SCAM ALERT! Profitable Morrows Ponzi Scheme - Another Bitconnect-Like Scam - DO NOT INVEST

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Profitable Morrows SCAM

I was checking the price of Steem and SBD today when I noticed an ad at the top of the screen. The ad showed that they offer a return of 4.5% PER DAY!

The recent collapse of Bitconnect should warn anyone that a return like that is impossible, and Bitconnect was only stating that you COULD get up to 1% per day.

I know that a lot of people check and might see the ad - here is a warning to anyone thinking about giving this operation any money.

Profitable Morrows Ad.png

Let's check out the site and see if there is any possible way they are what they say they are.

Address and name


Let's check out that address, eh?

Virtual office.png


Check out the services provided - Address, mail, a receptionist that answers in your company name all in a convenient month-by-month contract (so you can vanish with all the cash whenever you want).


Ok, guys, there is NO REASON a business that can make a return of 153% in 34 business days can't afford a private office building. The compounding return at that rate is INSANE!

The Company says it is registered in Australia - I can find no official record. I did find a listing for them at a website called

Business ASIC.png

However, when I run the name or the ACN number in the official Australian Business Register website there is no record for either.




Well, I tried a reverse image search and could not find the pic of this guy used anywhere else besides Profitable Morrow or someone shilling the site. However, I could find no history of an Aaron Cooper that is of anyone that looks like this image. With the returns he is supposedly producing, you would think he has some history. Probably a made up name and random image of a white guy to project an air of legitimacy to those who don't research their investments.



At the bottom of the page are some testimonials, all with professional photography headshots. Hello Shelby Hamilton - or are you called Jonathan Simpson?


Yes, all the testimonial pics are reverse image linked to yet ANOTHER SCAM offering 2-5% interest PER DAY - Kingsmarque. RED FLAGS people - I am guessing whoever is behind Profitable Morrows is also behind Kingsmarque. Why not go full hog, run two scams at once, and get as much money as you can before you disappear?

Affiliate Program

Profitable Morrows offers an affiliate program that gives the referrer 15% of whatever the person they refer gives to them. Think to yourself, why would anything that can legitimately produce a daily return of 4.5% need an affiliate program? If it was real and not a scam they would have the world banging down the door to get in!


It even goes further than that, as it is also a pyramid scheme too as it goes three-deep. So for every $100 that a new entrant provides to the company, they pay the affiliate referral fee of 15%. That leaves $85. They have to turn that $85 into $153 of profit just to pay the promised rate of return of 4.5% per day. Let alone have anything left for the as profit if they were legitimate.

Promotional Video

This video says nothing about how they make money. They use a lot of investment and financial words to seem fancy, but it all means nothing. You know why? Because they are a scam and the money is coming from new signups. Do not fall for this obvious scam, you will be sorry

The Math Is Off


Yes, 4.5% per day for 34 days is 153%. But that also means you get your initial investment back. So you pay in $100, get $153 in total profit after 34 days, AND get your initial investment back - otherwise that isn't 4.5% per day, it is 1.56% per day. Are they lying about their scam rates too and hoping no one does simple math?


This is from their 'About Us' page:

Profitable Morrows PTY LTD is a private investment and wealth management company that welcomes individuals and groups from around the world to participate on an international level. Services provided by our company not only provide lucrative returns on investments, but also encompass the highest levels of account privacy, online security, and customer service dedication. Our financial portfolio is backed by an active pool of profits realized from a strategic assortment of high-yield assets located in key positions throughout the world.

Profitable Morrows PTY LTD is officially registered in Australia, which gives our investment company strategic advantages in the form of flexibility, transaction speed, and limited regulation. Our company’s primary strategy is to minimize its risk position by investing exclusively in businesses that operate in the world’s biggest and most lucrative industries. At the same time, by upholding a constant state of alertness, we are able to detect, interpret, and leverage even the smallest meaningful market events.

Profitable Morrows is well-grounded and intends to stay that way. We grow our business through competitive business practices in the field of investment and fund management while doing whatever it takes to cultivate trust and transparency in our customer relationships, even during difficult times.

Again, nothing of substance. Just a bunch of fancy words meant to impress the naive.

I'm calling it. I am staking my reputation on it. Profitable Morrows IS A SCAM! So is Kingsmarque while we are at it.

Once the new investor stream dries up the company will not be able to use that new money to pay the current investors. It will collapse, that is guaranteed.

Often a strategy that a scam like this uses is to let someone get a great return with their initial 'test' amount. When they see that it 'all works', they put a large chunk it. They tell their friends and family about this amazing opportunity, getting even more hooked into the scam.

Then, later, when the investor logs in one day to find their account has been frozen and they need to provide documents to confirm that they are the person they say they are.

The company can play around with that, saying that this document or that one is not enough or not valid and they need another one. Or that they are swamped and they will process the paperwork as soon as they can. Anything that can drag the time out until the collapse.

Then that 'investor' is fully bamboozled and has lost everything.

DO NOT GIVE ANY MONEY TO THESE SCAMS! You have been warned, spread the word.

Plus their tagline of "Face Your Morrows Without Sorrows" is super lame.

Bonus Math

Here is the math after 5 cycles of reinvestment - starting with $100 and getting a 4.5% daily interest rate.

1: 100 + 153
2: 253 + 387.09 = 640.09
3: 640.09 + 979.34 = 1619.43
4: 1619.43 + 2477.58 = 4097.01
5: 4097.01 + 6268.43 = 10365.44

You would turn $100 into $10,365.44 in just 170 business days - there is NO WAY that can happen with any sort of guarantee.

Don't be greedy. You will end up with nothing.


I've seen this ad several times. Oh no.. I didn't know it's this malicious.
How come the CEO Aaron Cooper is not investigated and prosecuted. Operating with no address and making insane profits.. What the heck is going on.
Many people must have fallen for it in the hope of making these insane returns.
Thanks for this update @getonthetrain. Let's forward and spread this message using all social media platforms before many more are affected.

Yeah, you know that the ad on a site like coinmarketcap will get A LOT of eyes on it - hopefully some Steemians search here for info on it and see this post.

How about you just invest in STEEM as the momentum is growing faster and faster. In the future I think sub $5 price will appear to be an extreme bargain.

True steem is threatening to hit an all time high. An investment will bring much more gains which are genuine.

Damn it. Had they put so much efforts in making something fruitful it would have really paid off. Just imagine the amount of resources wasted to support a scam. If we put together the amount of resources put in scams across the world we will probably have a better tomorrow.
I doubt if people even knew that they were working for a such a project. Or possibly working just for money.

Based off the Youtube comments from videos of people shilling this scam, there are a lot of people putting money in.

Hey mate, your blog was recommended to me by a friend and he's certainly right, your content is awesome!

I love the way you go into so much depth when analyzing the company haha you'd be an expert investigator.

Reminds me of a job I was applying for once and I did some digging on the guy... Turns out he'd been the CEO of 8 different companies in the past 5 years, and their financial record was... wait for it... well... nothing haha there wasn't one XD

The ad showed that they offer a return of 4.5% PER DAY!

Blimey, people who fall for these kind of things I just can't comprehend it.

Well, good for you for spreading the word man, the more people that speak out about these ponzi's the less they can scam people.

Given you a follow :)

Thanks so much for the kind words and the follow.

Haha, what was the job for? Did you ever talk to the guy?

No worries man, thanks for the up-vote on my post too, I really appreciate it!

Lol the job was to work as a "Cryptocurrency Investor", from the job description I think he wanted someone to legit inform him of the latest hot alts and ICO's hahahah...

We exchanged a few emails but it never came to anything. I'm not that experienced within the crypto space so I wasn't really qualified.

Thought I'd give it a shot just cause why not :)

Oh yeah, I try to remember to check out what my commentors are blogging about and throw them an upvote if they are doing good work.

Commentors are kinda my "to do" list when I have some free moments.

Your friends have good taste xD

That is real a scam
surch companies be in buseness for just 4 weaks and they go after correcting the money from people
Thats for helping us thanks

No problem, @battebilly. These scammers need to get their punishment as they are hurting the whole cryptocurrency community by acting badly.

Ys they need to punished
They use the adivantage of our not knowing and correct alot of money.

Wow @getonthetrain that is some crazy sh@t. The sad thing is there will be a slew of people who fall for this scam. I mean 4.5 %... per day.

But I do have an explanation about the same headshots with two different names. That is Jonathan Simpson's actual headshot. But he then got a sex change with reassignment surgery and changed his name to Shelby. And shortly thereafter got married to a Jack Simpson. Now he is Shelby Simpson. He just accidently uploaded his old picture with his old self at pre- reassignment surgery. And it was too late to change as the Ad agency ran it with those two same photos 😜 😊

Seriously though ,thankse the heads up !

P.S. l really appreciate the way you do these thorough exposes here on Steemit concerning some dubious and shady entities ( Tether comes to mind as well)

Haha, well what a journey Jonathan... I mean Shelby had.

@getonthetrain always grateful for the heads UP on SCAM Programs. Thank You..........

Hey @stokjockey, I know you wouldn't fall for this but best to have the scam info out there for those who might google about this 'company'

Their website does not have any moral value or solid backing that proves its authenticity. This is purely working on ponzi scheme phenomenon.Do not fall into their lucrative trap and do not think that their offer is possible because of increasing price of bitcoin :D short and simple :D thanks for the share @getonthetrain

Hey, I could dig deeper - but why waste my time as the scam is so obvious

Haha true. It is a scam, get on the train and run :D

It is obviously a fraud, every part of it says it, you have to be quite unprepared to fall for it, it's like the old Internet ads "you've won 1 million dollars, click here to claim it", although obviously those ads were much more innocent in comparison.

I won't be able to stop the really stupid people but I could maybe stop the ones that take at least a moment to search out this company people they drop their money on it.

Thank you for taking the time to warn us.

Thanks for sharing this.
Unfortunately the urge of people for "getting rich quick" will continue to fuel these type of Ponzi schemes.

I actually would not be surprised if someone who invested in Bitconnect and got burned would decide to invest in something related in the future.

"Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, shame on me"

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