in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

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Is this year a game-changer?

Many in the crypto community hope it will be. I must admit, I am falling into that camp as well. There was a recent ripple email (say what you want to about ripple, the team behind it are good at communication) that noted their belief that the total crypto market capitalisation would exceed USD $1Trillion by years's end.

And the rest. Does anyone (who is part of the community at least) not believe that the year will close considerably higher than that? For Ripple to say it, you would have to imagine that this figure would be on the conservative side of their estimates.

I'm not a financial advisor, but the thing is, buying crypto is more than simple investments.

It's more than complex investments.

It's a new kind of investment.

People buying crypto are essentially buying technology, in the hope, or belief, or knowledge, that this tech will be used in the coming months and years to disrupt and improve any number of fields of human endeavour.

Crypto really is potentially that big.

It has already changed my life.

So start small, research, buy in the lows, and hold. And be prepared to loose it all.

Let's hope for a big 2018 for Steem and all our favourite coins.

Best wishes.


Photos by pixabay.com



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


Right on the money with your point! This is a "different type" of investment, and we are not only banking on a coin or coins in this market, we are banking on the technology that enables it.

So many "commentators" just don't see it😂

Great post! We're also hoping for a big year! It's also changed a lot for us in the last couple months. Praise the Lord for new opportunities!

i would say crypto is going to have it's biggest year yet. but it will only get bigger and bigge. start thinking long term. 3, 5, 10, 15 years.

This year will be an awesome with cypto
I'm very sure

Super excited about what this year holds for crypto. I hope the IRS comes to its senses and doesn't tax crypto-crypto trades.

Wow, we can only imagine (and hope)!

I’m hoping for a big year for Steem too. What other crypto coins do you like?

I like EOS especially. If you don't know it you should check it out :-)

Intriguing! I'll go check it out, thank you!

EOS, STEEM and Litecoin are all going have a stellar year. Those are the three main horses I'm betting on.

I think a 1 Trillion market cap is real conservative. I could see 2 Trillion by the end of 2018. But I'm just a grease monkey with computer so what do I know?

You know more than me, I bet!- but I'm glad you said steem and litecoin. -I have a little in each. And that's it.
I don't even pretend to have a clue...

You are ahead of most people just by having some skin in the game! I learned a lot by watching youtube and hanging here on steemit. Theres a wealth of knowledge out there all you have to do is grab it.

What he said!
And what @lucylin said too 😁

Steemit love. Nice to look. Thanks

Thank you very much for posting a great post in your mind

Thanks for your insights. Im still in the research stages starting out. Very exiting time to get involved.

Nice post. "new kind of investment"

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