On.Live: Online Broadcasting at Your terms!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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Now that online broadcasting is here and becoming increasingly solid at each passing day, we cannot help but wonder how we survived without it. From the times when there were no computers and internet, to the present day in which an average man can afford to own a computer and internet access, a lot has existed in-between and certain challenges have arisen; some with solutions, others still not yet solved.

The progression of technology over time, from the 1900s, till this present day has been a wow experience. I read as a child about how archaic things were back then, when the only phones that existed were dial-up land-lines; when the first computer was so large, it couldn't be carried around, when the introduction of internet seemed futile, and it took ages to open a single page, the list is endless; however, look at this present day, even a toddler picks up a phone and navigates smoothly like hot knife through butter, the computer has become so small and data connection is almost the lightening quick.

Today, the advent of blockchain technology still leaves a lot of us in awe, and with this stride, there's almost nothing we can't do. The concept is applied widely and it's definitely the future of everything that makes sense.

We definitely have come a long way you'll agree, so I'll congratulate you for being a part of this. You know what's more interesting? There's more to come, so stick around.


Despite the gargantuan strides, the almost impeccable success rate and the brighter future that lies ahead, there still exists a complete misunderstanding, and that is the distinction between On-demand streaming and Live streaming, with the later occasionally being used wrongly. To enable the reader understand better what's on offer and the efficacy of the service to be discussed herein, I'll divulge a bit to give an insight.

When content is pre-recorded, and stored up in a location where the viewer can go to at his convenience and stream, it is referred to as On-demand streaming as with the case with popular streaming sites like YouTube and Netflix, amongst others; whereas, when it's coming to the viewer at the same time when it's being filmed, straight up from the camera or microphone, then it's Live streaming.

There exists a difference from the technical point of view which is properly elucidated thus;

As far as the “streaming” portion of the process is concerned, live and on-demand streaming are similar from the viewer’s perspective. They are quite different in technical and procedural details from the standpoint of the producer or broadcaster, though. The main difference from a technical end is the use of temporary storage for the material in progressive streaming or on-demand streaming. This is where a file is partially downloaded, stored to memory, and played while the next portion of the file is downloading. True streaming or live streaming doesn’t employ partial memory capture. It streams directly from the source to the user via a computer processor that finalizes the broadcast.

Culled from here


Away from the diversion, and back to the stumbling blocks that have threatened to pull online broadcasting to the ground. Top of the list is the inability of content creators to effectively regain monetary value for good work put in. Truth be told that, nothing kills one's moral much more than putting in effort without commensurate reward, and there's a popular cliché that,

time is money

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Content creators have struggled, spent so much on data connection, most without success, and it's been a clear definition of working like a horse, and eating like a rat. The single revenue model afforded by popular platforms keeps us within shells, and prevents full maximization of potentials. Disheartening isn't it?

In addition, as a consumer or subscriber, nothing fits the bill more perfectly as being able to pay for a service, and be billed based on your usage, i.e., pay-as-you-use.

How can I be charged for what I didn't use?

We get a lot of these complains in this part of the world, and as a matter of fact, my neighbor Kennedy just complained about this issue an hour ago. Therefore, he'll be my first case study.

Kennedy's Ordeal

Kennedy my handsome neighbor recently enrolled for an online program, to obtain a higher degree in Public Health. He subscribed to a platform (not mentioned for professional reasons) in order to enable himself attend online classes and rates were agreed upon. The rates were high, but being focused on the goal at hand, Kennedy didn't mind.

Fast forward two and a half months after, while he fulfills his own part of the bargain, he doesn't get requisite value, because he pays beforehand. If he had a PAYU option, he wouldn't mind even if he didn't attend the classes.

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By the way, he went bed quite angry, so tomorrow I'll present him the finish line of his troubles, On.Live.

Many other challenges exist, most of which you may have faced, depending on your locality; but is it my aim to cry over spilled milk? No!!

What is On.Live

On.Live is an already completed solid project that's here to change the way we view life totally. From changing the world of live broadcast, to totally revolutionalizing the live services market, On.Live is the next big advancement the world had long awaited.

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According to the team,

The On.Live platform will completely change the way video broadcasts as well as remote consultation markets operate. The potential for scalability is unlimited utilizing the power of blockchain technology. Using P2P networking any user with computing power and an internet connection can contribute to the platform. A smart incentivization system ensures that the contributors are properly rewarded, driving the decentralized economy forward with ONL tokens.

So consider this;

May is a student of the University of Southern California, she happens to be on an internship training for the next 6 months; however, she has a challenge, and that's the fact that more often than not, she may be idle, because her training goes for just 6 hours daily; 8am-2pm. She has thought about what she could do to make an extra income, so she could save funds for her project preparations, which comes right after the internship.

She has a laptop with good processing speed, and quality connectivity, so what would you suggest she does?

Your guess is as good as mine, On.Live affords May an opportunity of a lifetime, to earn the extra cash she craves. All she needs to do is, register on the platform, contribute effectively as need be; there already exists a structure that'll ensure May gets paid for contributing. Now does that project she's preparing for look viable? You be the judge!

If you think it ends there, then I'm sorry cos we just got started. The team also has this to say about live services;

The marketplace gives service providers the ability to sell their services to anyone who needs them. It enables scheduling of live broadcasts, broadcasting in HD quality in real time, convenient billing, chat and dedicated offers, as well as ONL tokens payments.

Let's read a brief about me:

My name is Samuel, I am a certified fitness trainer. I have basic qualifications in my field, and extra certifications to boost my profile. I have just one challenge, I have not been able to get adequate monetary value for my skill. Recently, I got a job as a trainer at a local gym in my hood, however, the pay I get isn't commensurate with the effort I put in.

I realised my employers make much of the funds, while I do most of the work. Bills need to be paid, so I need help.

I came across On.Live, where I have complete control of how my income would be made, because the platform has my welfare already sorted. No middlemen, no extra charges, and clear as broad daylight.

Luckily for me, Ashley has been looking for an online fitness trainer, in which they could have live sessions in HD, on a pay-per-view system. We both connect, and agree on pricing, and the rest becomes history.

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I am happy I can monetise my skills; Ashley gets what she wants and is never billed above board, so she is happy too.


This platform is built on a powerful business to business and business to consumer technology which changes the whole complexion of the game.

Thanks to the decentralised marketplace of Transcoding and Relay Nodes services, all network users have the possibility of making money by utilising their computing power for relay and transcoding operations. OnLive transactions protocol inducted into livestreams opens the possibility of confirming transactions when transmitting video streams.

On this platform, everyone benefits as the industry by offering time transactions, convenient settlements, encryption in transmissions, complete logging and event guarantees.

The world of online broadcasting is scheduled for a revolution that's upon us already, and On.Live is the key.

Compared to other projects who are raising early stage funds in order to realize their ambitions. On.Live is already establishing itself in numerous markets such as Japan, China, US, UK, Russia, Brazil, Korea and Spain.

If you'll like a video for more info, please click the link On.Live Youtube

The Team

The team is well experience and led by Chris Rybka-Founder, Anna Rybka- Co-founder, and Daniel Bayer- CEO. Together, they have put up a strong team with massive experience to make On.Live a force to reckon with.

ICO Date####

Start Date: March 11th 2018

Day 1-11: +20%
Day 11-22: +11%
End Date: April 11th 2018

So come aboard!!

For More Information

Link to contest


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