Bank of the people, by the people, for the people - BABB

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


I was writing about BABB just a few days ago, and you can read that article with all basic information here "With BABB everyone is a BANK". Consider it to be a high-quality project that uses all blockchain technology advantages, not just to create a successful business, but also to solve a big problem in the worlds finance system. All main segments of BABB project are leaving a good impression, some of them are very innovating and even exceptional. In these few day from my last article BABB already successfully finished their pre-sale and sold 100% of BAX tokens intended for this phase. That is just one more proof that people recognized quality and value of this project and considered it a to be a profitable investment. The main sale is starting in less then three days, so if you are still not familiar with the main idea of Bank Account Based on Blockchain project it is time to do so.

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In this article, we will present to you BABB team and details of their ICO with the token economy.


This team is united together with an idea of making the world better place and creating a new financial era of absolute economic participation for everyone. Even this may seem just like empty idealistic marketing phrase when you read their whitepaper and see that foundations of their business are inspired by this idea, then you realize that it is much more than that for this team. At this moment BABB team has 15 people in it, and there are eight persons on their advisory board. One small, but the rather important detail that I like to see when making due diligence of any project is transparency when providing information about team members. Remember "Invest in people, not ideas"! The easiest way to do this is by providing Linkedin profiles of all team members, and on BABB website you have just that.

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Their founder Rushd Averroës has Master’s degree from the University of Greenwich in "Microfinance and Financial Inclusion," and that degree was in some way birth of BABB project. Rushd gathered a team of visionaries with experience and degrees in the whole variety of areas needed to develop a project of this size and importance. There are several software engineers, blockchain experts, bankers and traders, project managers with experience in big companies and others making BABB team. When we ad to team members some big names from their advisory board then I am sure that there is more than enough experience and quality in this group for their dream of changing financial sector and making it accessible for billions worldwide to come true.

I would add that team members accessible are ready to explain in details all questions regarding their project and ICO process on their Telegram channel, so feel free to contact them - TELEGRAM

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BABB is creating 50 Billion of BAX Tokens. BAX is utility token that will be fueling all services provided on BABB platform. Tokens will be allocated thro ICO process in the following percent:

  • Public 60%

  • Team 20%

  • Foundation 18%

  • Bounty 2%

The first phase of presale already ended with 10 Billion BAX tokens sold in a matter of hours. There will be the same amount of tokens offered to the public during main sale phase starting in 3 days. The additional sale for remaining 10 Billion of tokens will be organized once the app is fully operational and BAX token in use on the platform. 20% of tokens are reserved for the team, early contributors, partners, and advisers. These tokens will be locked for one year, and after that released at the pace of 25% every six months. The liquidity of the project will be assured through platforms reserve with 18% tokens allocated for this purpose.

Price of the BAX Token - $0.0012 for 1 BAX during the main sale.

Hard Cap - $20 million.

Accepted currencies - ETH for first two days of the main sale with a minimum of 0.2ETH per transaction. From the third day, wire transfers will be accepted with a minimum of 1,000 Pound per transaction.

All unsold tokens will be burned.

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I encourage you to visit BABB website (One of the best and most beautiful I have seen) and make deeper research of this project in next three days, before the main sale begins.







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