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RE: The Slaughter Continues

It is, and I'm not an expert, and I don't even feel like a novice. It stands to reason, though, that there would be some upward pressure at some point, the place where you just can't really expect it to fall anymore, and maybe we've finally reached that. But each time I've thought that, it's broken through a new ten cent range. So, who knows.

STEEM is at $0.96 and SBD is back over the $1.00, so things are still more or less holding rather than freefalling. Still a lot of daylight, though.


I have no clue where it's going at this point. I'm just watching it and trying to make sense of it all. Still wishing that I had some extra cash lying around that I could put into getting a bigger stake. I'll just keep making posts and see what happens.

Seems like your extra cash has been going to a silver stack instead. Which means you would need extra, extra cash to get where you want to be with STEEM. Extra extra cash or extra cash 2 is harder to come by, and may not be worth the time and effort needed it to acquire it.

Consult your physician if you believe extra cash 2 is right for you.

Okay, you probably don't need to consult your doctor on this one.

You are correct! I would need extra, extra cash. Although, I would probably just upgrade to buying the silver that I've been wanting, but haven't quite reached those levels yet (the 10 ounce bars). So really I would need extra, extra, extra cash. I just need a lot of money to buy all the (literally) shiny things that I want. :D

whew! I'm dizzy over this thread, @themanwithnoname & @glenalbrethsen!
So does that mean that the extra extra extra cash is extra cash 3 or extra cash 2x2? It's so confusing... ;-)

Hey, @bananamemos.

What I'm getting out of all of this is the more extra cash @themanwithnoname has, the more silver he's stacking. :) That said, STEEM is now at $0.78, so maybe the quarters (non-silver, of course) in this couch would be enough for some STEEM.

ooh, good idea, @glenalbrethsen. Let me go check under the couch cushions... :-D

The prices are really low. I am definitely considering getting some, but it's still a matter of getting the cashola. ;)

That's where the coins in the couch come in. Or did those already get spent on the silver? :)

Well, our priorities are our priorities, and personally, I can't blame you at all for stacking instead of steeming (is that the term for buying steem?). Silver's been around for millennia and has always held some value. Blockchains have been around for about a decade, and we're still trying to figure out what they, and the stuff on them, are ultimately worth.

With silver, you can hold it in your hand, put it in your pocket and take it around with you and flip it in the air. STEEM you can't do that with.

So, there you go. :)

I don't have change in my couch. I don't keep it in my pockets, so it doesn't get a chance to fall between the cushions.

I think that Steem has a lot more potential to increase in price, but I don't really know. It could fall to nothing. On the other hand, silver probably won't go to $100 any time soon, but it has some applications and uses so I feel like it might hold value better.

I do like flipping my coin in the air! :D

I was envisioning it as 3xCash, but that's just me. I don't want to be greedy. Although, "extra cash 2x2" sounds good!

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