The exciting world of the cryptocurrency (+Overcoming)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of steemit, today I would like to talk about the exciting world of the cryptocurrency, from my point of view.

Approximately two years ago, I met something called bitcoin, which certainly caught my attention from the first moment. Perform investigations, for approximately 1 month. Where I learned all the advantages that this wonderful world had saved for me. At that time, specifically the bitcoin, dominated with more than 80% in relation to other cryptocurrency. 

Was very unknown in my country Venezuela, there were very few people who knew of its existence. Even when my mom realized that was earned money through internet. I thought that I was on bad roads, when it was really everything contrary, she did not understand much of it was, but I was always looking for the way to explain, as it functioned, for which served, and that, I did with the bitcoin. For those who do not know, I was buying and selling through localbitcoins, there in that place, I started to become actively involved in this extraordinary world and full of possibilities. 

At some point, I had the intention of buying mining equipment, which was not given, because it seemed to me for the year 2015, that already was not worth it, despite the fact that the light in my country is almost gifted. Monthly I paid electricity something, as $2 per month, and believe me they ment, really paid very little. 

Friends nearby, were impressed with the ability that i had to make money, and always asked me how do you achieve both money? I explain about the bitcoin and what they did with it. Two of my friends for that time, they told me that they had the intention of investing, in search of a possibility to obtain additional income, due to the serious situation in my country. For June 2015 1 bitcoin cost around $230, I was able to get something like 4 Bitcoins, I went by multiplying with the passing of months.   

A moment that everything came crashing down

But not slow to appear many problems, the people that I sold, through localbitcoins, tried cheat many times, and unfortunately 2 times they succeeded. My world collapsed, I did not know what to do, I lost a lot of money, and I became an enemy of the world, felt anger and pain, for all that had happened with me. Did not understand, as people were capable of acting in bad way. I toward the guilty of everything that had happened. Were months of reconstruction in my economic life and in my personal life, since that time, made me lose a lot of my self-esteem. 

Steem and steemit appeared at the time indicated

When my world was gone adrift, appeared steemit in my life, and I have to go in search of the hope which is necessary, to deal with all my problems. Called me a lot of attention from the first moment, because I have always liked to write. I feel that I have a good ability to do so, and that makes everything a little easier. For several months I accumulated steempower, with the work that I did with my articles and that has allowed me to in the present, use it to try to return to begin, in the great world of the cryptocurrency. 

A new beginning

With the profits of my articles, and with the steem that I have, I started making trading, but this time in poloniex, in which these days, I had a problem because my coins had disappeared, as explained perfectly in this article: 

Although I have to mention that yesterday, I were returned my coins. But in spite of this drawback, I continue with the same desire, settling down new projects, which will allow me to grow economically, investing in various cryptocurrency, which is obviously including the steem. I am motivated, as several months ago I didn't, I hope that everything I go well, and can continue to build my assets, in the world of the cryptocurrency. 


At the beginning, this world of the cryptocurrency, can become very difficult, but with the practice needed, you can find a fascinating world. That allows you to build your financial freedom, and allows you to have a life with much more time to share with your family. You must understand that there will always be people who will want, make your way a little more difficult, that you had planned, but your strength will be in knowing how to recognize the problems and deal with them. 

It is a world full of opportunities and challenges. One of the recommendations that I always give, is that we must maintain the calm and always try to rely on our instinct, let's look at the market with the necessary tools so that our trading, have a great chance of success. 

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from and


Recomiendame algunas monedas para empezar?... Resolviste el asunto con poloniex?

Si amigo ya me devolvieron las monedas, ripple y stellar, están bastante bien para comenzar, aunque hay una moneda bastante interesante en este momento, llamada digibyte, saludos.

Gracias amigo!... Por el momento estoy usando bittrex, recomiendas poloniex por encima de bittrex?

Poloniex por encima, a pesar de todos sus problemas, sigue siendo una buena opción.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64036.76
ETH 2647.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78