
Dear culgin,
Imo the correction is still going on (as a whole); and you are right, btc has not recovered yet since the xmas correction. I would not be too sure about that. I mean, it is possible, but I believe, that for now btc will go down and maybe at the end of January up. Although many people say that btc will fall in February and start going ttm again in March. March definitely will be an interesting month for a lot of currencies.
However, right now it is way too hard to predict the next few months. Imo the whole btc community needs consensus and start improving it asap.
I like bch but I reckon it would have been better if there was not that of an impatient/hasty discussion in summer.

I am glad to hear that my friend! Thanks culgin! (:
All the best,
Gandalf The White!

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