Steve Wozniak : #Bitcoin and #Blockchain will #achieve full #potential in a decade
The #Woz has spoken. Stop looking for quick #results in a marathon event. #Blame the #market for giving noobs quick gratifying results in a #year or a couple months. The #reality is that doesn’t happen often, thousands of percentage gainers every other month was the best and worst thing many of you #noob and non #experienced #traders but now #overnight #experts will go through. Because unfortunately like many real #traders know the #market runs in #cycles and #adapting to market conditions is something that every great #pro #consistent trader knows. Many say there is no #forecasting what’s next and that is the wrong #approach in #trading. #react & #flow with what the market gives you don’t try and force your hypothesis on the #market. I will be doing a special bday #subscription #discount for my chat room. DM or just click the link in my bio and email me.”IG
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