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RE: Crypto-Currency Price Predictions

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

OK then. By using the formula:

Percent Increase = ((End Price / Current Price) - 1 ) * 100%
By the end of 2018 you predict increases of:

BTC: 4,550%
ETH: 5,780%
ETC: 10,000%
DASH: 6,000%
Golem: 2,930%
DigixDOA: 19,590%
Token Card: 1.2 Million %
Ripple: Either 0% or 4,900%

Well, if this happens, I can safely say it will beat the interest I'm getting with money in my bank savings account.

Oh yeah, and if this happens, I won't be driving to my current job every day.


with all that math.. you da real mvp

Some perspective for you...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 57685.75
ETH 3161.06
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.27