Alt Coins Portfolio Update and thoughts on BitCoin MovementsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

How are things going after a week?

Just 8 days ago, I decided to start Dipping My Toe Into Cryptotrading by moving some STEEM and SBD into Bittrex. I Bought BTC with my SBD through Bittrex. I also moved about USD$20 from my PayPal account through some game coin exchange to purchase BitCoin(BTC) to put into Bittrex. I didn't like the experience very much, but it did work. I might have to figure out how to get the rest of the alt-coin I have there into my Bittrex account. Anyway, the total value at the time was about USD$45.

When I looked last, it was over USD$100. Of course, that has probably changed since I looked, since BitCoin has been bouncing up and down like a Yo-Yo.

Now, I am using CoinGecko's apparently very unreliable Dashboard to show my current coins. Technically, I don't have any SmartCash, but I created a wallet (I think) and I've been given two tips that I need to cash in. SmartCash is not exchanged on Bittrex, so I am not sure what I would do with it once I have the tips into a wallet.

I first posted these in Reports are that North Korea just launched a ballistic missile, but they don't show the price I bought them at, just the price they were at after the missile launched.



For the 5 coins that I do own, I think I really want to get out of DogeCoin. This was a wasted choice. I put in a market order to sell it at a high from a couple of days ago, so hopefully that will get filled and I will use those BTC on something with more potential.


Currently, Siacoin is having a rally. I didn't see any reason for it, so I probably should look for a price target to jump out before this pump starts to turn into a dump.


It is still up after hitting a peak on Dec. 01st. Apparently there is some rumor that they are going to do a deal with Apple. They put out an image and some hints. Maybe they are going to offer the money transfers between the Apple watch? I don't know. I just wished I would have bought more of this instead of the DogeCoin.

Stellar Lumens(XLM)

It is still up from when I bought in, but it hit a peak soon after I bought it. It climbed back up near its high and has currently leveled out. It has backing from IBM, so it probably won't completely crash.

Cardano (ADA)

After I bought this, I took a 125% profit the next evening and jumped back in with twice the number of coins I had. I probably should have waited for a deeper dip and bought even more. It has come back up to close to the high, but leveled out. They have been posting a bunch on Twitter, which is more than I can say for the other coins. Cardano is the only other coin that I know of that has an ATM machine. It is in Asia and I guess they are expecting the popularity of the coin to spread. For a new coin, it is getting a lot of press an movement. I'm guessing the founders know a thing or two about marketing.

Until I can get rid of DogeCoin, I can't up my position in any of the other coins, since I don't plan on putting anymore real or STEEM money into it. Maybe if I happen upon a bunch of Steem Dollars, I might throw them up to Bittrex to get something, but I don't see that happening soon.

What's going on with BitCoin?

There are two things going on.
1 ) Regulation
2 ) War

The News for Today.

Bitcoin crackdown as UK mulls cryptocurrency regulatio

Sooner or later, cryptocurrency will be regulated, which goes against everything cryptocurrency is about. What doesn't help, is action like creating BitCoin Futures.

Bitcoin Futures Could Trigger a Lehman-Style Collapse, Billionaire Warns

Futures trading and other bad banking business is why BitCoin was created in the first place. The banks gave out bad loans and leveraged their money to the point that when it all came crashing down, they needed a bailout from already broke governments. The whole point of BitCoin was to stay away from that and now the banks are getting involved again. So, it is causing some concern and of course manipulation in the cryptocurrency world. Now that the big traders are going to be involved, you will have more and more computers and bots trading for small margins, but big profits. These USD$1,000 swings up and down may keep going on for awhile.

The Other News for Today

U.S., South Korea Begin Massive Military Exercises

Tensions are bad with North Korea and the rest of the world. The last missile launch gives the impression that North Korea could reach out to almost anywhere in the world. Not something we want to happen. Right now, South Korea and the USA are doing regular military drills. But, North Korea has said that they'll stop doing their testing is the USA stops doing these joint drills. That's not going to happen.

BitCoin going crazy in the Korean markets? Well, this could be why.

Also we have this news.

Enter the 'petro': Venezuela to launch oil-backed cryptocurrency

Failed countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela are also causing cryptocurrency runs. Zimbabwe did it the other day with its "not a coup, coup d'etat". The African exchanges when crazy and shot BitCoin up further than any other exchange. Now, Venezuela wants to get into the crypto market with an oil back coin. And actual petrol dollar. If they can get other oil producing nations to switch to the "Petro" then it would cause a massive economic change around the world.

What does the future hold?

I expected BitCoin to do a $2000 drop when it was zooming up last week. I also expect that BitCoin still will drop down below $8,000 before the year is out. It will come back up, but I expect it should have this temporary correction.

However, with the stock market continuing to hit record highs and BitCoin playing yo-yo, nothing is going as calculated.

Steem Badges

Let the positive energy sing!

More Power to the Minnows!!



Yeah I would dump Dogecoin. You can try and hold as it pumps once a blue moon, but it's just a dying meme coin. The reddit isn't any where near as active as it once was and I don't think it has any devs making any changes or developments.

Siacoin is a surprise in the jump. You may want to pay attention to competitors (Storj) and potential competitor MaidSafe (I think).

It will be interesting on Einstenium. I'm going to start buying rumors and selling on the news, because the FOMO before the news always causes a dump after.

Apparently there was an article about blockchain storage related to Google and Siacoin was mentioned in the Tweet. I think if they can get their name attached to Google, then they will jump ahead. I'm not sure if that was the reason for the pump. Again, I bought that one on the name. ;)

The reason Einstenium is going up. This is happening on the 9th.

Burn: After the FORK, approximately 55 Million coins will be burned from the future supply. There will be half a million coins less per month added to the circulating supply.

Just remember to sell before the 9th. Always sell the news ;)

EMC2 mind-blowing announcement to be made on December 19th

Burn on the 9th. Big announcement on the 19th. Some sort of contract.

Siacoin is having a hard fork soon.

Reminder: This is expected to take place around 2017-12-16. Please make sure you are running v1.3.0 which came out around July.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66703.61
ETH 3518.80
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68