A dummies guide on Passive v's active income, the path to freedom. Part 1

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

As part of the time I invest in Steemit, and it is an investment. In today's world, sadly, almost everything has a price. I want to learn and to help guide people to find a path to freedom, now I don't mean walk down the road with your bits hanging out freedom, I mean a financial freedom. How can you achieve financial freedom? How can you make it rain money around you? source.gif
Src Giphy

What are my choices Derek? (thats me BTW) Moonunit is only a pseudonym, believe it or not. Can you just imagine who my parents would have been to call me moonunit?

Frank Zappa

Src: https://www.allmusic.com/artist/frank-zappa-mn0000138699

The traditional path we walk is, be born (this is a must), go to school, get an education (if you are fortunate enough), get a job and get money (yahoo got some paper), get better at that job and get more money (dolla, dolla bills ya'll), trap yourself in debt (what happened to my life!), maybe clear it off and then die (it was all worth it). So, that is a pretty bleak way to live right? yes, yes it is! Now I'm not talking about the family you enjoy, the holidays you take, the cars you'll drive etc. I am talking about your time. Why not spend more of YOUR time doing the things YOU want to do. There are very few people in jobs that they actually love. For me, I wanted to help with animal welfare, I want to make the world a better place for everything on it, not just the 2 legged kind (and I'm not talking about kangaroos). But there is very little money in that. How you can afford to live with such a low or no wage is a mystery to me.

So where does that leave you? you need to find a way to earn a passive income. What the hell is a a passive income?

Just because its hippe money does not mean that this is a passive income.

Src: http://hippie.money/

A passive income is an income that arrives when you are awake or asleep, brushing your teeth or cooking your dinner. You only have so many hours in the day to earn an income from a JOB or "active income". Years ago I was involved in Excel telecommunications, a network marketing company, to try to develop a path to passive income. After all, if you can get paid every-time someone picks up the phone you would be on to a winner right? In my Excel days we would refer to J.O.B. or Just over Broke. This sentiment is very true, very few employers will pay you what you are actually worth. Think about it, how much is your time really worth? Would you give up an hour with your kids for €13? how about €20? more? How about instead of getting paid to lose out on your time with your kids, partner, mountain biking, volunteering, or any activity that you currently work to do, you get paid to do it! That is the power of a passive income, pretty awesome right?

Okay, Derek you have sold me on this passive income thingey, how the hell can I get some? giphy.gif
Src Giphy

Over the next few weeks I will be exploring different options available to us on how to achieve a passive income. My first step will be to describe how I built my first #mining rig. This was no small feat, but is it doable if you are willing to invest in your future. After that I will go into what to do with the #crypto you #mine. Then I hope to go through how #steemit can help you towards the freedom that passive income can give you. Just as soon as I figure it out myself!


Upvote and follow resteem.gif

I really look forward to this journey and to helping me and you. I also look forward to the learning curve that is in front of us all.


Oké. You have a fan. Looking forward to see the next articles.

Super, hope I can help you along.

I would love to know everything about this topic! I am so focused right now on building a income out if my passion and my goal is to have a passive income. Great job dear! Looking forward to more!

Excellent @vegan.niinja, hope I can help you towards your goals. My plan is to do one section a week.

Thanks for reading, hopefully I can make it interesting, not too tech speech and add a bit of humour in there while I am at it.

Thats so great dear! Hope do you find the time to do all of this btw??? I also want but but my child and everything else to do I only find some time in the evening!

I'm working on it at the moment, the mining rig is quite technical so I think I am going to have to break it out into 2 sections. Hardware and software. Other than that I think it would be a lot for people to digest in one post. I am also going to add in some motivational stuff there to help people keep their focus on the prize so to speak.

You make such a great job!👌

The next stage is up now too. you can see that here...


Next up I'll be doing the software to actually mine on it, then modifying the GPU Bios, then a video to tie it all together! Phew it'll take a fair bit of energy I say but hopefully it will be useful to people. If you think so please resteem.

Thanks a million.

Your work you put into this articles are so helpful for many of us!

Thanks so much, I find I have to really think about it. I work in IT so I can easily get seriously techy and most people can't understand. Thanks for your feedback. Don't forget to resteem, hopefully it can help others too.

Not sure how I missed this one, but after I saw your post about the mining rig I said "what's part 1?".

I'm in the middle of cooking so I have yet to actually READ your mining rig post but am ecstatic to see it. I'll give you some feedback once I actually read it (haha). Thanks, Derek :)

Cool @herbertholmes, do let me know if it's easy to follow, as I say its a beginners guide, I will get more technical later on.

I would also love to make a passive income with cryptocurrency. And I am very positive about steem. Wull see how it is going!

I think the secret is to have multiple sources, the joy of a mining rig is once its paid for it is just a constant stream of income, it might be small to start but if you can reinvest the earnings then you would be able to increase the income from the rig by adding extra GPU's. I do see Crypto as being a big part of the financial landscape in the future so be a pioneer and get some!!

Oh and obviously Steemit is a great way to share the information and also get paid for it. Small at the start but as long as we keep pushing we will get to the top too.

I also believe steemit has a lot of potential. Great job my dear!

Love this post! The humor, the knowledge, the pictures & gifs are awesome. One thing I would say is a well placed Header here and there will make for easier reading - visually. The wording alone it fun and easy to read by itself I just mean, well, we all love headers they direct our eyes to the important stuff! lol
Totally following you - this one is at it's death day but I'm checking out the rest of your blog now to find a resteem-able one with a few days left on it :)

Thanks a million, the markdown language is a new one to me so formatting is still a mystery to me 😂😂😂.

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