
Well said, still holding strong here and not selling anything in the red, I was not selling in the green even.
Still waiting to see your top crypto choices, we demand a post on that!

Ok ok, I'll do that this week :)

You are truly one of my favorite bloggers on Steemit, Thank you!

Btw, do you still have some of that BTC from $1800? 🤑

Never bought any bitcoin at $1800, but bought many at 250-500 range. Sold some at 13k, 16k, and 19k but still hold 95% of my coins from Bitcoin, Eth, Litecoin, Dogecoin (a special one since it was my first investment) Nem (holding this since the ICO on NXT platform), Ripple, i need a page to finish the list i have, but will really want to see which are your favourites.

In days like today I am like, watching coinmarketcap:

I will buy some more steem, if it goes further down, regret not buying more when it was below 1 $ :)

Deep down I hope it goes back to $1 so I can buy a shitload of it.

Good advice @drakos just like the warren buffet always says “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful!”

Very insightful post Drakos. Everyone investing in cryptos need to be levelheaded and not get carried away by the wild swings of the tide. Buying low and selling high is everyones dream but i wonder if many can manage this. Hence, profit booking from time to time is off essense and success. Whatever goes up has tp come down by law of economics :-) . 2018 should be a wonderful year for cryptos and hence i am fully invested at this time. Regards Nainaz.

I love this article.
Clear and short (I've got nothing against long posts though)

My take away from the article:

"When someone is panic selling, someone else is happily buying. "

Steem on

PS: I followed you. Mind following back?

Warren Buffet says:
Be scared when others are being greedy and be greedy when others are being scared.

So what is the recipe for great profits? It's really simple: diversify your portfolio, hold the cryptos that you have studied, researched and believe in, keep stacking and HODL

I concur to the above opinion because it is the key to acquiring great profit in cryptocurrency. With proper research and hodl you can acquire 1000% to 3000% and above profits, for example buying of verge and tron like two months ago and selling at early this year explains it all.

I got into Verge a bit late, in January. But there's still a lot to profit when it goes above $1.

I'm se relax I don't care if market bloody or boy huh I know oneday market will be green I'm waiting

If this Monday was bloody,next will be best for green

In my eyes, the most important question now, is how long will BTC correction take. Good to use for finding out the answer is Elliott Wave Patterns. Please check out my href="">post I am looking forward getting traders assistance to find the match with existing corrective patterns.

Thanks for your updates, @drakos! It is always cool to read your thoughts