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RE: Updated Steem Price Analysis: Steem tops the $1 mark.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Well we done the 1$ mark, but lost it again :) But lets enjoy the ride that seems to be kind of a rollercoaster. But that is FUN and we all LOVE that! These usually have the longest queues in entertainment parks :)


Yea I noticed that as well. That $1 mark is also right at the 200 MA. I would expect to see some resistance here for a couple days before we blow past it and leave it in the dust :)

Blow Past It and In The Dust - Super! I get my race helmet out and try to squeeze my head in to protect from all the pieces other coins will leave behind.

Haha man I hope so!

Lets get ourselves prepared at least... Then Who Knows... Maybe a fortune teller her on Steemit can tell us?

Haha where is that steemoracle guy? I can't remember his exact name but it was something like that... I bet he could tell us what the future holds :)

On some suggests to get into some coins in the next 24hrs... Just left a message for suggestions... Maybe Steem is part of it!! :) ut what about some other HYPE coin, earn lots with that and THEN buy all Steem with the results. That will then rocket launch Steem.

Haha perhaps. For me personally I won't be touching too many other coins. I found my bread and butter here. Don't want to lose on others and miss out what I have here. But, that is just me :)

Thats is the risk but also the opportunity. Some coins gets pumped with 50/100% in no time, sometimes with 20% in matter of minutes. I follow the super short trading method, ie in a trade for minutes, ride the smallest upward waves. So far so good, mostly some plusses....even when the coins go the other way, then buy more and wait until the hit breakeven or above. But cost a lot of time, but de-risks the trading, from some educated guesses instead of pure gambling.

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