching the dollar values of my coins.

I'm going to have to do some continuing education and figure out these Decentralized exchanges.

Thanks, great post!

Watching the intrinsic "value" of the coins in usd is not bad, the things is that it makes it harder sometimes to understand the whole panorama i know you might have realized this but im gonna share it anyways.

For example, if a coin is worth 8 usd, and 90% of the time this coin is on 8 usd value. Then you see it in 5usd, a sudden downpeak, and then you see it in red on btc charts, man, i would buy that regardless of the way its performing on btc, IT WILL GO BACK TO 8usd at some point, i mean its 90% of the time on the 8usd level, so i understand what you meant there.

To be honest i didn't realize ALL this myself, but we are group of traders and we are helping each other, so some of the guys from the crew explained me this, some other guy said hey look, they are deleting the orders right now im inside, log in!

And so on and so on, at some point i had so much to share that i had to share it.

Muy interesante toda esta información, todo evoluciona demasiado rapido.

Asi es, para los que vamos empezando en el trading como yo, primero conocimos estos exchanges y tener que migrar a opciones mas seguras es un cambio fuerte pero necesario. Saludos gracias por leerme.

The truth is that it leaves a lot to be said as one of the most important exchanges, leaving important information on the air, such as order histories.

There is also the fact that they give you a mega disorganized document where your complete list of orders appears so that "at least you have something".

On the interface change, I think it was necessary and well done. But I think it's more important that they organize their users' data..

Same old story bro, when people get BIG, they forget about what's important.

You recognize as a trader the importance of order history, the make-up could have waited or wasn't worth it if we were to lose the other stuff.

Very well broken down and reported on both good and bad sides, good analysis !

Thanks my friend, and CONGRATULATIONS on lvl 51 wow you are a rocket!

Haha, we try ! =) Thank you !

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63235.53
ETH 2558.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63