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RE: Trevon James Vs Vitalik Buterin: In depth Analysis+Commentary on BitConnect

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

Our time is truly our only wealth in this life.

And I appreciate you spending it to correspond with me.

I am currently on a date with my girlfriend. And the internet really sucks at this bar!

I promise that I will respond appropriately when I get home - before I go to sleep.

Namaste, my friend.



No big deal. I spend few hours a day on steemit. It's an amazing community. The posts have easily over 90mins of video content. It's better to read/watch them while you are relaxed. Some things needs to be digested slowly. So don't rush.

Have a great time with your girlfriend.


I am at GMT +8, so it is 12:30a.m. as I write this.

My girlfriend and I are home safe (albeit, a few near misses with some suicidal drunks. Damn, we were almost side-swiped three times on my motorcycle).

About your previous reply? No, I haven't indulged in the wonderful world of anime - yet.

But I do have many friends that - if I let them - will school me for hours about their favorite characters and corresponding "living" worlds/philosophical analogies to the real world.

Honestly, I'm without a clue what that means.

But I will surely read that "Must Read" link you sent me and send you feedback ASAP (probably no later than tomorrow morning; but please don't hold me to that).

No bullsh*t and no hidden agendas, "I got a good feeling about you. You really seem genuine."

Please, let's stay connected, ok?

Namaste, my friend.



I am still very new to Steemit. But it's Steemians like you that is making my stay (so far) a real blast!

Thanks for the complements. Good to know you two are safe.
The community is what made me stick with steemit. I wasn't even interested in writing anything. I just wanted to hang around and eventually I felt like why not just put out few articles and make a few bucks. I mean it's not like I'm going to find a better community of this size anywhere else.

The No bullsh*t and no hidden agendas part can actually make me come across really harsh, inflexible, uncompromising and uncontrollable at times. If you stand up for something you should always be willing to give 100% to it.

Good Night!

Damn, I was fixin' to shut off my rig. Then I caught a glimpse at your reply.

Wow. You are fast on the trigger, amigo!

And...Oh yeah!

Cool. Very cool. Kindred spirits to say the least.

I have have never, ever, ever been accused of harboring a delicate conscience.

But, as much as I would like to keep chattin', the Sandman is kickin' my ass big time, buddy.

Got'ta go comatose for awhile.

Good night to you also.



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