Your fastest, safest and most effective cryptocurrency payments, welcome to GRAFT

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

The new era in technology and economic possibilities is already here, so it is necessary to go along with that progressing wave, because the world economy is changing, and we all know that already.

That is why, in the search for new alternatives and payment options, questions arise, because with the emergence of the crypto currency many alternatives are born, but the question is how to take advantage of this for the day to day?

The GRAFT team, taking into account this question, took the reins to create a system based on the blockchain which has a definitive idea and that would change the way to use the cryptomoneda completely, expanding its scope much more than it currently has.

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GRAFT is an open source, open platform, non-for-profit, community project which implemented a project that allows a great solution for the situation that involves the use of the cryptocurrency for normal sale purposes and that is currently very difficult to do because there is no appropriate system that allows transactions of this kind until now!

The team that we are about to present to you in a list below (i'll introduce them right now so they do not say later, that we do not present them properly)


They set out the idea of creating a system of currency exchange applications, which will work by means of a device that It resembles the devices that are normally used for the standard money transactions, but only using the power of the cryptos.

Here's a video of the main plot

However it is important to know how the economy works first, before delving a little deeper into this topic and this great plan.


Currently, the economy is governed by transactions that are mostly centralized, arranged and limited to the local currency of each country and governed by a general banking system that has its own exchange devices, such as points of sale and systems that they are created by means of the banks ordered in each case.

And now, we are going to select a series of "disadvantages" that this current economy system offers:


  • The centralization of the currency exchange system means that the transaction process is limited to a single point, and to a single currency (few exceptions), but this is what creates barriers when wanting to acquire a specific service or product, which is not within a range limit of established territory, so many operations never come to fruition.

  • The cost of the percentages for each transaction requested by credit card systems or by a specific bank, which represents perhaps a not very high value, but which in the long term becomes an "extra" expense that can reach be a problem because if a person organizes their income in a certain way without taking that into account, and makes many transactions in one or another account that requires that transaction fee, in the end you can accumulate an unwanted extra at all the usage of your credits; not good.

  • Not having the ability to use cryptocurrencies directly, which creates a situation that for people who own this currency can become uncomfortable, since the time they require to make the change from the crypto in question to the local currency they need It can take a lot of more of waiting, that sometimes it may not be possible to afford, so this can also impede the flow of many business processes and purchases / sales in general.

Pointing to these disadvantages, is how we can then define the work that the GRAFT team does, since they built a platform capable of fixing all those situations through the blockchain system, built under its long finished ICO, and created its MainNet functioning.


From apps directly to your phone!!!
With GRAFT CryptoFind and GRAFT Mobile Wallet

No matter if you are an Android Wallet user or an IOS Wallet user, there is an alternative for you for get your wallet on, and if you want the cryptofind app its the same here! GRAFT CryptoFind for iOS
GRAFT CryptoFind for Android


Yes, as simple as it seems, although it was not easy for them, the GRAFT team created a system that works from your mobile device to make transactions from your mobile phone and using the payment method of your favorite cryptomoney, in a moment!

All this works through the POS machines that already have several stores, however the current system and its methods are not enough for the transactions to unfold entirely well through these machines, however the GRAFT solution promises to change that.

Here I show you a video that explains the main fundamentals of the app and a brief description about what GRAFT does and how it is implemented within the CryptoFind function:


There are a number of great benefits to be seen with the implementation of this system and that is projected with increasing force in the future, and now we are going to point out some of the things, which are also expressed very clearly in this image

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We are going to do the things simple here, and step by step, don't you think it's better?


  • Implementation of a system that expands the range of currencies with which you can make purchases and sales of products and services.

  • Reduction of the time required to make certain transactions, especially in terms of cryptocurrencies that is concerned, since the time used to approve and verify transactions from the blockchain will be reduced exponentially by the apps determined for it.

  • A much lower cost of the payment method called "transaction taxes" (being almost half of what a credit card transaction requires in any transaction using the GRAFT payment system, the RTA that we will talk about later.)

Here is a table that shows us how the general ecosystem of GRAFTnetwork works


The Payment Terminals

One of the implementation systems offered by GRAFT to benefit users of cryptocurrencies is the use of Payment Terminals, which together with the mobile app, create a change system that is perfect for making transfers without the need to have wait a long time or have to use the required currency in the place where the user is wihout any limitations.

It is then where implementing this system becomes important, because it is very easy to use and does not provide a difficulty in this case to the seller, due to having to learn processes and a series of steps that are often not ready or do not have time to learn, so it becomes a very important tool for both the buyer, the seller and that product or service that initially did not have the option to be bought by traditional methods, now it does!

Here are a couple of videos that explain how the integrated terminals and the app work, and in a matter of seconds we have a complete and successful transaction!

Verifone Terminal Integration

Ingenico Terminal Integration

All this has as its main foundation to make an evolution in the system of changes and transactions, giving a wider margin of payment alternatives and setting even more the power that is being acquired by the cryptomoney system within the world economic system.

But what other function does GRAFT offer us?


The Real Time Authorizations

All the operation we have been talking about has a name, and that is the RTA (Real Time Authorization).

The system that, as the name implies, allows transactions to be made in real time, and has a totally secure operation established in its blockchain base, which allows the buyer to make the payment in the currency of his preference, and also the seller to receive the payment. value in the currency of his choice, making this the perfect procedure to undertake various types of business, and multiplying by many the opportunities for exchanges in general.

RTA will work by implementing a two layer network with supernodes (randomly selected based on stake tiers) confirming and validating transactions and exchanges in real time.

And we also talked a little about the value that each transaction costs: for RTA based GRAFT transactions, the fee is a constant 0.5% across all volumes, plus 0.25% to 0.75% for SLA & services.

This is practically half or even less than what a normal credit card transaction requires, so in the end it ends up being an almost impossible benefit to ignore and that is worth implementing and testing.

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Let's put ourselves in context here:

As a buyer: imagine that you have MONTHS looking for that product you want so much, that you long for, for which you have asked and asked for references, and between one thing and another you have been collecting your money, which for reasons of destiny you have been acquiring in cryptocurrency way and you have been saving for a while back, with effort and dedication.

The day comes when, either by chance or through many references that friends and acquaintances gave you, you find that store that you were waiting for, that has that product that you expected even more, the miracle finally happened!

however, you see the price, and it turns out to be very expensive at the price of the local currency!

Sadness and frustration because you've been looking for that product for a long time, but you do not have enough money to buy it ... or at least not in the currency they ask for, but in the value of cryptocurrencies, the one you were saving!

But now what?

If we talked about a usual situation, the buyer would now have to resort to doing all the necessary paperwork to obtain the foreign currency he needs making the change from the cryptomoneda he was saving, however this is not an automatic process but it can last between hours and days, depending on the currency in question, and this can sometimes prevent you from finishing buying the product either because someone else bought it or changed its value, etc.


And a happy ending!


In the case of the seller, it would be a perfect opportunity for expansion that would not only allow acquiring new clients, but also new business and investment opportunities that would only expand that business that has invested so much time and money among other things.

It would be a perfect opportunity to show that your business moves with the new trends and adapts to global economic change, and what better than participating and interacting with these payment methods that can bring so many benefits!

That seller who had a product that was quite expensive and could not sell for its high value, but with the implementation system of GRAFT and its integration terminal can only add benefits for their business plan and also, thus reducing their overall costs by Each transaction, which happens in the case of the buyer, but also benefits the entrepreneur, making you can even create offers and discounts using this great method.

Small investments, which can make a big difference, and that having the freedom to operate freely, create infinite business opportunities of all kinds, that is the master plan of GRAFT and go that is making it a reality!


And we have not talked about one of the coolest things GRAFT offers that is the fact of winning by creating transactions!


Use Case

And is that through P2P platforms all this great idea of earning more to use this payment method, can be realized!

as our group of GRAFT says:

Imagine a world where cryptocurrencies are at every point of sale. You accumulate cryptocurrency through work, playing games, exercising and other crypto-related activities. You are able to easily use these earnings to buy goods as well as services. Things like foreign transaction fees are a forgotten concept.

And yeah, just as you see it, with simple activities, you end up earning more and more currencies, so it sounds like a very good plan, don't you think?

Here is a video that expresses in large part, the feeling of using GRAFT (LOL)


In a world that is constantly advancing with new trends and ways of doing things, it is necessary to implement systems that allow for comfort and that in turn allow us to keep pace with this great current called in various ways, but which can be technology, modernity, or simply changes.

It is when these kinds of things happen, that the human being must then adapt and look for the best ways to survive and keep the rhythm, since otherwise he would only be left behind in a loop that does not sound very pleasant at all and that does not would help the individual as such to "evolve"

GRAFT and its initiative, presents an example of what it means and benefits to achieve that progress, that ease and that wide range of changes and options that arise from your project, and that it will simply become a trend and even become a indispensable system for each business that wants to prosper in the not too distant future, given that the current economy is increasingly going down and the digital economy is on the rise.

Let's move forward, and take steps towards the future, with GRAFT you can start doing it!

Another useful info

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And last but not least at all


And that was finally my entry for the @originalworks contest



@contestbot can you submit here, please? i'll be gratefull

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