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RE: What is Eobot?

very interesting.
would love to know if you can switch between currencies or have to stick to one ? and if there is a science or beneit to it if there is a switch off.

how long have you been using the platform?

definitely looks like an interesting project ! I look forward to reading more about it.

im also in the blockchain space - but hardware and built environment engineering. my organization, rLoop, actually formed from a bunch of Reddit strangers 3 years ago to work on building technology for the hyperloop (hence the name rLoop) and now we're a community of over 1,200 - its been an incredible journey!

if you're interested in reading about it - you can find it here:


Hello itinerantartist.

If you can actually change coins for mining, in fact you have a version of diversification and if you withdraw your money you are charged a minimum withdrawal tax for the mining service, I have been with the platform for about 2 years and I do not have any complaints. regulations that have been made in China because I harm the market as you already know, the advantage of eobot is that it has already a long time in the mining and you can pay to increase the mining time I just posted a mini guide so you can use it I just etsoy discovering this world but the truth I like very much the diversification that has blockchain and its different ways of uses.

sounds like an interesting platform for sure! ive been on a time-out since of the crash but once things settle down i might start looking into other opportunities again. thanks for sharing!

whenever you want here I am at your disposal for any comment or talk about a topic

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