5 Things America Must Thwart In The Next Few Years Or China Will Be A Hegemonic Power | How They Relate To Crypto Currency


This is according to Steve Bannon (who I am not a fan of) in a recent article in Breitbart (who I am a fan of. RIP Andrew).

If you are like me you had to google the definition of "Hegemony"


leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

Well that doesn't sound good does it?

Here are the 5 points from the article.

  • #1 The rollout of fifth generation mobile technology — known as “5G.”

  • #2 The expansion of the One Belt One Road Initiative — a transport system to go through central Asia and connect China to the Middle East.

  • #3 Plan 2025 — 10 industries the Chinese have aimed to dominate by 2025. Bannon described the Chinese as “way ahead.” Bannon said three of those are silicon chips, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

  • #4 Conversion of all oil transactions into Chinese currency, which he said will end America as a reserve currency and force the U.S. to start paying off the 20 trillion debt.

  • #5 Financial technology. Bannon said the true piece of leverage with North Korea is the ability to decouple countries from the world’s financial system, sanction companies, and shut banks off from capital markets. He predicted that in 5-10 years that ability is gone.

#1 is not too unsettling. Most of our smart phones and related technology is made in China already. So no surprise there.

#2 relates to #4 but I'll get to that in a minute.

#3 Did you catch that? "silicon chips, robotics, and artificial intelligence" Oh crap. This is getting serious. Curious there is no mention of blockchain tech in the article anywhere. But anyone paying attention to the crypto space knows that the Chinese government is well aware of cryptos. And when you throw AI into the mix its not looking to good for the USofA. And why are almost all of the major cryptocurrency developments OUTSIDE of the US?

#4 the Petro Dollar. The US is 21 TRILLION dollars in debt. A significant portion of that to the Chinese. Anyone with half a brain knows that China has been planning this for years. They crash the Petro Dollar and replace it with another global currency is bad news for Americans. Not our elites because they have already made millions off our unsuspecting/distracted populace. But the "One Belt One Road Initiative" is significant. And plays right into the collapse of the Petro Dollar scheme. They need oil. They need to control/regulate it. They need to finance it. And they need to transport it.

#5 FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY!!! Hello! Cryptos and blockchain technology! This could absolutely do exactly what the Chinese Government wants. While the American Government is making it increasingly hard to move into the crypto space. The Chinese Government is tightening its own grip for more nefarious reasons. Decouple countries? Not bad actually. Sanction companies? Yikes. Probably not good. Shut banks off from capital markets? The People's Republic Of China does not have any good intentions in store with that scenario.

Basically Global Domination.

Blockchain if used for evil could facilitate all of this faster and more efficiently.

  • Crypto peer to peer decentralization = good
  • Socialist Government Controlled Blockchain Global Petro Currency = bad

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments and read the article on Breitbart.

Peace, HM

*image pulled from google images


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