What "Unchaining" the Anarchist could mean for Acapulco

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


I strive to be a Peacemaker, an Entrepreneur and a Ambassador for Great Ideas (ie a Problem solver). I also wish to be a Artist, a Mentor and an Ethicist one day. At times I struggle to communicate the passions I have but I endeavor to do so meaningfully from my heart to others. All as I enjoy my life as a never-ending vacation in a place I adore. I care about what I do, I care about the people I do it with and I leave the rest to fall into place.

Since the first day I arrived in Acapulco, a few days prior to the first Anarchapulco in 2015, the unusual energy I felt from this place and the people has added to the intensity of the fire inside me. Some might call it a passion, others a purpose, I would offer the idea that it may just be what happens when one finds their place or true calling. Whichever it is, there’s something about Acapulco that makes me feel better, stronger, more at home and more in love with this place and it’s people… each and every day. For example, when I got here I wouldn’t even call myself a “Anarchist”, I was so concerned with what others might think. Today, I blurt it out without a thought other than, it’s what I am. There is some tarnish to work on here but this place is a gem in a long list of ways that, for the most part, aren’t necessarily apparent. It takes a little time to get to know the real beauty here.

I will admit, it’s been a bumpy ride at times for many of those who have taken a chance on Acapulco. I for one can attest to that, but I can say without a doubt… knowing what I know now, it’s worth it! I’m sure the future days are going to be an adventure worthy of one of the greatest stories ever told... in my honest opinion.

What I want to make people aware of in this group in particular is the tremendous opportunity that exist here. Something that is like no other place in the world. Let me start with this:

My background is construction management, primarily in the US. In that business it’s been my experience that government involvement costs a great deal of time and money getting things done. It’s my estimation that having to follow government rules, regulations and all the taxes, licenses and fees cost about 50% of the cost of building a project. It adds zero value. Think tanks have looked into it and studies have shown if it’s a project sponsored by local government, there’s an addition “tax” of graft that goes to the local power brokers and politicians of around 25%. So in terms of what the average taxpayer gives up in taxes to local government, they get about 37.5 cents of every dollar. State government projects take about 50%. Federal government projects ...it’s a daunting 75% and those “World Government” projects… like the UN and IMF, many in the third world can attest, are complete shams! It ranges well above the 100% mark with the long term costs of debt service and loss of resources.

Meanwhile, the average Westerner has been conditioned to complain like a parrot about corruption in places like Acapulco. Where mafia, cartels and “bad guys” fight each other to the death over a few pennies on the dollar.

For the trillions, (a trillion...that’s 1,000,000 x $1 million dollars), spent by the US government, only a few dollars actually reach “the little guy”. In the US on a federal project, the locals end up with about 12.5 cents for every $1 taken from them by the federal government. Imagine buying a donut, paying for it, then the server eats 87.5% of it. Then hands you the rest and says… “Your welcome!” as he spits it out into the garbage. That’s my experience with government.

In the third world it’s far worse. If it’s “Defense” related, not only is the value in the negative, there’s even more additional cost every time a US soldier or sailor’s foot reaches their soil.. Or a bomb lands on them! They lose their lives, their blood, their resources, civilized behavior and much human potential. The cost is probably incalculable but at the very least exponentially more substantial than any politician would ever dream of admitting to. Even a non-US politician! They simply can’t be that honest. (If they did find a way, the awareness would only give them the opportunity to escape that insane asylum cult themselves and they would just disappear!)

I call attention to this because I think it’s an example of just a small slice of that tremendous opportunity I mentioned above. The cost of government is so ridiculously high and the benefits they promise are so ridiculously low that anyone who can offer an alternative will immediately be recognized by anyone with a mind open enough to consider it. Where are the people who can recognize it? Keep reading!

If you add in what bitcoin and the related technology brings in terms of removing those government costs and delivering new undiscovered value and qualities. Add to it that it’s coming and isn’t going to be able to be stopped. I’ve done my homework on this, I’m not blowing smoke, it’s HUGE opportunity!

For Anarchists and Voluntaryists that know this, it’s an opportunity to demonstrate to those who are willing to listen that uniting and collaborating with intelligent people who honestly care about what they do and the people they do it with pays in so many ways and so substantially more, that it’s a SLAM DUNK FEST!!! And it’s not just construction projects! Once we understand how to be savvy enough to explain the simple truth to the intelligent people willing to listen, the game is over and we’ve moved into a whole new reality.

Why shouldn’t this community offer the average intelligent discerning person an opportunity to clearly see an alternative choice to use in comparison to the cost of government? We can deliver gold mines of value they are completely unaware of. What does the system offer? A false dichotomy of a choice between a zombie apocalypse (UBI is close to the final step) with AI robots taking their job in the next 5 years or signing off their mind and soul to those giving them “credit” and some worthless green paper. Is it really that difficult to see the entrepreneurial opportunity if and when people become willing to open their eyes to it?

In fact, we can offer it to anyone, I repeat, ANYONE... who can simply recognize violence, deception and coercion as a bad business model. That they are bad as models for damn near everything! Whether they be mafioso, prostitutes (and I use that term figuratively as well) mercenaries… the most well meaning, whether recklessly naive or truly thoughtful… or even the entirely helpless. They simply have to be able to add to their awareness the realization that violence doesn’t work as good as the ALTERNATIVE... and it’s so easy to see once that switch goes on. They don’t even have to discuss the objectivity or subjectivity of good vs. evil… it’s just a comparison between what delivers the best results. What works better.

It’s clear the system is close to another spiral down into one more round of hardship and bad news for the masses. They’ve been prepped fairly well to expect it. At the very least it’s going to offer one more alarm bell, to those who have skills and abilities, to wake up before throwing their money, their time and everything else they value into the bottomless hole called government. Being aware that they could take whatever things they have of value left and invest it somewhere that actually delivers a real return (and I’m not necessarily talking about just money) could make a significant difference to them.

With all that said, for those who are still with me, this is where it gets good!! And, this is how Acapulco ties in. Typical Westerners, and probably even most Anarchist and Voluntaryists who live in the Western world are still blind to much of the opportunity. It’s unfortunate, but even if they heard about it, they’ll probably just chalk it up to the rantings of some crazy disillusioned gringo in some third world hot spot. However, we don’t need everybody, we just need the smart and the willing.

Here’s one area they’ll miss for sure and it’s the key to this whole essay, it’s the people.

First and most importantly, the people in Acapulco aren’t blind to the cost of government or it’s false premise like Westerners. There’s a reason the government has to parade fleets of trucks full of soldiers and police up and down the boulevards. There’s a reason every construction project the government does has to have numerous obvious signs that proclaim the project was a result of “government” money. They have to have billboards, youtube and facebook ads trying to sell the people on government “services”. All to try and convince people that the government is in charge. But the locals know it’s a charade. They laugh at it mostly. The soldiers and police know it’s a charade too. Even the politicians know! The only people that don’t know it are the “officials” in Mexico City and Washington DC continuing to throw fiat at it because they think that it works. The smart locals know about that too, they put up with it because they will take their money in the absence of another better opportunity. The cost of corruption is in lieu of the government’s racket.

Second, Acapulquenos treat their guests well. For those who come and do them right, they’ll canonize them forever! They still talk about the Hollywood stars who visited in the 50’s!

Third, lying and not living up to one’s word is frowned upon here… in fact, it can be very costly here. Stupid people don’t last long.

Fourth, they haven’t lost the connection with family and an understanding of the value of working together. Ask a Acapulqueno for help with anything, if they don’t introduce someone in their family who can help, they’ll introduce you to someone in their family who knows someone that can help.

Fifth, their mindset and attitude toward work and learning skills. Work is part of their life! People are willing to work here and beyond that, we have access to a country and region full of willing workers who will work their butts off for a decent wage.

Sixth, Acapulquenos have been through alot of hardship but with that experience we have a population with the potential to have a clarity of vision and awareness that is impossible elsewhere and yet they still have a heart and willingness to help others. Those who bring opportunity and genuine investment here, whether it be skill, knowledge, talent or some form of money, they are going to live a very pleasant life in Acapulco. And imagine what that’s going to do for long term value once people get wind of it.

Now, I will admit it isn’t just roses and rainbows, there are challenges. But whether they know it or not, those of us in Acapulco are sitting on what amounts to a bottomless gold mine of opportunity just waiting to be uncovered. On top of that… one thing I’ve learned in construction, when it comes to valuable real estate, there’s three things to consider. Location, location and location. Acapulco has that and more. It’s a very long list!

The magic catalyst that gets this opportunity going is the willingness and dedication to insert the knowledge, talent, investment and ethical methods into this fertile environment.

In the world view, the system’s ruling class are readying their offers to the most intelligent of the globe. Future cities that offer every supposed convenience but are actually jail cells. We can make Acapulco(Anarchapulco 24/7/365) into an alternative offer to those with brains and discernment to make things happen. We can win in every comparison. Imagine being able to build a building that cost $1 billion anywhere else in the world for one tenth to one quarter those costs and at the same time offering twice the value!! And it won’t be sitting empty when the bubble economy pops! Where do you think the smart money will go?

I’m very confident it can happen, the difficulties that are represented in Acapulco are easy to overcome with effort and teamwork.

We have to begin raising awareness among the intelligent and able across the globe that there is a BIG opportunity. I suggest it starts with an alternative to the corrupt and bloated university and education system. Which is slicing and dicing the potential of the smart and willing left and right. My answer is the Anarcho-Institute Concept. Which we will be introducing at this year’s Anarchapulco with my book Ethical Emergence. We intend to kick it off with The Great Anarchist Experiment. Which I think will be the spark that may just set this whole idea off.

In conclusion, BIG opportunities! I’m involved because I do care. And for those who have a clue about the technology coming around the corner. When your ringing the bells with your crypto-jackpot because you are so damn smart, if you care, please look into it.

Credit it to @lily-da-vine and @catherinebleish for the wonderful pictures of just another day in paradise.


I do believe in your views that government today lacks transparency and that is not right. When somebody takes most of my doughnut I at least want to know where it's going to. Perhaps I could be the one to decide who deserves it most and perhaps the answer to that question will be me! Cryptocurrency technology is young but it is here to stay. It will transform the world. It is an opportunity for value to be re-defined and perhaps for new governing systems to be rebuilt from the ground up. I also agree with you that we should not restrict ourselves to boundaries and borders. The world is our oyster, the whole world, not just the boundaries into which we were born. Acapulco sounds like a wonderful place. I have never visited there but I have been to other places in Mexico. I spent a month renting a condo and living there rather than being served at an all-inclusive hotel. I bought groceries at the market and met local artist and took some classes with them. The people are genuine, friendly, open, family orientated and as you say dedicated hard workers. Having said that I also noticed they take time to relax and enjoy themselves as well socially, in real life, not from behind a computer screen.

I'm glad the donut story caught your attention. I'm still working on my writing skills.

I admire your way of traveling... so many miss those elements.

Your writing is great. I have a good feeling of the ideas you are portraying. It's nice that steemit gives us this stage to practice the art of communication. I always have liked analogies. In my mind I am always comparing writing to jogging, it's hard to get going but once we do it feels great.

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